FHIR Mapping & Profiling

Mapping Process

The process of mapping involves the following steps:

  • Identifying Key Data Points: Cataloging the data fields in the clinical registry.
  • Selecting Relevant FHIR Resources: Mapping these fields to appropriate FHIR resources (e.g., Patient, Observation, Procedure).
  • Defining Terminologies: Aligning data elements with standardized terminologies (e.g., LOINC, SNOMED CT).

FHIR Profiles

Profiling allows you to create custom versions of these resources, adding or removing elements, changing data types, or setting constraints. By creating profiles, you can enforce standardization in how data is represented and exchanged. This ensures that all parties involved in the data exchange understand the exact structure, allowed values, and rules for interpreting the data. For example, you could create a profile for a medication resource that standardizes how medications are coded, what dosage forms are allowed, and the format of the dispensing date.

Clinical registries like the DBIR typically have specific data elements that need to be collected, stored, and exchanged, such as patient demographics, clinical observations, treatment plans, outcomes, and other relevant health data. While FHIR provides standardized resources for many of these data types (e.g., Patient, Observation, Condition), different registries might have different needs. Hence, FHIR profiles allow customization of these base resources to ensure they include the exact elements required for a specific clinical registry. By creating these customized profiles, data can be collected and shared in a consistent format, making it easier for clinical systems to work together.

The FHIR profiles in this implemenatation guide represent guidelines about what data elements are mandatory in the DBIR registry. The profiles created define validation rules to ensure that only valid codes are used, ensuring consistency across different systems.

Variables can be referenced or derived. A derived variable is a data element that is not directly captured but is instead calculated or inferred from existing data. A reference variable is a way for one FHIR resource to point to another FHIR resource. This is essential for linking and maintaining relationships between different types of FHIR Resources.

Patient Journey

A patient journey in FHIR refers to the sequence of healthcare events, interactions, and transitions that a patient goes through within a healthcare system, represented using FHIR resources. For the DBIR clinical registry, we made a patient journey that represents the patients progress through a breast implant surgery. This journey uses all the FHIR Profiles that are listed at Introduction.

The patient journey for the DBIR registry is published to Simplifier.

Mapping Overview

In this mapping, the entities and their relationships are shown. For each FHIR Resource, the following information is provided:

  • Which FHIR Resource data element is used for which DICA variable
  • Cardinality between FHIR Resources and within each data element
  • At which data element two FHIR Resources are related. For example, the relationship from MedicationStatement to Patient is through MedicationStatement.subject

A spider diagram that displays the overall mapping of the DBIR registry is published to Simplifier.

The list below is a comprehensive list of the DICA variables in the DBIR registry. For each variable, the corresponding FHIR Resource and data element within the Resource is listed. Variables that are not in scope are stated as n/a.

