

This Implementation guide covers only patient driven scheduling. Organization driven scheduling is a more complex scenario in most cases and is not addressed here specifically.

Resource contents

Appointment/status: If appointment has been moved to another date and time, there is no separate status for this. The internal codeset for status is not extensible (binding: required). This might be important information for care guarantee tracking depending on the business rules expected. Finnish national code system is Ajanvaraus - Ajanvarauksen tila(


  • Move appointment
    • or just cancel and reserve? but these have different repercussions eg. in terms of care guarantee tracking. Now Book an appointment includes cancelled-appt-id, maybe it is enough to be able to perform this in the interface? So just a parametrization of Book an appointment
  • Request free slots for appointment
  • Request a lock for appointment
    • so that information can be entered without someone making a reservation for the same slot

Operations subtopics

  • Make an appointment booking usage scenario 2
  • Provide examples for the operations