
PS-AB API Specification

Refer to Alberta Patient Summary (PS-AB) API Specification.

Submission Quick Reference Table

This section provides a quick-reference table for the PS-AB submission process

Initial Submission

Initial submission SHALL be used when a patient summary has never been previously submitted.

Attribute Notes
Bundle.id Will be assigned by Alberta Health upon successful validation of submitted PS-AB instance and will be a new UUID per each instance of a PS-AB. Note: Alberta Health will make location (using Bundle.id) resolvable. EMRs SHOULD be able to retain the Bundle.id assigned by Alberta Health.
Bundle.identifier SHALL be assigned by Source EMR. SHALL be a UUID. SHALL be unique for each instance of a Bundle including when resubmitted. SHALL be retained for the lifetime of a Bundle.
Composition.id SHALL be assigned by Source EMR. SHOULD be a UUID.
Composition.identifier SHALL be assigned by Source EMR. SHALL remain static for same author and PS-AB instance, and SHALL be a UUID.
Composition.status "final"
Rules/Validations PS-AB content is valid per PS-AB FHIR Profile definitions. Client demographics are valid per pCR validation. Composition.identifier is indeed globally unique. If Composition.identifier exists, Alberta Health checks that author (Practitioner.identifier’) matches.

Update Submission

Update submission SHALL be used when a patient summary was previously submitted and changes on patient information in medical chart have taken place.

Note: Update submission SHALL also be used when data about a patient was incorrectly reported on another patient in EMR and a subsequent patient summary was submitted. To correct the data in patient summary in Alberta Netcare, an update submission to both patients SHALL be performed to replace the incorrect patient summaries.

Attribute Notes
Bundle.id Will be assigned by Alberta Health upon successful validation of submitted PS-AB instance and will be a new UUID per each instance of a PS-AB. Note: Alberta Health will make location (using Bundle.id) resolvable. EMRs SHOULD be able to retain the Bundle.id assigned by Alberta Health.
Bundle.identifier SHALL be assigned by Source EMR. SHALL be a UUID. SHALL be unique for each instance of a Bundle including when resubmitted. SHALL be retained for the lifetime of a Bundle.
Composition.id SHALL be assigned by Source EMR. SHOULD be a UUID.
Composition.identifier SHALL be assigned by Source EMR. SHALL remain static for same author and PS-AB instance, and SHALL be a UUID.
Composition.status "amended"
Rules/Validations PS-AB content is valid per PS-AB FHIR Profile definitions. Client demographics are valid per pCR validation. Composition.identifier is indeed globally unique. If Composition.identifier exists, Alberta Health checks that author (Practitioner.identifier’) matches.

Cancel Submission

Cancel submission SHALL be used to cancel a previously submitted patient summary; either upon request of an authoring provider or automatically upon deletion of the associated patient chart in the POS.

Note: When cancelling a patient summary, the Composition.section.emptyReason for all sections SHALL be set to "unavailable".

Attribute Notes
Bundle.id Will be assigned by Alberta Health upon successful validation of submitted PS-AB instance and will be a new UUID per each instance of a PS-AB. Note: Alberta Health will make location (using Bundle.id) resolvable. EMRs SHOULD be able to retain the Bundle.id assigned by Alberta Health.
Bundle.identifier SHALL be assigned by Source EMR. SHALL be a UUID. SHALL be unique for each instance of a Bundle including when resubmitted. SHALL be retained for the lifetime of a Bundle.
Composition.id SHALL be assigned by Source EMR. SHOULD be a UUID.
Composition.identifier SHALL be assigned by Source EMR. SHALL remain static for same author and PS-AB instance, and SHALL be a UUID.
Composition.status "entered-in-error"
Rules/Validations PS-AB content is valid per PS-AB FHIR Profile definitions. Client demographics are valid per pCR validation. Composition.identifier is indeed globally unique. If Composition.identifier exists, Alberta Health checks that author (Practitioner.identifier’) matches.