Use Cases - Urgent and Emergency Care

Search DoS with Clinical Triage System

User Story Summary (Clinical Overview)As a user of a clinical triage system (e.g. 111, 111 Online),
I want to be able to search for appropriate services that are able to meet the patient’s needs within a specified time frame,
So that patients can be directed or referred to a service that is able to assess and/or treat them
Actors (Role)111 Healthcare Advisors, 111 Clinicians, 111 Online Users, Streaming and Redirection users
Frequency of Use24/7 - Approx. 2 million searches per month
TriggersPathways triage completed
Pre ConditionsSearch system has approval to use DoS and an active DoS account
Post ConditionsA curated list of appropriate services is returned
Main Course
  1. Pathways triage is completed with an outcome that the patient needs to be signposted or referred to a service
  2. Case management system makes API call to DoS, including all required information
  3. DoS search is completed, matching services according to clinical need and location
  4. DoS returns an ordered list of appropriate services, taking into account search, referral and commissioning rules
  5. Search results are displayed to the case management system
Alternate Coursen/a
ExceptionInvalid information is passed to DoS via the API, returning an error message to the requesting service


Wokflow Diagrams-Search DoS with Clinical Triage System

System Interactions

Search DoS without Clinical Triage System

User Story Summary (Clinical Overview)As a clinician who uses a system approved to search the DoS,
I want to be able to search for appropriate services that are able to meet the patient’s needs within a specified time frame,
So that patients can be directed or referred to a service that is able to assess and/or treat them
Actors (Role)Service Finder Users, Clinicians who use 3rd Party apps approved to use DoS APIs
Frequency of Use24/7 - Approx. 2 million searches per month
TriggersClinician uses a search tool to find an appropriate service for the patient
Pre ConditionsSearch system has approval to use DoS and an active DoS account
Post ConditionsA list of services matching the search criteria is returned
Main Course
  1. Clinician enters search criteria into 3rd party tool
  2. Request is received and validated by DoS
  3. DoS search is completed, matching services according to clinical need and location
  4. DoS returns matching services according to search criteria
  5. Results are displayed by 3rd party system
Alternate Coursen/a
ExceptionInvalid information is passed to DoS via the API, returning an error message to the requesting service


Wokflow Diagrams-Search DoS without Clinical Triage System

System Interactions

Maintain Data via the DoS UI

User Story Summary (Clinical Overview)As a DoS Lead or service owner responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data in DoS,
I want to be able to search, view and update that data,
So that I can profile services so that those searching the DoS receive correct and accurate information
Actors (Role)DoS Leads, Service Owners
Frequency of UseMultiple times per day
TriggersService data has changed or new services are commissioned
Pre ConditionsUser has an active DoS account with appropriate update permissions
Post ConditionsService profiling is correct
Main Course
  1. User logs into DoS
  2. User navigates to the function required within the DoS
  3. User makes profiling updates as required
  4. User logs out
Alternate Coursen/a


Wokflow Diagrams-Maintain Data via the DoS UI

System Interactions

Report and record Capacity Management data

User Story Summary (Clinical Overview)As a Capacity Management User,
I want to be able to update services with the required information about their bed capacity,
So that this can be monitored and appropriate decisions made
Actors (Role)Hospital Capacity Managers, Ward staff, Administrators
Frequency of UseDaily, generally twice per day for each user
TriggersDaily sitution report needs to be completed
Pre ConditionsUser has an active DoS account with appropriate permissions
Post Conditions
  1. Hospital situation report has been updated
  2. Users are able to view and compare capacity data for their hospital and those of other areas
  3. Service profiling is correct
Main Course
  1. User logs in
  2. User navigates to the correct service profile
  3. User saves changes
  4. User completes a search based on geography and service type
  5. User views summary data for services returned in the search
  6. User navigates to reporting page
  7. User selects region, grid and timeframes and exports required data
Alternate Coursen/a