DICA Dataset DICA Variable FHIR Profile Resource Element
patient id Patient managingOrganization
patient upn Patient identifier
patient land Patient identifier
patient idcode Patient identifier
patient tussen Patient name
patient naam Patient name
patient gebdat Patient birthDate
patient geslacht Patient gender
patient land-woon Patient address
patient pcode Patient address
surgery stuurvar-patient-first-augmentic-bilateral TBD
surgery stuurvar-side Breast Implant Surgery bodySite
surgery surgery-id (reference variable) Breast Implant Surgery performer
surgery operdate Breast Implant Surgery performed
surgery surgbignumber (reference variable) Practitioner identifier
surgery surgbignumberother Practitioner identifier
surgery surgery-upn (reference variable) Breast Implant Surgery subject
surgery surgasa Presurgery Observation code
surgery nicotineabuse Presurgery Observation code
surgery ptheight Presurgery Observation code
surgery ptweight Presurgery Observation code
surgery bmi n/a (Derived Variable) n/a
sidespecific surgside Breast Implant Surgery bodySite
sidespecific intervention Breast Implant Surgery code
sidespecific repautologous Breast Implant Surgery code
sidespecific indication Breast Implant Surgery reasonCode
sidespecific timingrec Breast Implant Surgery extension.SurgeryComponents
sidespecific prevradio Previous Radiotherapy code
sidespecific first Breast Implant Surgery performed.extension.First
sidespecific incissite Breast Implant Surgery extension.SurgeryComponents
sidespecific plane Breast Implant Surgery extension.SurgeryComponents
sidespecific capsulectomy Additional Procedures code
sidespecific sheet MeshAdmDevice type
sidespecific admmanufacturer MeshAdmDevice manufacturer
sidespecific admmanother MeshAdmDevice manufacturer
sidespecific admserialno MeshAdmDevice serialNumber
sidespecific admlotno MeshAdmDevice lotNumber
sidespecific admcatalogus MeshAdmDevice identifier
sidespecific meshmanufacturer MeshAdmDevice manufacturer
sidespecific meshmanother MeshAdmDevice manufacturer
sidespecific meshserialno MeshAdmDevice serialNumber
sidespecific meshlotno MeshAdmDevice lotNumber
sidespecific meshcatalogus MeshAdmDevice identifier
sidespecific mastopexy Additional Procedures code
sidespecific autologousflapcover Additional Procedures code
sidespecific fatgrafting Additional Procedures code
sidespecific systantibiot MedicationStatement category
sidespecific postopantibiot MedicationStatement category
sidespecific antisepticrinse Antiseptic Precautions code
sidespecific antisepticrinsetechnique Antiseptic Precautions code
sidespecific kellerfunnel Antiseptic Precautions code
sidespecific nippleguards Antiseptic Precautions code
sidespecific glovchanginsert Antiseptic Precautions code
sidespecific drains Antiseptic Precautions code
sidespecific te-to-implant Breast Implant Surgery extension.SurgeryComponents
sidespecific te-to-autologous Breast Implant Surgery extension.SurgeryComponents
sidespecific contralateral SurgeryRelated Complication code
sidespecific wound SurgeryRelated Complication code
sidespecific skinnecrosis SurgeryRelated Complication code
sidespecific seroma19 SurgeryRelated Complication code
sidespecific hematoma19 SurgeryRelated Complication code
sidespecific flap SurgeryRelated Complication code
sidespecific capsular-noyes Preexisting Condition n/a
sidespecific capsular Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific double-capsule Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific breastpain Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific dissatisfaction Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific asymmetry Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific breastcancer Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific anaplasticsusp Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific anaplasticconf Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific pa-nummer Preexisting Condition evidence
sidespecific scc Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific sccconf Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific pa-nummer-scc Preexisting Condition evidence
sidespecific asia Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific patient-request Preexisting Condition code
sidespecific devicedefrupt Preoperative Findings Device code
sidespecific silicone-noyes Preoperative Findings Device n/a
sidespecific silicone Preoperative Findings Device code
sidespecific devmalpos Preoperative Findings Device code
sidespecific rippling Preoperative Findings Device code
sidespecific recall Preoperative Findings Device code
sidespecific other Breast Implant Surgery note
sidespecific seroma Preexisting Condition code
object action n/a (Derived Variable) n/a
object isdeviceregistered ImplantDevice owner
object insertiontype n/a (Derived Variable) n/a
object implantyear n/a (Derived Variable) n/a
object infoexplant n/a (Derived Variable)
object infomarkers n/a (Derived Variable)
object refno ImplantDevice identifier
object manufacturer ImplantDevice manufacturer
object manother ImplantDevice manufacturer
object implanttype ImplantDevice type
object texture ImplantDevice extension
object coating ImplantDevice extension
object coatingother ImplantDevice extension
object fill ImplantDevice extension
object fillother ImplantDevice extension
object shape ImplantDevice extension
object maxweightvol ImplantDevice extension
object scan-manual-indicator ImplantDevice extension
object gs1-barcode ImplantDevice extension
object gs1-ai-processing-status ImplantDevice extension
object gs1-gtin ImplantDevice extension
object gs1-expiry ImplantDevice extension
object gs1-lotno ImplantDevice extension
object gs1-serialno ImplantDevice extension