Implementasi Use Case Pelaporan Kasus ILI-SARI

Last Updated: 2024/01/03

Kegiatan surveilans untuk kasus ILI (Influenza-like Illness) dan SARI (Severe Acute Respiratory Infections) adalah kegiatan penting yang dapat memberikan data epidemiologis yang tepat dan berkualitas pada saat dibutuhkan. Dalam kegiatan surveilans ini, diperlukan data yang menyangkut data klinis (riwayat kesehatan pasien, gejala pasien, kondisi medis pasien) dan data isolat virus.

Dalam implementasi use case ini, terdapat dua jenis kasus yang perlu dilaporkan, yaitu:

  1. ILI (Influenza-like Illness), adalah suatu infeksi saluran pernapasan akut ditandai dengan:
    1. Demam ≥ 38℃, dan
    2. Batuk
    3. Tanggal mulainya gejala (demam atau batuk) tidak dak lebih dari 10 hari
    4. Pengukuran suhu tubuh pada saat pasien datang ke Puskesmas.
  2. SARI (Severe Acute Respiratory Infections), adalah Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) berat yang ditandai dengan gejala:
    1. Riwayat demam atau Demam ≥ 38℃
    2. Batuk;
    3. Tanggal mulainya gejala (demam atau batuk) tidak lebih dari 10 hari; dan
    4. Memerlukan perawatan rumah sakit.

Petunjuk implementasi use case ILI SARI dibuat sebagai panduan teknis untuk fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan atau pengembang rekam medis elektronik lainnya dalam melakukan proses integrasi dan interoperabilitas di dalam SATUSEHAT Platform, khususnya informasi terkait kejadian ILI SARI. Petunjuk implementasi ini menjelaskan secara detail mengenai standar tahapan alur integrasi dan format pengiriman data, mulai dari:

a. ILI
  1. Pendaftaran Pasien
  2. Pendaftaran Kunjungan
  3. Pengiriman Data Medis terkait Kondisi Medis
  4. Pengiriman Data Medis terkait Laboratorium
  5. Pengiriman Data Kuesioner ILI

  1. Pendaftaran Pasien
  2. Pendaftaran Kunjungan
  3. Pengiriman Data Diagnosis Masuk
  4. Pengiriman Data Medis terkait Kondisi Medis
  5. Pengiriman Data Medis terkait Laboratorium
  6. Pengiriman Data Form Keluar
  7. Pengiriman Data Kuesioner SARI

Resource FHIR yang digunakan pada use case ini yaitu:

Category No Resource Entry Mandatory
Base 1 Patient Required
2 Practitioner Required
3 Organization Required
4 Location Required
5 Encounter Required
Clinical 6 Condition Required
7 Composition Required
8 DiagnosticReport Required
9 Observation Required
10 QuestionnaireResponse Required
11 ServiceRequest Required
12 Specimen Required

Implementasi pelaporan kasus ILI-SARI secara umum dapat dibagi menjadi 2 bagian:
1. ILI


Postman ILI-SARI Playbook ILI-SARI Postman Resume Medis Rawat Jalan SATUSEHAT

ILI (Influenza-like Illness)

Last Updated: 2024/01/03

A. Pendahuluan

Tahapan alur integrasi dan resource yang digunakan untuk integrasi pelaporan kasus ILI dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini.


Gambar 2. Alur Integrasi Pelaporan ILI (Influenza-like Illness)

B. Strategi Pengiriman Data ke SATUSEHAT

SATUSEHAT menyediakan dua pilihan cara mengirimkan data use case ILI:

1. Berbasis Resource

Data dapat dikirimkan secara berurutan sesuai resource yang terlibat pada alur pelayanan terkait. Sebagai contoh: ketika mengirimkan data registrasi kasus saja yang berisikan resource Encounter dan Condition, maka implementor mengirimkan resource-resource tersebut ke SATUSEHAT secara berurutan sesuai dependensinya.

2. Berbasis Bundle

Data dapat dikirimkan seluruh resource yang terlibat pada alur pelayanan terkait dengan menggunakan satu langkah pengiriman data ke SATUSEHAT menggunakan profil FHIR bernama Bundle.

Resource-resource yang terlibat di setiap tahapan alur pelayanan untuk use case ILI adalah sebagai berikut:

Category No Resource Entry Mandatory
Base 1 Patient Required
2 Practitioner Required
3 Organization Required
4 Location Required
5 Encounter * Required
Clinical 6 Condition Required
7 Observation Required
8 ServiceRequest Required
9 Specimen Required
10 QuestionnaireResponse Required
11 DiagnosticReport Required
12 Composition Required


  1. *) Profile Resource yang direkomendasikan tersedia pada proses pencatatan
  2. Required: Entry resource harus dilibatkan setiap kali mengirimkan bundle
  3. Optional: Entry resource dapat tidak dilibatkan setiap kali mengirimkan bundle

C. Langkah-Langkah Pengiriman Data ke SATUSEHAT

[Pre-Use Case Requirement] Pencarian Data Pasien

Apabila melakukan pengiriman data kesehatan melalui SATUSEHAT yang memiliki elemen data terkait pasien, maka diperlukan informasi {patient-ihs-number} dari pasien yang bersangkutan. {patient-ihs-number} seorang pasien didapatkan dari Master Patient Index (MPI) Kementerian Kesehatan. MPI menyimpan data-data demografi pasien berskala nasional, mulai dari nama, tanggal lahir, alamat, IDentitas resmi yang diterbitkan pemerintah, dan lain lain. Setelah mendapatkan {patient-ihs-number}, ID dapat disimpan secara di masing-masing sistem internal fasyankes maupun partner non-fasyankes. {patient-ihs-number} akan mempermudah pelaporan pelayanan kesehatan yang berhubungan dengan pasien, karena partner tidak diwajibkan menyertakan data diri setiap ada pengiriman data {patient-ihs-number} juga dapat digunakan untuk melihat data diri pasien secara menyeluruh.

