PFS Appointments

This guidance is under active development by NHS Digital and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.
Note: This is a draft version of the GP Connect PFS Appointments capability. The current version can be found using this link.

FHIR Resources

FHIR resources when searching for free slots

This diagram shows the relationships between FHIR resources used when searching for free slots to book.

The FHIR resources above are used in the following API interactions:

Search for free slots

view API definition

  • (No FHIR resource is sent within the request payload)

FHIR resources when booking and managing booked appointments

This diagram shows the relationships between FHIR resources used when booking an appointment or managing a booked appointment.

Diagram - Appointment resource relationship structure

The Appointment resource and Organization resource (used to hold the booking organisation) are used in the request and/or response payloads of the API interactions below. References to the other resources (such as Slot, Location, Patient etc) are populated in the relevant fields of the Appointment resource.

Retrieve a patient's appointments

(view API definition)

  • (No FHIR resource is sent within the request payload)

Read an appointment

(view API definition)

  • (No FHIR resource is sent within the request payload)

Book an appointment

(view API definition)


Cancel an appointment

(view API definition)


FHIR resources returned in error responses

If an error occurs during processing of the request in any of the above API interactions then the provider system will return an HTTP error code along with an OperationOutcome resource in the response payload. Details of the specific error responses are available on the Error handling guidance page within the specification.


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