The Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) eHealth APIs provide a FHIR-based interface for querying the following repositories in BC, Canada:

  • patients in the provincial Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI) repository,
  • medications in the BC PharmaNet repository,
  • immunizations in the BC Provincial Immunization Registry,
  • patient encounters and alerts in the eHealth clinical data repository, and
  • documents in various repositories across health authorities, including the eHealth clinical data repository.

The Patient API enables connected systems to query patients based on their local medical record number (MRN) or the provincial patient health number (PHN). The API also supports patient search based on the patient names, date of birth and gender. The API responds with a snapshot of patient demographics in a FHIR Patient resource or as a list of Patient resources in a Bundle. Sometimes a Bundle may include an OperationOutcome resource.

The Medication API enables connected systems to query the PharmaNet patient profile based on the provincial patient health number (PHN). The API responds with a bundle containing the FHIR Codition resource, the FHIR AllergyIntolerance resource, and the FHIR MedicationDispense resource. Any errors and warnings from PharmaNet are included in the OperationOutcome resource within the same bundle.

The Immunization API enables connected systems to query immunization history, adverse event following immunization (AEFI), recommendations, and special considerations, based on the provincial patient health number (PHN). The API responds with a bundle containing the FHIR Immunization resource, the FHIR ImmunizationRecommendation resource, and the FHIR Condition resource. Sometimes the bundle may include an OperationOutcome resource.

The Encounter API enables connected systems to query active encounters of a patient, based on the patient's provincial health number (PHN) and optionally date filters on Encounter.period. The API responds with a bundle that may include one or more FHIR Encounter resources. In an Encounter resource, it may contain one or more Organization, Practitioner, Location and Condition resources. Sometimes the API may respond with an OperationOutcome.

The Alert API enables connected systems to query current patient alerts, based on the provincial patient health number (PHN). The API responds with a bundle containing the FHIR Flag resource, and sometimes may include an OperationOutcome. Patient alerts may include infectious disease alerts, staff safety flags and other patient alerts.

The Document API enables connected systems to query documents and community documents based on the provincial patient health number (PHN). The API responds with a bundle containing the FHIR DocumentReference resource. Sometimes the bundle may include an OperationOutcome resource.

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