CATATAN: Proses pencarian {patient-ihs-number} dari pasien dapat dilakukan melalui FHIR API dengan metode GET. Untuk metode pencarian data pasien di SATUSEHAT secara detail dapat dilihat dalam resource Patient dan terkait panduan/playbook MPI dapat dilihat dalam dokumen Master Patient Index.

Step 1. Pendaftaran Kunjungan Pasien

Kunjungan pasien dapat didefinisikan sebagai interaksi pasien terhadap suatu layanan fasyankes. Sebagai contoh, dalam satu rangkaian rawat jalan, seluruh rangkaian dapat didefinisikan sebagai satu “Encounter”. Data-data kunjungan pasien yang direkam meliputi kapan pertemuan tersebut mulai dan selesai, siapa tenaga kesehatan yang melayani, siapa subjek dari pelayanannya, dan informasi pendukung lainnya.

Pendataan Kunjungan Rawat Jalan

    "resourceType": "Encounter",
    "identifier":  [
            "use": "temp",
            "system": "",
            "value": "P20240001"
    "status": "arrived",
    "class": {
        "system": "",
        "code": "AMB",
        "display": "ambulatory"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "participant":  [
            "type":  [
                    "coding":  [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "ATND",
                            "display": "attender"
            "individual": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "period": {
        "start": "2022-10-15T07:00:00+00:00"
    "location":  [
            "location": {
                "reference": "Location/b017aa54-f1df-4ec2-9d84-8823815d7228",
                "display": "Ruang 1A, Poliklinik Bedah Rawat Jalan Terpadu, Lantai 2, Gedung G"
    "statusHistory":  [
            "status": "arrived",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-10-14T07:00:00+00:00"
    "serviceProvider": {
        "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "resourceType": "Encounter",
    "identifier":  [
            "use": "temp",
            "system": "{{ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER}}",
            "value": "{{ENCOUNTER_LOCAL_CODE}}"
    "status": "arrived",
    "class": {
        "system": "",
        "code": "AMB",
        "display": "ambulatory"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}",
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "participant":  [
            "type":  [
                    "coding":  [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "ATND",
                            "display": "attender"
            "individual": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/{{PRACTITIONER_IHS_NUMBER}}",
                "display": "{{DOCTOR_NAME}}"
    "period": {
        "start": "{{ENCOUNTER_PERIOD1_START}}"
    "location":  [
            "location": {
                "reference": "Location/{{ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION}}",
                "display": "{{ENCOUNTER_LOCATION_NAME}}"
    "statusHistory":  [
            "status": "arrived",
            "period": {
                "start": "{{ENCOUNTER_PERIOD1_START}}"
    "serviceProvider": {
        "reference": "Organization/{{ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER}}"
Variabel Deskripsi
ENCOUNTER_LOCAL_CODE ID Lokal untuk Kunjungan/Encounter
DOCTOR_NAME Nama Dokter/Nakes
ENCOUNTER_PERIOD1_START Waktu mulai/check-in kunjungan
ENCOUNTER_PERIOD1_END Waktu mulai/check-out kunjungan
ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION ID Location tempat kunjungan dilakukan
ENCOUNTER_LOCATION_NAME Nama Location tempat kunjungan dilakukan

Step 2. Pengiriman Data Medis terkait Kondisi Pasien

Data terkait kondisi pasien pada modul ILI mencakup informasi sebagai berikut:
1. Suhu (resource Observation)
2. Frekuensi napas (resource Observation)
3. Gejala + Tanda Mulai Sakit/Gejala (resource Condition)
4. Kondisi medis (resource Observation)
5. Faktor Penularan & Alasan Tidak Mau Diambil Spesimen (resource QuestionnaireResponse)


    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "vital-signs",
                    "display": "Vital Signs"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "8310-5",
                "display": "Body temperature"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-14T07:00:00+00:00",
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "valueQuantity": {
        "value": 38.5,
        "unit": "Celcius",
        "system": "",
        "code": "Cel"
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category": [
            "coding": [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "vital-signs",
                    "display": "Vital Signs"
    "code": {
        "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "8310-5",
                "display": "Body temperature"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "effectiveDateTime": "{{OBSERVATION_EFFECTIVE_DATETIME}}",
    "performer": [
            "reference": "Practitioner/{{PRACTITIONER_IHS_NUMBER}}"
            "reference": "Organization/{{ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "valueQuantity": {
		"value": "{{OBSERVATION_VALUE}}",
		"unit": "C",
		"system": "",
		"code": "Cel"
Variabel Deskripsi
ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan
OBSERVATION_EFFECTIVE_DATETIME Tanggal dan waktu nilai observasi yang diamati dinyatakan benar
OBSERVATION_VALUE Nilai observasi untuk suhu tubuh pasien dalam satuan Celcius

(*): Jenis data yang memiliki terminologi spesifik. Kamus terminologi bisa ditemukan pada tab "ValueSet"


