UK Core Implementation Guide 0.1.0 STU1

UK Core Implementation Guide 0.1.0 - STU1 Release for Ballot

How to Read This Guide

This Guide is divided into several pages which are listed at the top of each page in the menu bar.

  • Home: The home page provides the introduction and background for UK Core.
  • Guidance: The Guidance page provides the sitemap of UK Core IG.
    • AllergyIntolerance Guidance: This page gives guidance on the UK Core implementation of AllergyIntolerance
    • Medication Guidance: This page gives guidance on the UK Core implementation of Medication Guidance
    • People and Organizations Guidance: This set of Profiles relate to the Patient receiving care, the Practitioner (health and care professional) providing care, their PractionerRole, the Organization responsible for delivering care and the Location at which care is delivered.
    • DataTypes: This page gives guidance on the representation of constructs like Address, Name, and Telecom etc.
  • Profiles and Extensions: The header for pages about Extensions and Profiles
  • Terminology: This page lists all the Terminology assets defined as part of this Implementation Guide.
    • ConceptMaps: This page lists all the ConceptMaps defined as part of this Implementation Guide.
    • ValueSets and CodeSystems: This is the list of ValueSets and CodeSystems defined for use within the UK Core.
    • All ValueSets: This is the list of all ValueSets defined for use within the UK Core.
    • All CodeSystems: This is the list of all CodeSystems defined for use within the UK Core.
  • Examples: The header for examples of UK Core FHIR assets.
  • Contact Us: How to Contact the key parties associated with this implementation guide.
  • Downloads: List of downloads for this implementation guide

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