Scope and basic scenario


The scenarios described here borrow from Argonaut Scheduling Project implementation guide (


No specific instructions given for narrative, which is not considered as essential for scheduling purposes.

Patient driven scheduling

  1. Patient based scheduling enables a patient to use an organization’s on-line service (“patient portal”) or a third-party application to search for available appointments (free slots). The result set is based on the search criteria set on:
  • available times
  • practitioner
  • location (either as a resource reference or a string)
  • specialty
  • healthcare service type (based on Finnish codesystem THL - Sosiaali- ja terveysalan palvelunimikkeistö [])
  1. Patient books an appointment through a patient portal or a third-party application.

  2. Patient cancels an appointment through a patient portal or a third-party application.

  3. Patient retrieves their scheduled appointments through a patient portal or a third-party application.