Frekuensi Napas

    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "vital-signs",
                    "display": "Vital Signs"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "9279-1",
                "display": "Respiratory rate"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-14T07:00:00+00:00",
    "valueQuantity": {
        "value": 20,
        "unit": "/min",
        "system": "",
        "code": "/min"
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category": [
            "coding": [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "vital-signs",
                    "display": "Vital Signs"
    "code": {
        "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "9279-1",
                "display": "Respiratory rate"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "effectiveDateTime": "{{OBSERVATION_EFFECTIVE_DATETIME}}",
    "performer": [
            "reference": "Practitioner/{{PRACTITIONER_IHS_NUMBER}}"
            "reference": "Organization/{{ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "valueQuantity": {
		"value": "{{OBSERVATION_VALUE}}",
		"unit": "/min",
        "system": "",
        "code": "/min"
| Variabel | Deskripsi | | ------------------------------ | --------- | | __ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER__ | {organization-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT | | __PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER__ | {patient-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT | | __ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER__ | {id-resource-Encounter} pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan | | __OBSERVATION_EFFECTIVE_DATETIME__ | Tanggal dan waktu nilai observasi yang diamati dinyatakan benar | | __PRACTITIONER_IHS_NUMBER__ | {practitioner-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT | | __OBSERVATION_VALUE__ | Nilai observasi untuk pernapasan tubuh pasien dalam satuan per menit|

(*): Jenis data yang memiliki terminologi spesifik. Kamus terminologi bisa ditemukan pada tab "ValueSet"


Gejala + Tanda Mulai Sakit/Gejala

Gejala batuk
    "resourceType": "Condition",
    "clinicalStatus": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "active",
                "display": "Active"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "problem-list-item",
                    "display": "Problem List Item"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "49727002",
                "display": "Cough"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "onsetDateTime": "2022-07-14",
    "recordedDate": "2022-07-14"
    "resourceType": "Condition",
    "clinicalStatus": {
        "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "active",
                "display": "Active"
    "category": [
            "coding": [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "problem-list-item",
                    "display": "Problem List Item"
    "code": {
        "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "49727002",
                "display": "Cough"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}",
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "onsetDateTime": "{{CONDITION_ONSET_DATETIME}}",
    "recordedDate": "{{CONDITION_RECORDED_DATETIME}}"
| Variabel | Deskripsi | | ------------------------------ | --------- | | __PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER__ | {patient-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT | | __PATIENT_NAME__ | Nama Pasien | | __CONDITION_ONSET_DATETIME__ | Tanggal perkiraan atau tanggal aktual atau tanggal-waktu kondisi mulai, menurut pendapat dokter.| | __CONDITION_RECORDED_DATETIME__ | Tanggal kapan kondisi/keluhan ini tercatat dalam sistem (tanggal yang dibuat oleh sistem)|

(*): Jenis data yang memiliki terminologi spesifik. Kamus terminologi bisa ditemukan pada tab "ValueSet"


Kondisi Medis

    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "social-history",
                    "display": "Social History"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "80943009",
                "display": "Risk factor"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-14T07:00:00+00:00",
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "77176002",
                "display": "Smoker"
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category": [
            "coding": [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "social-history",
                    "display": "Social History"
    "code": {
        "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "80943009",
                "display": "Risk factor"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "effectiveDateTime": "{{OBSERVATION_EFFECTIVE_DATETIME}}",
    "performer": [
            "reference": "Practitioner/{{PRACTITIONER_IHS_NUMBER}}"
            "reference": "Organization/{{ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "77176002",
                "display": "Smoker"
Variabel Deskripsi
ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER {organization-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT
PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER {patient-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT
ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER {id-resource-Encounter} pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan
OBSERVATION_EFFECTIVE_DATETIME Tanggal dan waktu nilai observasi yang diamati dinyatakan benar
OBSERVATION_ISSUED Tanggal dan waktu versi observasi ini tersedia, biasanya setelah hasilnya ditinjau/direview dan diverifikasi
PRACTITIONER_IHS_NUMBER {practitioner-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT

(*): Jenis data yang memiliki terminologi spesifik. Kamus terminologi bisa ditemukan pada tab "ValueSet"


