Capability Statements

CA:FeX Server CapabilityStatement

This section describes the expected capabilities of the CA:FeX server. The complete list of FHIR resources, RESTful interactions, and search parameters supported by CA:FeX server can be found in the CapabilityStatement resource in the following formats:

The section below summarizes the expectations in the CapabilityStatement but readers should be aware that it is a manual rendering of the details. The CapabilityStatement resource should be treated as the source of truth.

CA:FeX Server RESTful Capabilities

The CA:FeX Server SHALL:

  • Support the Patient resource.
  • Support at least one additional resource from the list of CA:FeX resources (listed in the next section).
  • Implement the RESTful behavior according to the FHIR specification.
  • Follow the requirements documented in the Conformance Requirements and Must Support page.
  • Support JSON source formats for all CA:FeX interactions.

The CA:FeX Server SHOULD:

  • Support XML source formats for all CA:FeX interactions.


  • See the General Security section for requirements and recommendations.
  • A server SHALL reject any unauthorized requests by returning an HTTP 401 "Unauthorized", HTTP 403 "Forbidden", or HTTP 404 "Not Found" (for details please refer to the Response Handling page)

RESTful Capabilities by Resource

Resource Type Supported Searches (SHALL/SHOULD) Mandatory Interactions _include _revinclude Supported Operations (SHALL/SHOULD)
AllergyIntolerance patient, patient.identifier, patient+clinical-status search-type, read Provenance:target
Binary read
Bundle timestamp, bundle-composition-patient, bundle-composition-patient-identifier search-type, read
Composition patient, patient.identifier, type, status, author, date​, category search-type, read
Condition patient, patient.identifier, patient+category, patient+clinical-status, patient+code, patient+onset-date search-type, read Provenance:target
DiagnosticReport patient, patient.identifier, patient+category, patient+code, patient+category+date, patient+status, patient+code+date search-type, read Provenance:target
DocumentReference _id, patient, patient.identifier, patient+category, patient+category+date, patient+type, patient+status, patient+type+period search-type, read Provenance:target $docref
Immunization patient, patient.identifier, patient+date, patient+status search-type, read
Medication read Provenance:target
MedicationRequest patient, patient.identifier, patient+intent, patient+intent+status, patient+intent+authoredon search-type, read MedicationRequest:medication Provenance:target
MedicationStatement patient, patient.identifier search-type, read MedicationStatement:medication Provenance:target
Observation patient, patient.identifier, patient+category, patient+code, patient+category+date, patient+category+status, patient+code+date search-type, read Provenance:target
Patient _id, identifier, name, birthdate+name, gender+name, birthdate+family, family+gender search-type, read Provenance:target
Practitioner name, identifier, _id search-type, read
PractitionerRole specialty, practitioner search-type, read PractitionerRole:endpoint, PractitionerRole:practitioner
Procedure patient, patient.identifier, patient+date search-type, read Provenance:target
Provenance read


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL patient reference
SHOULD patient.identifier token
SHOULD patient+clinical-status reference+token
MAY clinical-status token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support read.
  • MAY support search-type, create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • SHOULD support create.
  • MAY support update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL bundle-composition-patient reference.reference
SHALL bundle-composition-patient-identifier reference.reference.token
SHOULD timestamp date
MAY bundle-composition-type reference.token
MAY bundle-composition-author reference.reference
MAY bundle-composition-status reference.token
MAY bundle-composition-date
MAY bundle-composition-category


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • SHOULD support create.
  • MAY support update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL patient reference
SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token
SHOULD type token
SHOULD status token
SHOULD author reference
SHOULD date​ date
SHOULD category token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL patient reference
SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token
SHOULD patient+code reference+token
SHOULD patient+category reference+token
SHOULD patient+onset-date reference+date
SHOULD patient+clinical-status reference+token
MAY code token
MAY category token
MAY onset-date date
MAY clinical-status token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL patient reference
SHALL patient+category reference+token
SHALL patient+code reference+token
SHALL patient+category+date reference+token+date
SHOULD patient+status reference+token
SHOULD patient+code+date reference+token+date
SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token
MAY status token
MAY category token
MAY code token
MAY date date


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • SHOULD support create.
  • MAY support update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL _id token
SHALL patient reference
SHALL patient+category reference+token
SHALL patient+category+date reference+token+date
SHALL patient+type reference+token
SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token
SHOULD patient+status reference+token
SHOULD patient+type+period reference+token+date
MAY status token
MAY category token
MAY type token
MAY date date
MAY period date

Operation Summary:

  • SHOULD support the $docref operation


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL patient reference
SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token
SHOULD patient+status reference+token
SHOULD patient+date reference+date
MAY status token
MAY date date


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support read.
  • MAY support search-type, create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL patient reference
SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token
SHOULD patient+intent reference+token
SHOULD patient+intent+status reference+token+token
SHOULD patient+intent+authoredon reference+token+date
MAY intent token
MAY status token
MAY authoredon date


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL patient reference
SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL patient reference
SHALL patient+category reference+token
SHALL patient+code reference+token
SHALL patient+category+date reference+token+date
SHOULD patient+category+status reference+token+token
SHOULD patient+code+date reference+token+date
SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token
MAY status token
MAY category token
MAY code token
MAY date date

Note: Use of the Patient parameter or Patient.identifier (chained) parameter alone may result in an excessive volume of observations matching the request.


Conformance Expectation: SHALL

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL _id token
SHALL identifier token
SHOULD name string
SHOULD family string
SHOULD given string
SHOULD birthdate+name date+string
SHOULD birthdate+family date+string
SHOULD gender+name token+string
SHOULD gender+family string+token
MAY birthdate date
MAY gender token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL name string
SHALL identifier token
SHOULD _id token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL specialty token
SHALL practitioner reference


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support search-type, read.
  • MAY support create, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Search Parameter Summary:

Conformance Parameter Type
SHALL patient reference
SHALL patient+date reference+date
SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token
MAY patient+code+date reference+token+date
MAY patient+status reference+token
MAY status token
MAY date date
MAY code token


Conformance Expectation: SHOULD

Resource Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support read.
  • MAY support create, search-type, update, patch, delete, history-type, vread, history-instance.

Note: FHIR servers that aim to comply with the MHD (Mobile access to Health Documents) specification can derive advantages by incorporating MHD-specific parameters, such as the List resource.