
This is the StructureDefinition overview for the CareConnect-SHD-ReferralRequest-1

The official URL for this profile is:


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Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

Snapshot (default)

Command 'tree' could not render: Sequence contains more than one element

ReferralRequest Data Mapping

The table below provides the generic business context data mappings for the 'Mandatory' and 'Must Support' elements in the CareConnect-SHD-ReferralRequest-1 profile. However, please see the individual use case guidance for specifc constraints and context.

FHIR Element Card. Type Description/Business Context
ReferralRequest.status 1..1 code Binding RequestStatus

See use case guidance for any specific business context constriants.
ReferralRequest.intent 1..1 code Binding RequestIntent

See use case guidance for any specific business context constriants.
ReferralRequest.type 1..1 CodeableConcept An indication of the type of referral (i.e. 'Hospital Discharge Notification to Social Care')

Binding SHD-ReferralRequestType
ReferralRequest.type.coding 1..1 coding Codinig for a 'Hospital Discharge Notification to Social Care')
ReferralRequest.type.coding.system 1..1 uri Fixed Value: ""
ReferralRequest.type.coding.code 1..1 code Fixed Value: "715591000000108"
ReferralRequest.type.coding.display 1..1 string Fixed Value: "Hospital Discharge Notification to Social Care"
ReferralRequest.type.text 1..1 string Fixed Value: "Hospital Discharge Notification to Social Care"
ReferralRequest.serviceRequested 0..* CodeableConcept Optional element providing an indication of the specific servce being requested as part of the referral (e.g. referral into the Community D2A Hub, or referral to specialist Mental Healh Team'

Binding SHD-ReferralRequestServiceRequested
ReferralRequest.subject 1..1 Reference (CareConnect-SHD-Patient-1) Reference to Patient resource to whom the referral relates.
ReferralRequest.context 1..1 Reference (CareConnect-SHD-Encounter-1) Reference to Encounter resource for the hospital admission the patient is likely need support in order to ensure a safe discharge.
ReferralRequest.authoredOn 1..1 dateTime Date referral was sent to the Local Authority
ReferralRequest.requester.agent 1..1 Reference (CareConnect-SHD-Practitioner-1) Reference to Practitioner resource for the person at the hospital who is responsible for liaising with the local authority in relation to the patient’s discharge.
ReferralRequest.requester.onBehalfOf 1..1 Reference (CareConnect-SHD-Organization-1) Reference to the Organization resource which the ReferralRequest.requester.agent was acting on behalf of (i.e. the Hospital which is sending the referral)
ReferralRequest.reasonCode.text 1..1 string Referral MUST include the rationale for why the hospital are referring to Social Care (or other Supported Hospital Discharge pathway).
ReferralRequest.supportingInfo[preliminaryNeedsAssessment] 0..1 Reference (SHD-QuestionnaireResponse-PreliminaryNeedsAssessment) Optional questionnaire response with additional information that may assist the social care team's assessment of a patient (e.g. accommodation status, strength based assessments, risks, competencies etc.).
This QuestionnaireResponse can also be sent/updated separately after the referral.
ReferralRequest.supportingInfo[covid19Assessment] 0..1 Reference (SHD-QuestionnaireResponse-COVID19) Optional questionnaire response completed by health to share additional information requires during the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. COVID-19 diagnosis status, self isolation and humanitarian support requirements).
This QuestionnaireResponse can also be sent/updated separately after the referral.
ReferralRequest.supportingInfo[assessmentNotice] 0..1 Reference (SHD-QuestionnaireResponse-AssessmentNotice) Optional questionnaire response to give formal notice of request for Assessment under The Care and Support (Discharge of Hospital Patients) Regulations 2014.

Note The Assessment Notice may be sent with the ReferralRequest. However, the API supports an initial referral without, followed by a separate Assessment Notice at a later point in time.
ReferralRequest.supportingInfo[chcChecklist] 0..1 Reference (SHD-QuestionnaireResponse-CHCChecklist) Optional questionnaire response to share a copy of a NHS Continuing Healthcare Checklist. The CHCH Checklist can also be sent/updated separately after the referral.
ReferralRequest.note 0..* Annotation Optional field for any other additional information regarding the referral, e.g. Health Recommendations regarding Social Care Pathway.
ReferralRequest.note.authorString 0..1 string Optional field for details of who added the note/comment.
ReferralRequest.note.time 0..1 dateTime Optional field for when the note/comment was added.
ReferralRequest.note.text 1..1 string Each ReferralRequest.note MUST have a text to represent the actual note/comment.