Faktor Penularan & Alasan Tidak Mau Diambil Spesimen

Selain melakukan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik, wawancara faktor penularan adalah kegiatan yang penting dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi epidemiologis. Data dari proses pemeriksaan dapat dikirimkan resource QuestionnaireResponse
    "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse",
    "questionnaire": "",
    "status": "completed",
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/5631f3e5-aa76-48a4-bc99-f5c847b395d9"
    "authored": "2023-07-18T10:00:00+07:00",
    "author": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
    "source": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "item":  [
            "linkId": "1",
            "text": "Faktor Penularan",
            "item":  [
                    "linkId": "1.1",
                    "text": "Apakah dalam dua minggu terakhir, anda bepergian keluar negeri?",
                    "answer":  [
                            "valueBoolean": true
                            "item":  [
                                    "linkId": "1.1.1",
                                    "text": "Sebutkan Negaranya",
                                    "answer":  [
                                            "valueCoding": {
                                                "system": "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
                                                "code": "BR",
                                                "display": "Brazil"
                    "linkId": "1.2",
                    "text": "Ada orang serumah yang menderita sakit sepulang dari bepergian ke luar negeri?",
                    "answer":  [
                            "valueBoolean": true
                            "item":  [
                                    "linkId": "1.2.1",
                                    "text": "Sebutkan Negaranya",
                                    "answer":  [
                                            "valueCoding": {
                                                "system": "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
                                                "code": "BR",
                                                "display": "Brazil"
                    "linkId": "1.3",
                    "text": "Dalam 2 minggu terakhir, apakah pernah kontak dengan unggas mati mendadak?",
                    "answer":  [
                            "valueBoolean": true
                    "linkId": "1.4",
                    "text": "Apakah rumah pasien dekat dengan peternakan unggas (< 100m)?",
                    "answer":  [
                            "valueBoolean": true
                    "linkId": "1.5",
                    "text": "Apakah sudah melakukan vaksinasi influenza 12 bulan terakhir?",
                    "answer":  [
                            "valueBoolean": true
                    "linkId": "1.6",
                    "text": "Apakah sudah melakukan vaksinasi COVID-19 12 bulan terakhir?",
                    "answer":  [
                            "valueBoolean": true
    "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse",
    "questionnaire": "",
    "status": "completed",
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "authored": "{{AUTHORED_DATETIME}}",
    "author": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/{{PRACTITIONER_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "source": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "item": [
            "linkId": "1",
            "text": "Faktor Penularan",
            "item": [
                    "linkId": "1.1",
                    "text": "Apakah dalam dua minggu terakhir, anda bepergian keluar negeri?",
                    "answer": [
                            "valueBoolean": {{ANSWER_1_1}}
                            "item": [
                                    "linkId": "1.1.1",
                                    "text": "Sebutkan Negaranya",
                                    "answer": [
                                            "valueCoding": {
                                                "system": "{{ANSWER_1_1_1}}",
                                                "code": "{{ANSWER_1_1_1}}",
                                                "display": "{{ANSWER_1_1_1}}"
                    "linkId": "1.2",
                    "text": "Ada orang serumah yang menderita sakit sepulang dari bepergian ke luar negeri?",
                    "answer": [
                            "valueBoolean": {{ANSWER_1_2}}
                            "item": [
                                    "linkId": "1.2.1",
                                    "text": "Sebutkan Negaranya",
                                    "answer": [
                                            "valueCoding": {
                                                "system": "{{ANSWER_1_2_1}}",
                                                "code": "{{ANSWER_1_2_1}}",
                                                "display": "{{ANSWER_1_2_1}}"
                    "linkId": "1.3",
                    "text": "Dalam 2 minggu terakhir, apakah pernah kontak dengan unggas mati mendadak?",
                    "answer": [
                            "valueBoolean": {{ANSWER_1_3}}
                    "linkId": "1.4",
                    "text": "Apakah rumah pasien dekat dengan peternakan unggas (< 100m)?",
                    "answer": [
                            "valueBoolean": {{ANSWER_1_4}}
                    "linkId": "1.5",
                    "text": "Apakah sudah melakukan vaksinasi influenza 12 bulan terakhir?",
                    "answer": [
                            "valueBoolean": {{ANSWER_1_5}}
                    "linkId": "1.6",
                    "text": "Apakah sudah melakukan vaksinasi COVID-19 12 bulan terakhir?",
                    "answer": [
                            "valueBoolean": {{ANSWER_1_6}}
Variabel Deskripsi
PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER {patient-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT
PATIENT_NAME Nama pasien
ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER {organization-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT
ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER {id-resource-Encounter} pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan
AUTHORED_DATETIME Waktu di mana jawaban kuesioner didapatkan dengan tipe data dateTime, dengan format yang diperbolehkan YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz
PRACTITIONER_IHS_NUMBER {practitioner-ihs-number} pada SATUSEHAT
ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER {id-resource-Encounter} pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan
ANSWER_1_1 Pernyataan apakah pasien bepergian keluar negeri dalam 2 minggu terakhir dengan tipe data boolean
ANSWER_1_1_1 Negara yang dikunjungi pasien dalam 2 minggu terakhir dengan kode ISO 3166
ANSWER_1_2 Pernyataan apakah ada orang serumah yang menderita sakit sepulang dari bepergian ke luar negeri dengan tipe data boolean
ANSWER_1_2_1 Negara yang dikunjungi orang serumah dengan kode ISO 3166
ANSWER_1_3 Pernyataan apakah pasien pernah kontak dengan unggas mati mendadak dalam 2 minggu terakhir dengan tipe data boolean
ANSWER_1_4 Pernyataan apakah rumah pasien dekat dengan peternakan unggas (< 100m) dengan tipe data boolean
ANSWER_1_5 Pernyataan apakah sudah melakukan vaksinasi influenza 12 bulan terakhir dengan tipe data boolean
ANSWER_1_6 Pernyataan apakah sudah melakukan vaksinasi COVID-19 12 bulan terakhir dengan tipe data boolean

Step 3. Permintaan Pemeriksaan (Laboratorium Pemeriksa/Dituju)

Data mengenai permintaan pemeriksaan swab nasal ataupun tenggorokan dapat dikirimkan dengan resource ServiceRequest.

