Scenario 2: Professional operates work queue and decides what patient data is to be transfered to receiving system

The aim is to enable the professional to handle the information generated in citizen communication in Omaolo service and from there to trigger the transfer of the desired information to the receiving system on a case-by-case basis.

skenaario 2

Workflow here follows steps:

  1. Citizen fills symptoms assesment, gets recommendation to contact healthcare service provider and decides to do that via system.
  2. System creates care plan for citizen and a task for healthcare service provider based on citizen municipality. Possible allerts can be implemented case-by-case
  3. Healthcare professional reads tasks and related patient data and decides which tasks and related patient data is to be transferred to receiving system
  4. Receiving (EHR) system gets (client sends) symptom assessment and related information.
  5. Task status is updated in sending system
  6. Process continues in Receiving system updates task status and process continues in the receiving system
  7. Professional can add new information received from citizen to task already transferred to receiving system. Continues here as in step 5.

System roles

Baseline here is:

Systems name role
Sending system Client
Receiving system Server

Sequence diagram

Functional requirements

Functional requirements for Client (wellness app):

FRC-1 : Client SHALL be able to create FHIR resources on a Server

FRC-2 : Client SHOULD be able to fetch and query for the FHIR resources it has created via the Server’s FHIR API.

Functional requirements for Server (EHR side):

FRS-1 : Server SHOULD be able support the fetching and querying for the written resource

FRS-2: Server SHOULD be able to communicate the the possible use case specific tags on resources.


Argo Write Draft Implementation Guide

Argo write executive summary: