- Important: This guidance is under active development by NHS England and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.
- This Implementation Guide is currently in Draft and SHOULD NOT be used for development or active implementation without express direction from the NHS England Genomics Unit.
To track a patient, identify within shared systems and maintain complete records. To apply processes applicable to deceased patient requests, patient contact and urgency purposes. Data needed to support genetic interpretation, for PLCM to locate further patient ODS codes for a given test and to link patients to potential family members and their genetic results.
Mapped to Patient resource, extensions not in UKCore are under review. Representation of Karyotypic Sex is through an Observation with code under Karyotype (cell structure) - SCTID: 734840008 or Anomaly of sex chromosome (disorder) - SCTID: 95462004 (these codes are under review). Representation of pregnancy and gestation is under discussion.
It is expected that practitioner and organization details for GPs will be referenced from Patient.generalPractitioner (e.g. using ODS/SDS identifiers) rather than be included as FHIR resources within Test Request payloads, though the full FHIR mapping has been provided below for completeness.
Patients registered with PDS (those that have an NHS number) will not have their demographics stored on the Genomic Order Management system. This is to avoid data duplication and data currency issues where PDS is considered the master patient index.
Profiling for Procedure is currently in progress
Life Status
For Life Status at time of request for Foetal records, as per PRSB guidance, this should be inferred through outcome codes attached to the Pregnancy observation.
e.g. under Observation with code 77386006, Observation.component.valueCodeableConcept (with Observation.component.code = 267013003 | Past pregnancy outcome (observable entity) |)
The component SNOMED codes SHOULD match the following list to map from foetal life statuses:
PRSB Prgnancy Outcome | GEL Foetal Life Status | SNOMED CT Pregnancy Outcome Code |
01 Live birth | N/A - not included in GEL list | 281050002 - Livebirth (finding) (or captured through Patient.extension:bornStatus) |
02 Antepartum Stillbirth | stillborn | 713202001 - Antepartum stillbirth (finding) |
03 Intrapartum Stillbirth | stillborn | 921611000000101 - Intrapartum stillbirth (finding) |
04 Stillbirth – timing unknown | stillborn | 237364002 - Stillbirth (finding) |
05 Termination of Pregnancy equal to or greater than 24 weeks | aborted | 57797005 - Induced termination of pregnancy (disorder) |
98 Other (not listed) | N/A not part of GEL life status ValueSet | potentially captured through Patient.extension:bornStatus = unknown |
N/A not mapped exactly to PRSB ValueSet | miscarriage | 17369002 - Miscarriage (disorder) |
N/A no pregnancy outcome code | unborn | N/A no pregnancy outcome code (captured through Patient.extension:bornStatus) |
Sex/Gender representations
There are currently multiple FHIR fields for representation of gender and sex related observations, the following table outlines the usage of each field/resource.
FHIR element | Usage |
Patient.extension:birthSex | The patient's sex as registered at birth, this is used to denote the phenotypic sex of the patient |
Patient.gender | The patient's gender, used for administrative purposes, some services record sex within this field, which is incorrect |
Patient.extension:genderIdentity | The gender the patient identifies with, has a larger valueset than the Patient.gender field, including trans and intersex options, may not match the administrative gender assigned to the patient |
Observation.code | Used for recording the Karyotypic sex of the patient, as determined through genetic testing, codes used SHOULD be from SNOMED CT, such as codes under 734840008 or 95462004 as examples |
Source Data item | Target FHIR Element | HL7v2.5.1 Mapping | Description |
Patient - Title | (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PID-5.5 | Patient's title. |
Patient - First name | (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PID-5.2 | Patient's first name. |
Patient - Surname | (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PID-5.1 | Patient's last name. |
Patient - Date of birth | Patient.birthDate (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PID-7 | Patient's date of birth. |
Patient - Address | Patient.address (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PID-11 | Patient's home address. |
Patient - Postcode | Patient.address.postalCode (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PID-11.5 | Patient's home postcode. |
Patient - Country | (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PID-11.6 | Patient's home country. |
Patient - Life status at time of request | Patient.deceasedBoolean (would be replaced by deceasedDateTime if date of death is known), representation of unknown implied by deceasedBoolean not being present. For Foetal records, foetal death SHOULD be recorded through the Patient.extension:bornStatus field. The type of death can be inferred through Observation components related to the mother's pregnancy observation (as in table above). (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PID-30 | Patient's alive or deceased status. |
Patient - Ethnicity | Patient.extension:EthnicCategory | PID-22 | Patient's ethnicity. Will have the option 'unknown' available. |
Patient - Sex registered at birth | Patient.extension:birthSex | PID-8 | Patient's phenotypic sex classification. The external physical characteristics of the person. Currently determined by the Dr at birth. Gender for PLCM. |
Patient - Organisation responsible for GP practice ODS code | N/A obtained through parent of GP Practice as recorded within ODS, obtained through Patient.generalPractitioner | PD1-4.14 | ODS code of organisation responsible for the GP Practice where the patient is registered. |
Patient - GP Practice ODS Code | Patient.generalPractitioner.identifier (with system matching ODS NamingSystem). (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PD1-4.14 | Patient's GP practice ODS code. |