A. Rujukan dari Faskes Sentinel ke Lab Terpilih

Permintaan Pemeriksaan COVID-19 PCR
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "3457005",
                    "display": "Patient referral"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "94500-6",
                "display": "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Organization/10000004",
        "display": "Puskesmas Bagelen"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
	"identifier": [
            "system": "{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}",
            "value": "{{SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE}}"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "3457005",
                    "display": "Patient referral"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "94500-6",
                "display": "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "occurrenceDateTime":  "{{SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME}}",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/{{ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION}}",
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "{{REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST}}"
Variabel Deskripsi
SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE Kode atau ID lokal/nomor service request lokal yang disimpan di sistem internal masing-masing organisasi
PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER ID Patient yang didapatkan dari master pasien indeks

| ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan | | SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME | Berisi data informasi kapan kontrol harus terlaksana dengan tipe data dateTime, dengan format yang diperbolehkan YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz | | ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER | ID organisasi induk yang didapatkan dari master sarana indeks | | ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data lokasi faskes | | REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST |Berisi data yang berkaitan dengan penjelasan atau justifikasi mengenai mengapa pelayanan ini diminta dalam bentuk kode atau teks |


Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza A
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "3457005",
                    "display": "Patient referral"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Organization/10000004",
        "display": "Puskesmas Bagelen"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
	"identifier": [
            "system": "{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}",
            "value": "{{SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE}}"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "3457005",
                    "display": "Patient referral"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "occurrenceDateTime":  "{{SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME}}",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/{{ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION}}",
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "{{REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST}}"
Variabel Deskripsi
SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE Kode atau ID lokal/nomor service request lokal yang disimpan di sistem internal masing-masing organisasi
PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER ID Patient yang didapatkan dari master pasien indeks

| ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan | | SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME | Berisi data informasi kapan kontrol harus terlaksana dengan tipe data dateTime, dengan format yang diperbolehkan YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz | | ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER | ID organisasi induk yang didapatkan dari master sarana indeks | | ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data lokasi faskes | | REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST |Berisi data yang berkaitan dengan penjelasan atau justifikasi mengenai mengapa pelayanan ini diminta dalam bentuk kode atau teks |


Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza B
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "3457005",
                    "display": "Patient referral"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92141-1",
                "display": "Influenza virus B RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Organization/10000004",
        "display": "Puskesmas Bagelen"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
	"identifier": [
            "system": "{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}",
            "value": "{{SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE}}"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "3457005",
                    "display": "Patient referral"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92141-1",
                "display": "Influenza virus B RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "occurrenceDateTime":  "{{SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME}}",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/{{ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION}}",
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "{{REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST}}"
Variabel Deskripsi
SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE Kode atau ID lokal/nomor service request lokal yang disimpan di sistem internal masing-masing organisasi
PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER ID Patient yang didapatkan dari master pasien indeks

| ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan | | SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME | Berisi data informasi kapan kontrol harus terlaksana dengan tipe data dateTime, dengan format yang diperbolehkan YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz | | ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER | ID organisasi induk yang didapatkan dari master sarana indeks | | ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data lokasi faskes | | REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST |Berisi data yang berkaitan dengan penjelasan atau justifikasi mengenai mengapa pelayanan ini diminta dalam bentuk kode atau teks |


B. Permintaan Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Dalam Faskes

Permintaan Pemeriksaan COVID-19 PCR
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "94500-6",
                "display": "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
        "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
	"identifier": [
            "system": "{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}",
            "value": "{{SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE}}"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "94500-6",
                "display": "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "occurrenceDateTime":  "{{SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME}}",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/{{DOCTOR_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/{{ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION}}",
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "{{REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST}}"
| Variabel | Deskripsi | | ------------------------------ | --------- | | __SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE__ | Kode atau ID lokal/nomor service request lokal yang disimpan di sistem internal masing-masing organisasi | | __PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER__ | ID Patient yang didapatkan dari master pasien indeks | | __PATIENT_NAME__ | Nama Pasien |

| ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan | | SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME | Berisi data informasi kapan kontrol harus terlaksana dengan tipe data dateTime, dengan format yang diperbolehkan YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz | | DOCTOR_IHS_NUMBER | ID Nakes organisasi induk yang didapatkan dari master Nakes indeks | | ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER | ID organisasi induk yang didapatkan dari master sarana indeks | | ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data lokasi faskes | | REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST |Berisi data yang berkaitan dengan penjelasan atau justifikasi mengenai mengapa pelayanan ini diminta dalam bentuk kode atau teks |


Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza A
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
        "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
	"identifier": [
            "system": "{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}",
            "value": "{{SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE}}"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "occurrenceDateTime":  "{{SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME}}",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/{{DOCTOR_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/{{ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION}}",
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "{{REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST}}"
| Variabel | Deskripsi | | ------------------------------ | --------- | | __SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE__ | Kode atau ID lokal/nomor service request lokal yang disimpan di sistem internal masing-masing organisasi | | __PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER__ | ID Patient yang didapatkan dari master pasien indeks | | __PATIENT_NAME__ | Nama Pasien |

| ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan | | SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME | Berisi data informasi kapan kontrol harus terlaksana dengan tipe data dateTime, dengan format yang diperbolehkan YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz | | DOCTOR_IHS_NUMBER | ID Nakes organisasi induk yang didapatkan dari master Nakes indeks | | ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER | ID organisasi induk yang didapatkan dari master sarana indeks | | ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data lokasi faskes | | REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST |Berisi data yang berkaitan dengan penjelasan atau justifikasi mengenai mengapa pelayanan ini diminta dalam bentuk kode atau teks |


Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza B
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92141-1",
                "display": "Influenza virus B RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
        "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
	"identifier": [
            "system": "{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}",
            "value": "{{SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE}}"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92141-1",
                "display": "Influenza virus B RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}"
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/{{ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER}}"
    "occurrenceDateTime":  "{{SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME}}",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/{{DOCTOR_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/{{ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION}}",
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "{{REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST}}"
Variabel Deskripsi
SERVICEREQUEST_LOCAL_CODE Kode atau ID lokal/nomor service request lokal yang disimpan di sistem internal masing-masing organisasi
PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER ID Patient yang didapatkan dari master pasien indeks

| ID_RESOURCE_ENCOUNTER | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data kunjungan | | SERVICEREQUEST_OCCURRENCE_DATETIME | Berisi data informasi kapan kontrol harus terlaksana dengan tipe data dateTime, dengan format yang diperbolehkan YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz | | DOCTOR_IHS_NUMBER | ID Nakes organisasi induk yang didapatkan dari master Nakes indeks | | ORGANIZATION_IHS_NUMBER | ID organisasi induk yang didapatkan dari master sarana indeks | | ID_RESOURCE_LOCATION | pada SATUSEHAT untuk data lokasi faskes | | REASON_FOR_SERVICEREQUEST |Berisi data yang berkaitan dengan penjelasan atau justifikasi mengenai mengapa pelayanan ini diminta dalam bentuk kode atau teks |


Step 4. Spesimen

Specimen Keadaan Baik

    "resourceType": "Specimen",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001",
            "assigner": {
                "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "status": "available",
    "type": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "258500001",
                "display": "Nasopharyngeal swab"
    "collection": {
        "collectedDateTime": "2022-06-14T08:15:00+00:00",
        "extension":  [
                "url": "",
                "valueReference": {
                    "reference": "Organization/10083042"
    "processing":  [
            "timeDateTime": "2022-06-15T08:23:00+00:00"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "request":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/6c37226f-cac3-4731-93ed-60fc9c74e399"
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueDateTime": "2022-06-14T09:23:00+00:00"
    "receivedTime": "2022-11-14T15:25:00+00:00",
    "note":  [
            "authorReference": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
            "time": "2022-06-14T09:30:00+00:00",
            "text": "Waktu Entry Spesimen"

Specimen Keadaan Tidak Baik

    "resourceType": "Specimen",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001",
            "assigner": {
                "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "status": "unsatisfactory",
    "type": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "258500001",
                "display": "Nasopharyngeal swab"
    "collection": {
        "collectedDateTime": "2022-06-14T08:15:00+00:00",
        "extension":  [
                "url": "",
                "valueReference": {
                    "reference": "Organization/10083042"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "request":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/6c37226f-cac3-4731-93ed-60fc9c74e399"
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueDateTime": "2022-06-14T09:23:00+00:00"
    "receivedTime": "2022-11-14T15:25:00+00:00",
    "note":  [
            "authorReference": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
            "time": "2022-06-14T09:30:00+00:00",
            "text": "Waktu Entry Spesimen"

Step 5. Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium


COVID-19 PCR - Positif
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "94500-6",
                "display": "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/5dd79cf6-b799-44b0-ae13-db0a95d63f77"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "LA6576-8",
                "display": "Positive"

B. Influenza A

Influenza A - Positif
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "LA6576-8",
                "display": "Positive"

Influenza A - Subtype
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "22827-0",
                "display": "Influenza virus A subtype [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "449024000",
                "display": "Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009"

Influenza A - Invalid
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "dataAbsentReason": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "LA15841-2",
                "display": "Invalid"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"

Step 6. Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium (Waktu Verifikasi Hasil)

A. Covid 19

Covid 19 - Positif
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "22827-0",
                "display": "Influenza virus A subtype [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "449024000",
                "display": "Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009"

B. Influenza A

Influenza A - Positif
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "22827-0",
                "display": "Influenza virus A subtype [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "449024000",
                "display": "Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009"

Influenza A Subtype
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "22827-0",
                "display": "Influenza virus A subtype [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "449024000",
                "display": "Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009"

Step 7. Update Data Kunjungan

Pasien Pulang

    "resourceType": "Encounter",
    "id": "8571fcf0-a699-4c73-81c5-bae97b6e68ad",
    "identifier":  [
            "use": "temp",
            "system": "",
            "value": "P20240001"
    "status": "finished",
    "class": {
        "system": "",
        "code": "AMB",
        "display": "ambulatory"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "participant":  [
            "type":  [
                    "coding":  [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "ATND",
                            "display": "attender"
            "individual": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "period": {
        "start": "2022-06-15T07:00:00+00:00",
        "end": "2022-06-15T09:00:00+00:00"
    "location":  [
            "location": {
                "reference": "Location/b017aa54-f1df-4ec2-9d84-8823815d7228",
                "display": "Ruang 1A, Poliklinik Bedah Rawat Jalan Terpadu, Lantai 2, Gedung G"
    "statusHistory":  [
            "status": "arrived",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-06-14T07:00:00+00:00",
                "end": "2022-06-14T08:00:00+00:00"
            "status": "in-progress",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-06-14T08:00:00+00:00",
                "end": "2022-06-14T09:00:00+00:00"
            "status": "finished",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-06-14T09:00:00+00:00",
                "end": "2022-06-14T09:00:00+00:00"
    "serviceProvider": {
        "reference": "Organization/10000004"

