Use Cases - Generic

Searching for a healthcare service

User Story Summary (Clinical Overview)As a Healthcare Worker (HW)
I can search for the most appropriate healthcare service based on the patient’s needs, location and availability
So that the patient can receive the appropriate care/treatment
Actors (Role)Healthcare Worker, Patient, System (DoS)
Frequency of UseWhenever a service is required
TriggersHW identifies a patient who requires specialist consultation or other healthcare services beyond the scope of primary care
Pre Conditions
  1. HW has access to DoS
  2. Patient information and needs are known
Post ConditionsSuitable healthcare service is identified
Main Course
  1. If no NHS number exists for the submitted individual, a new NHS number is allocated and returned to the user.
  2. HW searches for relevant healthcare services based on patient needs
  3. HW receives a list of relevant services, including address and opening times
  4. HW provides the patient with a list of relevant healthcare services to enable them to select the most appropriate service
Alternate CourseIf the desired service is not available or suitable, the HW may need to search for alternative services
ExceptionIn case of technical issues or downtime with the DoS platform, the healthcare worker may resort to traditional referral methods


Wokflow Diagrams-Searching for Healthcare Service

System Interactions