Patient - Is from consanguinous union | Observation valueBoolean with code=160475008 (NOTE: The SNOMED CT code used is not specific to direct 1st generation ancestors of the subject, a more specific code has been requested. Until release of a SNOMED CT version with a more specific code, use of this code within Genomic Order Management SHALL be used to imply whether the subject's parents are consanguinous.) | OBX-5 with appropriate SNOMED/READ/LOINC code | The fact of biological parents being descended from the same ancestor. |
Patient - GP full name | Patient.generalPractitioner.display for general practitioner reference to practitioner (SDS identifier), not practice. (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PD1-4.2 and PD1-4.3 | Patient's GP's full name. |
Patient - NHS number | Patient.identifier:system = | PID-3 where PID-3.5=2.16.840.1.113883. | Patient NHS number. |
Patient - Local identifier | Patient.identifier:system != (local NamingSystem can be used, assigner determined through assigner field) | PID-3 where PID-3.5 = 2.16.840.1.113883. | Patient identification code such as an NHS number. |
Patient - Reason for unavailable NHS number | Patient.extension:nhsNumberUnavailableReason | N/A, could use PID-32 as surrogate | Reason for an NHS number not being provided. |
Patient - Relationship to proband | RelatedPerson.relationship (alingment to MDS valueset pending review) | NK1-3 | Relative's relationship to proband/index. |
Patient - Gender Identity | Patient.extension:patient-genderIdentity | N/A - not part of the HL7v2 standard, though PID-8 or an OBX segment could be used | Patient's stated gender. The gender by which the person is addressed. Determined by the patient. |
Patient - Date of death | Patient.deceasedDateTime. (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS TBC) | PID-29 | Patient's date/time of death. |
Patient - Chromosomal sex | Observation.code( subject=Patient, code = code under 734840008 or 95462004 as examples ) | OBX-5 with appropriate SNOMED/READ/LOINC code | Patient's genomic / karyotypic characteristics. Determined after laboratory testing. |
Patient - Pregnancy gestation period | Observation.component.valueDuration with code for gestation | OBX-14 (subtracted from ORC-9) | Patient's term of active pregnancy at point of test request. |
Patient - Fetal gestation | As above, though could be inferred through difference between Observation.effectiveDateTime for pregnancy and Procedure.performedDateTime for termination | OBX-14 (subtracted from OBR-7 for termination procedure) | Stage during patient pregnancy at which it terminated. |
Patient - Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) | As above, though could be inferred through Observation.effectiveDateTime for pregnancy + 40 weeks or new observation with code 161714006 | OBX-14 + 40 weeks | Patient's estimated delivery date. |
Patient - Pregnancy type | Inferred through presence of Procedure with codes under IUI/IVF (e.g. codes under 63487001) | OBR segments with appropriate codes (Order Prior) | Type of conception. |
Patient - IVF age of egg donor | TBC Observation referencing IVF procedure (through partOf) with code = 433475001 (if category of over 35 is sufficient, otherwise code.display of "IVF age of egg donor") | OBR segments with appropriate codes (Order Prior) | The age of the patient who donated the egg at the time of donation. |
Patient - Diagnosed with or being treated for cancer | TBC Inferred through attached Condition resources with code under 363346000 or Procedure etc. with reasonCode under same concept | OBR segments with appropriate codes (Order Prior) | Has the patient been diagnosed with or are they being treated for cancer. |
Patient - Had transplant | Inferred through presence of Procedure( subject=Patient ) with code under 77465005 - Transplantation, alternatively, Observation with code 416128008 with valueCodeableConcept=263903005 for no history of transplant | Presence of OBR segment with OBR-44 code for transplant (Order Prior)) | Has the patient ever had a transplant. |
Patient - Type of transplant | Procedure.code( subject=Patient, code= code under 77465005 ) | OBR-44 (Order Prior) | What type of transplant the patient had. (Bone marrow / Stem cell) |
Patient - Transplant date | Procedure.performedDateTime( subject=Patient ) | OBR-7 | When the patient had the transplant. |
Patient - Had transfusion in the last 6 weeks | Inferred through presence of Procedure( subject=Patient ) with code under 5447007 - Transfusion, with performedDateTime within 6 weeks of the ServiceRequest being submitted, alternatively, Observation with code 416128008 with valueCodeableConcept=303955003 for no history of transfusion | Presence of OBR segment with OBR-44 code for transplant (Order Prior) | Has the patient had a transfusion in the last 6 weeks. |
Patient - Type of transfusion | Procedure.code( subject=Patient, code= code under 5447007 ) | OBR-7 (Order Prior) | What type of transfusion the patient has had. (Packed Red Cells /Plasma / Platelets) |
Patient - Transfusion date | Procedure.performedDateTime( subject=Patient ) | OBR-7 (Order Prior) | When the patient had the transfusion. |
Patient - Height (m) | Observation.valueQuantity( code=54871000237100, subject=Patient) | OBX-5 | Patient's height. |
Patient - Withheld identity reason | Additional codes to be part of Patient.extension:nhsNumberUnavailableReason ValueSet (as per NHS Data Model and Dictionary, pending addition) | N/A, could use PID-32 as surrogate | Confirmation why the patient is withholding identity details. |
Patient - GP's professional registration number | Patient.generalPractitioner.identifier with system for appropriate registration authority. (for PDS registered patients, will only be recorded within PDS) | PD1-4.1 | Patient's GP's professional registration number. |
Patient - Pedigree/Family Identifier | Patient.identifier:pedigreeNumber | Additional identifiers under PID-3 | Patient's genetic/pedigree number which links their family. |
Patient - Pregnancy status | Observation.code( subject=Patient, code=77386006 for pregnant / 60001007 for not pregnant) | OBX-5 with appropriate SNOMED/READ/LOINC code | Patient's pregnancy status. |