Step 8. Kuesioner Kasus ILI

    "resourceType": "Composition",
    "identifier": {
        "system": "",
        "value": "2361720002"
    "status": "final",
    "type": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "COM000002",
                "display": "Form Lahir Mati"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/8571fcf0-a699-4c73-81c5-bae97b6e68ad"
    "date": "2022-06-14T08:15:00+00:00",
    "author":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
            "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "title": "Kuesioner Kasus ILI",
    "attester":  [
            "mode": "legal",
            "party": {
                "reference": "Organization/10000004",
                "display": "Puskesmas Sangat Waras"
    "section":  [
            "title": "Keadaan Saat Masuk",
            "focus": {
                "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
                "display": "Budi Santoso"
            "entry":  [
                    "display": "Suhu",
                    "reference": "Observation/d8aad3cd-188a-439d-ac20-e055ad386c26"
                    "display": "Frekuensi Nafas",
                    "reference": "Observation/91f7cf4a-470a-49cb-ba24-ed055fa116f1"
                    "display": "Gejala dan Tanda Mulai Sakit/Gejala",
                    "reference": "Condition/6d4bf02b-1913-4af5-bbb7-b351c7399132"
            "title": "Kondisi Medis/Faktor Risiko",
            "focus": {
                "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
                "display": "Budi Santoso"
            "entry":  [
                    "display": "Kondisi Medis",
                    "reference": "Observation/02c40c71-8912-4f6e-b821-eec578b8cfb7"
                    "display": "Faktor Penularan",
                    "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/791224e2-9145-47c3-a0f8-4ce323bc7399"
            "title": "Pengambilan Spesimen",
            "focus": {
                "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
                "display": "Budi Santoso"
            "entry":  [
                    "display": "Alasan Tidak Mau Diambil Spesimen",
                    "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/791224e2-9145-47c3-a0f8-4ce323bc7399"
                    "display": "Permintaan Pemeriksaan COVID-19 PCR",
                    "reference": "ServiceRequest/5dd79cf6-b799-44b0-ae13-db0a95d63f77"
                    "display": "Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza A",
                    "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
                    "display": "Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza B",
                    "reference": "ServiceRequest/db1ea185-8836-4e2c-9468-4e4b43475a4a"
                    "display": "Spesimen",
                    "reference": "Specimen/2ae3a5e8-416d-4dab-b5c9-cfcef5fd0471"
            "title": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium",
            "focus": {
                "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
                "display": "Budi Santoso"
            "entry":  [
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium COVID-19 PCR",
                    "reference": "Observation/56c3135e-8659-4b02-a73e-3aaa10f48e7f"
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza A",
                    "reference": "Observation/0a074e30-0816-4f13-8e77-55f20704e4f7"
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza A subtype",
                    "reference": "Observation/89db8afb-c09d-4184-a512-f3f7a61e72a5"
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza B",
                    "reference": "Observation/7ddc5fe6-64a6-4cb7-877e-1f9fd37d4814"
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza B subtype",
                    "reference": "Observation/5e574975-3ae0-4bfe-96c1-cb5b4d30c18f"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium COVID-19 PCR",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/a60b9fb4-cfc0-4568-9524-31a7921b67e8"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza A",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/c0543144-2fff-4365-81c6-053d6323b057"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza A Subtype",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/cd98a04a-99ae-41d8-a844-3a55bb19dac6"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza B",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/df498577-e61b-458d-8001-146af6be610d"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza B Subtype",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/7d6a9f6c-158c-4c51-8195-cb7be87a6721"

SARI (Severe Acute Respiratory Infections)

Last Updated: 2023/12/20

A. Pendahuluan

Tahapan alur integrasi dan resource yang digunakan untuk integrasi pelaporan kasus SARI dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini.


Gambar 2. Alur Integrasi Pelaporan SARI

B. Strategi Pengiriman Data ke SATUSEHAT

SATUSEHAT menyediakan dua pilihan cara mengirimkan data use case ILI:

1. Berbasis Resource

Data dapat dikirimkan secara berurutan sesuai resource yang terlibat pada alur pelayanan terkait. Sebagai contoh: ketika mengirimkan data registrasi kasus saja yang berisikan resource Encounter dan Condition, maka implementor mengirimkan resource-resource tersebut ke SATUSEHAT secara berurutan sesuai dependensinya.

2. Berbasis Bundle

Data dapat dikirimkan seluruh resource yang terlibat pada alur pelayanan terkait dengan menggunakan satu langkah pengiriman data ke SATUSEHAT menggunakan profil FHIR bernama Bundle.

Resource-resource yang terlibat di setiap tahapan alur pelayanan untuk use case ILI adalah sebagai berikut:

Category No Resource Entry Mandatory
Base 1 Patient Required
2 Practitioner Required
3 Organization Required
4 Location Required
5 Encounter * Required
Clinical 6 Condition Required
7 Observation Required
8 ServiceRequest Required
9 Specimen Required
10 QuestionnaireResponse Required
11 DiagnosticReport Required
12 Composition Required


  1. *) Profile Resource yang direkomendasikan tersedia pada proses pencatatan
  2. Required: Entry resource harus dilibatkan setiap kali mengirimkan bundle
  3. Optional: Entry resource dapat tidak dilibatkan setiap kali mengirimkan bundle

C. Langkah-Langkah Pengiriman Data ke SATUSEHAT

[Pre-Use Case Requirement] Pencarian Data Pasien

Apabila melakukan pengiriman data kesehatan melalui SATUSEHAT yang memiliki elemen data terkait pasien, maka diperlukan informasi {patient-ihs-number} dari pasien yang bersangkutan. {patient-ihs-number} seorang pasien didapatkan dari Master Patient Index (MPI) Kementerian Kesehatan. MPI menyimpan data-data demografi pasien berskala nasional, mulai dari nama, tanggal lahir, alamat, IDentitas resmi yang diterbitkan pemerintah, dan lain lain. Setelah mendapatkan {patient-ihs-number}, ID dapat disimpan secara di masing-masing sistem internal fasyankes maupun partner non-fasyankes. {patient-ihs-number} akan mempermudah pelaporan pelayanan kesehatan yang berhubungan dengan pasien, karena partner tidak diwajibkan menyertakan data diri setiap ada pengiriman data {patient-ihs-number} juga dapat digunakan untuk melihat data diri pasien secara menyeluruh.

