FirstResponder API

The MedicAlert first responder API is queried using a FHIR operation. This is the $summary operation invoked on the Patient resource. The $summary operation returns a set of resources, organized as a Bundle.

The response Bundle is structured as a FHIR document that is based on the IPS standard.

An identifier for the patient (MedicAlert ID or NHI number) must be provided along with a reason for the API access.

Querying the API

The $summary operation must be invoked as a POST with the parameters passed in the message body.

An example query for emergency access using an NHI number:

POST [base]/Patient/$summary
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


An example query for non emergency access using the MedicAlert id:

POST [base]/Patient/$summary
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


(note that non-standard ASCII characters such as the '|' character must be URL encoded)

Operation Parameters (In)

Name Cardinality Type Binding Documentation
identifer 1..1 Identifier Either the MedicAlert Member ID or a valid NHI number must be provided. This should be provided as the identifier system URI followed by the id, seperated by a pipe character
reason 1..1 Coding (required) The reason/context that the service is accessed for

Operation Return Values (Out)

Name Cardinality Type Documentation
return 0..1 Bundle The Bundle returned is a patient summary conforming to the MedicAlert Patient Summary Bundle

Access Reason parameter codes

This code system defines the following codes:

Test For testing usage only
EmergencyAccess Emergency Access
NonEmergencyAccess Non Emergency Access
Accident Accident

MedicAlertSummary OperationDefinition profile:

Canonical URL:

Differential View


Hybrid View


Snapshot View



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