Patient Search by MRN

FHIR Interaction: ?

HTTP Method: GET

URL: [base]/Patient?identifier=[systrem URI for MRN]|[MRN]

Parameters (In)

Name Cardinality Type Documentation
identifier 1..1 uri+string The system URI assigned to the MRN and the value of MRN, separated by a pipe delimiter. For a list of MRN system URIs, refer to Terminology.

Return Values (Out)

Name Cardinality Type Documentation
bundle 1..1 Bundle A Bundle consists of a Patient resource and/or an OperationOutcome.

This transaction takes the patient's local MRN or SRI as the parameter and returns a detail patient demographics from EMPI. Patient demographics may include previous names, addresses and telecom contact information used in the past.

An example of patient search by MRN request and response:


Sample response