Use Case - National Back Office (NBO) Potential Relationships 

User Story Summary (Clinical Overview) As an NBO Demographics Administrator,
I want to have a clear view of potential relationships,
So that I can more efficiently cross trace information to resolve a duplication or confusion work item.
Actors (Role) NBO Demographics Admin
Frequency of Use Multiple times a day.
  • NBO Demographics Admin views a Duplication or Confusion work item (Analysis - NBO Data Quality Items).
  • A Demographics Admin is authenticated.
  • A Demographics Admin is authorised to view potential relationships.
  • A relevant work item is raised.
  • A patient referenced on the work item has potential relationships.
  • A Demographics Admin uses the potential relationship data to either:
    • Merge two records (Duplicate).
    • Remove incorrect details from a record (Confusion).
    • Delete a record and create a new one (Confusion in rare cases).
Main Flow
  1. An NBO Demographics Admin views a relevant work item.
  2. Potential relationships can be viewed by the Demographics Admin.
Alternate Flow
  • Where no potential relationships are found, none are presented.
  • None specified.