HL7fiSched_REQ3: View previous appointments

The operation searches for the appointments for patient or practitioner in question within a time period defined by dateTime range input parameters. The appointments returned will be only of status "booked" unless others are specified as well. NOTE! Might be integrated to "Query for free appointments" by including the status code?


Use Name Cardinality Type Binding Documentation
IN patient-reference 0..1 uri A Patient reference when performing an operation, e.g. whose appointments are we searching for.
IN practitioner-reference 0..* uri A Practitioner reference when performing an operation, e.g. whose appointments are we searching for. (e.g. FinnishPractitioner/123)
IN patient-id 0..1 uri A Patient reference when performing an operation where the Patient resource id is known. Patient resources include demographics and patient preferences that may be important for availaiblilty searches. If multiple patient references are listed, the response will contain appointments which is joint match for all patients - i.e., a group appointment.
IN status-code 0..* string (token) http://hl7.org/fhir/r4/valueset-appointmentstatus.html The allowable statuses of appointments to be returned.
IN start 0..1 dateTime The period of time that should be checked for appointments.- e.g., look for all appointments in a certain date range. If no start date is provided, then the start date will be set to the current time.
IN end 0..1 dateTime The period of time that should be checked for appointment.- e.g., look for all appointments in a certain date range. If no end date is provided, the end date will be set to the planning horizon for the relevant Schedule resources will be used (or a case specific preset maximum end date).
OUT return 0..1 Bundle (base Bundle profile) Bundle of type searchset with entries of proposed FinnishSchedulingAppointment resources. An empty bundle means no available appointments based on inputs.

Using Both GET and POST Syntax the operation can be invoked as follows:

GET [base]/FinnishSchedulingAppointment/$find_booked?{parameters}&?{_count}
POST [base]/FinnishSchedulingAppointment/$find_booked?{_count}