GP Connect (Patient Facing) Prescriptions

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.

Developer terms

This guide uses a number of developer terms, details of which can be found in the NHS Digital Glossary of developer terms.


Acronym Meaning Definition
NME New Market Entrant In this context a new clinical system that allows GPs to access and update their patients. (for example, Medicus).
PFS Patient Facing Service A service which a patient/citizen can interact with (in this case, managing prescriptions).
FHIR Fast Health Interoperability Resources A standard for healthcare data exchange created to drive clinical interoperability.
APIM API Management Delivery of APIs. APIM can help provide clear documentation, accessible test environments, a simple onboarding process and good quality help and support.
GPIT-F GP IT Futures Provides clinically safe and useful digital services and data services for patients and general practice, ensuring minimal disruption to care for citizens as new tech standards or suppliers are introduced.
HSCN Health and Social Care Network Data network for health and care organisations which provides the underlying network arrangements to help integrate and transform health and social care services.
PDS Personal Demographics Service The national electronic database of NHS patient details such as name, address, date of birth and NHS Number, which includes demographic information.
PM Prescription Management This refers to the Prescription Management API this implementation guide is written for.
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