Summary of Medication Interactions

The API exposes one FHIR operation:

  1. MedicationDispense $MedicationProfile.

MedicationDispense $MedicationProfile

FHIR Operation: $MedicationProfile

HTTP Method: GET

URL: [base URL]/MedicationDispense/$MedicationProfile?patient=[patient health number]


URL: [base]/MedicationDispense/$MedicationProfile

Parameters (In)


The provinical patient health number to retrieve the medcation profile on.

Return Values (Out)


The medication profile as a bundle (of type 'searchset') containing the following resources (if any): MedicationDispense, AllergyIntolerance, Condition, OperationOutcome.

There will be one MedicationDispense resource for each dispense that has been recorded in the patient's medication history. There will be one AllergyIntolerance resource for each adverse reaction that has been recorded in the patient's medication history. There will be one Condition resource for each clinical condition that has been recorded in the patient's medication history. The OperationOutcome resource will contain any errors or warnings.

To retrieve the medication profile of the patient by the BC provincial patient health number