PFS Appointments

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.
Note: This is a draft version of the GP Connect PFS Appointments capability. The current version can be found using this link.

Find a patient



The consumer system:

  • SHALL have previously resolved the organisation's FHIR endpoint base URL
  • SHALL have acquired the patient's NHS number

API usage

Resolve (zero or more) Patient resources using a business identifier (that is, NHS number).

Request operation

The consumer system:

  • SHALL populate the [system] field with a valid patient identifier system URL (that is,

  • SHALL apply percent encoding when constructing the request URL as indicated in RFC 3986 Section 2.1. This will ensure that downstream servers correctly handle the pipe | character, which must be used in the identifier parameter value below.

{% include important.html content="GP Connect can only guarantee a successful response for searches using the identifier type Other identifier types may result in an error response if the provider does not recognise or support the identifier." %}

FHIR relative request

GET /Patient?identifier=[system]|[value]

FHIR absolute request

GET https://[proxy_server]/https://[provider_server]/[fhir_base]/Patient?identifier=[system]|[value]

Request headers

Payload request body


Error handling

Provider systems:

  • SHALL return a GPConnect-OperationOutcome-1 resource that provides additional detail when one or more request fields are corrupt or a specific business rule/constraint is breached

For example, the:

  • business identifier [system] is not recognised/supported by the Provider system
  • business identifier fails structural validation checks (that is, not enough digits to be a valid NHS number)

{% include important.html content="Failure to find a record with the supplied business identifier is not considered an error condition." %}

Request response

Response headers

Provider systems are not expected to add any specific headers beyond that described in the HTTP and FHIR® standards.

Payload response body

Provider systems:

  • SHALL return a 200 OK HTTP status code on successful execution of the operation.

  • SHALL return zero or more matching Patient resources in a Bundle of type searchset.

  • SHALL only return Patient resources for active patients. Where a patient is active but their NHS number has never been traced or verified, please see the provider system unverified record requirements below.

  • SHALL return Patient resources that conform to the CareConnect-GPC-Patient-1 profile.

  • SHALL populate the following Patient fields:

    • meta.profile with the profile URI
    • versionId with the current version of each Patient resource.
    • identifier with relevant business identifiers, including a minimum of the patient's NHS number
    • name
      • The patient resource SHALL contain a single instance of the name element with the use of official and SHALL contain the name synchronised with PDS.
    • birthDate
    • gender
    • address where available
    • telecom where available
    • contact with the patient's contacts - see population for further details
    • registrationDetails.preferredBranchSurgery with a reference to a Location resource representing the patient's preferred branch surgery (see Branch surgeries for more details)
    • nhsCommunication with the patient's language information, where available
    • managingOrganization Note: this is the current organisation, as addressed by ODS code in the base URL, and NOT the patient's registered practice which may be different
  • SHALL meet General FHIR resource population requirements populating all fields where data is available, excluding those listed below

  • SHALL NOT populate the following fields:

    • ethnicCategory
    • religiousAffiliation
    • patient-cadavericDonor
    • residentialStatus
    • treatmentCategory
    • birthPlace
    • maritalStatus
    • multipleBirthBoolean
{% include foundations/find_patient_response_example.json %}

Provider system unverified record requirements

Where an active matching patient record is found, but the NHS number on this record has never been traced or verified (either on PDS, or indirectly via NHAIS), the provider SHALL retrieve the patient's demographic record using a PDS Retrieval Query, and then:

  • Verify the patient's NHS number according to the rules below:

    • The NHS number is considered verified if:
      • The NHS number is found on PDS and the date of birth on the local system exactly matches the date of birth held on PDS
      • OR should 2 out of 3 parts of the date of birth match (YYYY or MM or DD) AND the first 3 characters of the first family name match and the initial character of the given match that held for the record on PDS.
    • If both of the above checks fail to find a match then the NHS number is not considered as verified
  • In addition, check that the patient is not recorded as deceased on PDS

  • In addition, check that patient's PDS record does not have any of the following PDS flags:

    • Invalid
    • Sensitive
    • Superseded

If all three steps above succeed the patient's NHS number SHALL be marked as verified, and the patient SHALL be included in the response bundle. Otherwise the patient's NHS number SHALL NOT be marked as verified and SHALL NOT be included in the response bundle.

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