GP Connect (Patient Facing) Prescriptions

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.

View medication

Allows the patient to view their medication(s) (acute and repeat prescriptions) including current and historic. See also Starting with Medication.


Order a repeat prescription

Allows the patient to select medications from a list of active prescriptions to be ordered again. See also How to request a new prescription.


Cancel a repeat prescription order

Allows the patient to cancel an unactioned prescription order which has a status of 'requested'. Prescriptions hold this status until their practitioner has reviewed and actioned the prescription order within the practitioner system. Once the status has moved beyond 'requested' the patient is unable to cancel the order via their patient facing application and is informed to contact their practitioner directly. See also How to cancel a prescription request.


Check the status of a prescription order

Allows the patient to view the status of a prescription order, currently in scope for this is pending, approved or rejected (with rejection reason). Once the prescription order has left the practitioner system (sent on to EPS) the API will no longer receive updates to status. Scope in the future will cover any additional statuses and interactions with EPS/ Pharmacy systems.


Ordering an electronic prescription as a one off to a pharmacy other than the patient's nominated pharmacy

Allows the patient to send their prescription order to a location other than their nominated pharmacy as a one off. The use case for this would be if the patient is a distance away from their home or where the patient is aware that this prescription would be picked up outside of the normal opening hours of their nominated pharmacy.

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