Data mapping

FHIR Model

  • An Organization has an OrganizationAffiliation with another Organization
  • An Organization has Location(s)
  • A Location provides HealthcareService(s)
  • A HealthcareService can have Questionnaire(s)
  • A Questionnaire can have QuestionnaireResponse(s)

Organization, Location and HealthcareService (Searching)

Searching the DoS

For systems that don't require booking

Organization (1..*)

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Name 0..1 Name used for the organization
Address 0..* Organization.address An address for the organization

OrganizationAffiliation (0..*)

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Organization 0..1 OrganizationAffiliation.organization Reference(Organization) Organization where the role is available

Location (1..*)

Describe the location from which the HealthcareService is offered

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Name 0..1 Name of the location as used by humans
Position 0..1 Location.position The absolute geographic location
Position longitude 1..1 Location.position.longitude Longitude with WGS84 datum
Position latitude 1..1 Location.position.latitude Latitude with WGS84 datum
Location of Organization 1..1 Location.managingOrganization Reference(Organization) The Organization the location belongs to

HealthcareService (1..*)

Details about the service, including the days, times, dates during which the service is open.

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Name 0..1 Description of service as presented to a consumer while searching
Provided by 0..1 HealthcareService.providedBy Reference(Organization) Organization that provides this service
Location of service 0..* HealthcareService.location Reference(Location) Location(s) where service may be provided
Category 0..* HealthcareService.category Broad category of service being performed or delivered
Type 0..* HealthcareService.type Type of service that may be delivered or performed
Available Times 0..* HealthcareService.availableTime Times the Service Site is available
Times not available 0..* HealthcareService.notAvailable Not available during this time due to provided reason
Coverage area 0..* HealthcareService.coverageArea Reference(Location) Location(s) service is intended for/available to

Questionnaire (0..*)

Further details about the service, that are not captured in the HealthcareService resource.

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Name 0..1 Name for this questionnaire (computer friendly)
Item 0..* Questionnaire.item Questions and sections within the Questionnaire

QuestionnaireResponse (0..*)

Responses to the Questionnaire.

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Questionnaire reference 0..1 QuestionnaireResponse.questionnaire canoncial(Questionnaire) Form being answered
Item 0..* Questionnaire.item Groups and questions

Booking through the DoS

For systems that require a booking, these resources are added

FHIR Model

  • An Organization has an OrganizationAffiliation with another Organization
  • An Organization has Location(s)
  • A Location provides HealthcareService(s)
  • A HealthcareService can have Questionnaire(s)
  • A Questionnaire can have QuestionnaireResponse(s)
  • A HealthcareService has a Schedule for the services it provides
  • A Schedule contains Slot(s) that are available for the HealthcareService
  • A Schedule has a PratitionerRole/Practitioner that can be referenced

Organization, Location and HealthcareService with Schedule and Slot (Booking)

Schedule (0..*)

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Actor 1..* Resource(s) that availability information is being provided for
Actor 1..* Resource(s) that availability information is being provided for

Slot (0..*)

The dates and times a service is available to be returned in a search.

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Reference(Schedule) 1..1 Slot.schedule The schedule resource that this slot defines an interval of status information
Start 1..1 Slot.start Date/Time that the slot is to begin
End 1..1 Slot.end Date/Time that the slot is to conclude

PractitionerRole (0..*)

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Code 0..* PractitionerRole.code Roles which this practitioner may perform

Practitioner (0..*)

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Practitioner name 0..1 The name(s) associated with the practitioner

Endpoint (0..*)

Source Data item Cardinality Target FHIR Element Notes
Status 1..1 Endpoint.status The status of the Endpoint
Connection type 1..1 Endpoint.connectionType Protocol/Profile/Standard to be used with this endpoint connection
Payload type 1..* Endpoint.payloadType The type of content that may be used at this endpoint (e.g. XDS Discharge summaries)
Address 1..1 Endpoint.address The technical base address for connecting to this endpoint