Participant Coded Entry

The participant types allowed for Diagnoses are

  • author
  • informant

The participant types allowed for Finding are

  • author
  • informant
  • performer

For Diagnoses & Finding authors are described using the HL7v3 CMET R_AgentNPFITPersonGeneral (UKCT_RM160018UK01). Findings also allow authors to be described as a device R_AgentNPFITDevice (UKCT_RM120600UK02).

Informants are described for both Diagnoses & Fings as being a R_AgentNPFITPersonGeneral (UKCT_RM160018UK01), or a NonAgentRole.

Performers are described as being R_AgentNPFITPersonGeneral (UKCT_RM160018UK01).

Note: FHIR resources carry a limited number of participation types. In particular, FHIR resources often lack the dates of participantion - for example the Condition resource allows you to record the asserter (informant), but not the date of assertion. In order to give a consistent approach to participations, the Encounter resource is used, in particular the participant backbone element to link to relevant participants.



Item @typeCode
HL7v3 author@typeCode
FHIR Encounter\participant\type\coding\code@value
Notes HL7v3:fixed to "AUT"
FHIR: code@value="AUT"
Item @contextControlCode
HL7v3 author@contextControlCode
FHIR no mapping
Notes HL7v3:fixed to "OP"
Item time@value
HL7v3 author.time@value
FHIR Encounter.participant.period.start@value

HL7v3 example

<author typeCode="AUT" contextControlCode="OP">
	<time value="20200506104819"/>
	<!--roles go here-->

FHIR example

    <!--Encounter must have values for status & class - so fix as shown-->
    <status value="finished"/>
        <code value="UNK"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <display value="Unknown"/>
                <code value="AUT"/>
                <system value=""/>
                <display value="author"/>
            <start value="2020-05-06T10:48:19+00:00"/>
            <!--A link to the participation-->
            <reference value="cb9694ea-36f1-4e33-87cc-361409d251c6"/>


Item @typeCode
HL7v3 performer@typeCode
FHIR Encounter\participant\type\coding\code@value
Notes HL7v3: fixed to "PRF"
FHIR: code@value="PRF"
Item @contextControlCode
HL7v3 performer@contextControlCode
FHIR no mapping
Notes HL7v3: fixed to "OP"
Item time@value
HL7v3 performer.time@value
FHIR Encounter.participant.period.start@value
Item modeCode.code@code
HL7v3 performer.modeCode.code@code
FHIR Encounter.participant.[extensionModeCode] - see below

Example of the modeCode extension

<extension url="">
            <system value="" />
            <code value="PHYSICAL" />
            <display value="physical presence" />

modeCode in an Encounter example

    <!--Encounter must have values for status & class - so fix as shown-->
    <status value="finished"/>
        <code value="UNK"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <display value="Unknown"/>
    <extension url="">
                <system value="" />
                <code value="PHYSICAL" />
                <display value="physical presence" />
                <code value="PRF"/>
                <system value=""/>
                <display value="performer"/>
            <start value="2020-05-06T10:48:19+00:00"/>
            <!--A link to the participation-->
            <reference value="cb9694ea-36f1-4e33-87cc-361409d251c6"/>

HL7v3 Performer Example (with modeCode)

	<performer typeCode="PRF" contextControlCode="OP">
		<time value="20160630103358"/>
		<modeCode code="PHYSICAL" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1064"/>
		<UKCT_MT160018UK01.AgentPersonSDS classCode="AGNT">
			<id root="1.2.826.0.1285." extension="173067658018"></id>
			<agentPersonSDS classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
				<id root="1.2.826.0.1285." extension="784578436584"></id>
				<name>JONES Bob</name>

Maps to FHIR Encounter.participant

    <extension url="">
                <system value="" />
                <code value="PHYSICAL" />
                <display value="physical presence" />
                <code value="PRF"/>
                <system value=""/>
                <display value="performer"/>
            <!--A link to the participation where you find the name, SDS id, Job Role code etc.-->
            <reference value="cb9694ea-36f1-4e33-87cc-361409d251c6"/>


Item @typeCode
HL7v3 informant@typeCode
FHIR Encounter\participant\type\coding\code@value
Notes HL7v3: fixed to "INF"
FHIR: code@value="INF"
Item @contextControlCode
HL7v3 informant@contextControlCode
FHIR no mapping
Notes HL7v3: fixed to "OP"
Item time@value
HL7v3 informant.time@value
FHIR Encounter.participant.period.start@value

Hl7v3 Example

<informant typeCode="INF" contextControlCode="OP">
	<time value="20160630103358"/>
	<UKCT_MT160018UK01.AgentPersonSDS classCode="AGNT">
		<id root="1.2.826.0.1285." extension="173067658018"></id>
		<agentPersonSDS classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
			<id root="1.2.826.0.1285." extension="784578436584"></id>
		<name>JONES Bob</name>

FHIR example

    <!--Encounter must have values for status & class - so fix as shown-->
    <status value="finished"/>
        <code value="UNK"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <display value="Unknown"/>
                <code value="INF"/>
                <system value=""/>
                <display value="informant"/>
            <start value="2020-05-06T10:48:19+00:00"/>
            <!--A link to the participation-->
            <reference value="cb9694ea-36f1-4e33-87cc-361409d251c7"/>

FHIR example showing bundle links to Encounter

<Bundle xmlns="">
	<id value="UKCore-Bundle-BundledAllergyList-Example"/>
	<type value="collection"/>
				<!--Composition header bits go here-->
					<title value="Diagnoses"/>
						<!--section text goes here-->
						<!--link to the coded data fro Diagnoses-->
						<reference value="urn:uuid:e5fc3307-eac7-4665-99f7-dc6ac9f72910"/>
				<!--Rest of composition goes here-->
	<!--A diagnosis-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e5fc3307-eac7-4665-99f7-dc6ac9f72910"/>
				<id value="e5fc3307-eac7-4665-99f7-dc6ac9f72910"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<identifier value="0F582D97-8F89-11EA-8B2D-B741F13EFC47"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="active"/>
						<display value="Active"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<code value="1300721000000109"/>
						<display value="COVID-19 confirmed by laboratory test"/>
				<!--link to the encounter to link in participants-->
					<reference value="urn:uuid:a0205cd2-e56d-4c3b-92c0-d1c0a7b389cb"/>
				<onsetDateTime value="2020-05-06T10:48:19+00:00"/>
	<!--the Encounter containing the participant links-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e5fc3307-eac7-4665-99f7-dc6ac9f72910"/>
				<status value="finished"/>
					<code value="UNK"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<display value="Unknown"/>
				<!--an Author-->
							<code value="AUT"/>
							<system value=""/>
							<display value="author"/>
						<start value="2020-05-06T10:48:19+00:00"/>
						<!--A link to the participation-->
						<reference value="urn:uuid:cb9694ea-36f1-4e33-87cc-361409d251c6"/>
	<!--the paractitioner playing the author-->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:cb9694ea-36f1-4e33-87cc-361409d251c6"/>
				<id value="83c26c8f-ee72-4534-8891-0136972b2106"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<value value="123456"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:b1a41ee5-b88b-4f66-bd83-24343bf63dd8"/>
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:b1a41ee5-b88b-4f66-bd83-24343bf63dd8"/>
				<id value="b1a41ee5-b88b-4f66-bd83-24343bf63dd8"/>
					<system value=""/>
					<value value="RT555"/>
					<family value="BLOGGS"/>
					<given value="Fred"/>