
FHIR Terminology Resources sind spezielle FHIR Ressourcentypen, die genutzt werden können, um Informationen zu verwendbaren Terminologien etc. maschinenverarbeitbar zu kommunizieren. Zu diesen Ressourcentypen gehören im DEMIS-Kontext insbesondere:

  • CodeSystem - "The CodeSystem resource is used to declare the existence of and describe a code system or code system supplement and its key properties, and optionally define a part or all of its content."
  • ValueSet - "A ValueSet resource instance specifies a set of codes drawn from one or more code systems, intended for use in a particular context. Value sets link between CodeSystem definitions and their use in coded elements."
  • ConceptMap - "A statement of relationships from one set of concepts to one or more other concepts - either concepts in code systems, or data element/data element concepts, or classes in class models."
  • NamingSystem - "A curated namespace that issues unique symbols within that namespace for the identification of concepts, people, devices, etc. Represents a "System" used within the Identifier and Coding data types."