Use Case - National Back Office (NBO) Views a relationship

Name NBO Views a Relationship
User Story Summary (Clinical Overview) As an NBO Demographics Admin,
I want to have a clear view of a relationship that either originated from PDS Riak or in Neptune,
So that I can effectively investigate Potential Duplication or Confusion.
Actors (Role) NBO Demographics Admin
Frequency of Use Multiple times a day.
  • NBO Demographics Admin views a Duplication or Confusion work item (Analysis - NBO Data Quality Items).
  • A Demographics Admin is authenticated.
  • A Demographics Admin is authorised to view a relationship in PDS Riak or Neptune using information from the work item.
  • A Demographics Admin will input the following information:
    • NHS Number for parents.
    • Forename(s), Surname (family name).
    • Date of Birth.
    • Gender.
  • A successfully matched information is retrieved.
Main Flow
  1. An NBO Demographics Admin views a relevant work item.
  2. The Demographics Admin inputs the work item details and retrieves relevant data.
  3. The Demographics Admin carries out an investigation based on the information retrieved from the work item.
Alternate Flow
  • Where the NBO Demographics Admin cannot retrieve relevant data, the relationship information is unavailable.
  • None specified.