Patient $match

FHIR Operation: $match



URL: [base]/Patient/$match

Parameters (In)


This is a set of matching criteria in patient demographics.

Return Values (Out)


The patient matching results in a bundle (of type 'searchset') containing the following resources (if any): Patient, OperationOutcome. The OperationOutcome contains any errors or warnings related to this operation if any.

Patients can be matched by their last and first names (mandatory), date of birth (mandatory), date of death, administrative gender and address.

As specified by Client Registry Services (CRS), a minimum search criteria has to be met for patient search to be sucessful.
Minimum search criteria is a combination of

Patient Last Name + First Name + Date of Birth

Addition optional search criteria:

Administrative gender, Date of death, Address

This transaction returns a list of maximum 10 patient resources in a FHIR bundle. Only the most recent patient demographics from EMPI are included in this response. For detail patient demographics, a subsequent call to a Read operation is suggested.

An example of patient $match request and response:

Patient $match Request Body

Patient $match Result in a Bundle