DRAFT - The specification is currently in development and subject to significant change. It is not ready for limited roll-out or production level use.
eConsult Context
Although the exchange paradigms outlined within this Implementation Guide can be applied to both eReferral and eConsult workflows, there are some slight variations between workflow that need to be taken into consideration when using this specification.
Searching for a Recipient (out-of-scope)
This implementation guide does not specify the various interactions that may take place to find a specialist for an eConsult, this is currently out-of-scope for the CA:eReC.
The guidance around that workflow is left up to the discretion of the clinics and their administrative processes.
This implementation guide will continue to evolve.
Case Assignment
Based on the ON-eReferral-eConsult iGuide, in the BASE Managed search model, case assignment may take place automatically using an algorithm that takes into account location, availability, specialty, and sub-specialty. Cases may also be assigned by a human assigner. Whereas in the Specific Provider model the case is assigned directly to a specialist, in the Group Model, the case is assigned by a human that works at the organization selected by the referrer. The case assigner will manually select a specialist based on availability.
Adding Notes
Consult notes can include text-based notes and attachments. Notes can be added to an eConsult request at various stages of the process. The referrer may add notes when the consult is in the following states:
- Case Submitted/Redirected
- Clarification Requested
- More Information Provided
The specialist may add notes during the following consult states:
- Consult Provided
- More Information Requested
Case Redirect
Cases may be redirected to different specialists by the referrer and the case assigner. If a specific provider is not available, the assigner may redirect the case to another specialist. This scenario will not cancel or close the original request but direct it to another target.
A referrer has the ability to redirect a case when it is not assigned and before a consult is provided. In this scenario, the original request is terminated and a new one is generated.
Requesting Clarification
After a consult has been provided, if further information is needed, the referrer has the ability to request clarification from the specialist. The consult state changes to Clarification Requested.
Case Completion
After a consult has been provided by the specialist, if the referrer is satisfied with the response they will then mark the case complete. At this stage, the case state is Case Completed.
While the ON-eReferral-eConsult iGuide did have an additional step for completion of questionnaire by both the requester and the performer, the focus on collection is currently out-of-scope for the CA:eReC.
This implementation guide will continue to evolve.