CATATAN: Proses pencarian {patient-ihs-number} dari pasien dapat dilakukan melalui FHIR API dengan metode GET. Untuk metode pencarian data pasien di SATUSEHAT secara detail dapat dilihat dalam resource Patient dan terkait panduan/playbook MPI dapat dilihat dalam dokumen Master Patient Index.

Step 1. Pendataan Kunjungan Rawat Inap (Awal Masuk)

Kunjungan pasien dapat didefinisikan sebagai interaksi pasien terhadap suatu layanan fasyankes. Sebagai contoh, dalam satu rangkaian rawat jalan, seluruh rangkaian dapat didefinisikan sebagai satu “Encounter”. Data-data kunjungan pasien yang direkam meliputi kapan pertemuan tersebut mulai dan selesai, siapa tenaga kesehatan yang melayani, siapa subjek dari pelayanannya, dan informasi pendukung lainnya.

Pendataan Kunjungan Rawat Inap

    "resourceType": "Encounter",
    "identifier":  [
            "use": "temp",
            "system": "",
            "value": "10085103"
    "status": "in-progress",
    "class": {
        "system": "",
        "code": "IMP",
        "display": "inpatient encounter"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "participant":  [
            "type":  [
                    "coding":  [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "ATND",
                            "display": "attender"
            "individual": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "period": {
        "start": "2022-12-25T23:00:00+00:00"
    "location":  [
            "location": {
                "reference": "Location/fbd65f98-4864-48bd-a6f3-7b477a23e763",
                "display": "Bed 2, Ruang 210, Bangsal Rawat Inap Kelas 1, Layanan Penyakit Dalam, Lantai 2, Gedung Utama"
    "diagnosis":  [
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/35fa402e-76fc-4d34-9cfe-b24eb8b428d6",
                "display": "Fever, unspecified"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "AD",
                        "display": "Admission diagnosis"
            "rank": 1
    "statusHistory":  [
            "status": "in-progress",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-12-24T23:00:00+00:00"
    "serviceProvider": {
        "reference": "Organization/3c8f6d64-7eec-4747-a980-3e2a0e54b026"
    "resourceType": "Encounter",
    "identifier": [
            "system": "{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}",
            "value": "{{ENCOUNTER_LOCAL_CODE}}"
    "status": "arrived",
    "class": {
        "system": "",
        "code": "AMB",
        "display": "ambulatory"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/{{PATIENT_IHS_NUMBER}}",
        "display": "{{PATIENT_NAME}}"
    "participant": [
            "type": [
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "ATND",
                            "display": "attender"
            "individual": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/{{DOCTOR_IHS_NUMBER}}",
                "display": "{{DOCTOR_NAME}}"
    "period": {
        "start": "{{ENCOUNTER_PERIOD1_START}}"
    "location": [
            "location": {
                "reference": "Location/{{ENCOUNTER_LOCATION_ID}}",
                "display": "{{ENCOUNTER_LOCATION_NAME}}"
    "statusHistory": [
            "status": "arrived",
            "period": {
                "start": "{{ENCOUNTER_PERIOD1_START}}",
                "end": "{{ENCOUNTER_PERIOD1_END}}"
    "serviceProvider": {
        "reference": "Organization/{{FACILITY_IHS_NUMBER}}"

Variabel Deskripsi
ENCOUNTER_LOCAL_CODE ID Lokal untuk Kunjungan/Encounter
DOCTOR_NAME Nama Dokter/Nakes
ENCOUNTER_PERIOD1_START Waktu mulai/check-in kunjungan
ENCOUNTER_PERIOD1_END Waktu mulai/check-out kunjungan
ENCOUNTER_LOCATION_ID ID Location tempat kunjungan dilakukan
ENCOUNTER_LOCATION_NAME Nama Location tempat kunjungan dilakukan

Diagnosa Awal Saat Masuk

    "resourceType": "Condition",
    "clinicalStatus": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "active",
                "display": "Active"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "encounter-diagnosis",
                    "display": "Encounter Diagnosis"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "R50.9",
                "display": "Fever, unspecified"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/447222f4-32bc-4ec0-9a53-3be1506a8e8a"
    "onsetDateTime": "2022-12-21T07:00:00+00:00",
    "recordedDate": "2022-12-23T07:00:00+00:00"

Step 2. Kondisi Pasien

Data terkait kondisi pasien pada modul ILI mencakup informasi sebagai berikut:
1. Suhu (resource Observation)
2. Riwayat Demam (resource Condition)
3. Gejala & Tanggal Mulai Gejala SARI (resource Condition)
4. Frekuensi napas (resource Observation)
5. Kondisi medis (resource Observation)
6. Faktor Penularan(resource QuestionnaireResponse)
7. Tanggal Wawancara (resource Observation)


    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "vital-signs",
                    "display": "Vital Signs"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "8310-5",
                "display": "Body temperature"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-14T07:00:00+00:00",
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "valueQuantity": {
        "value": 38.5,
        "unit": "Celcius",
        "system": "",
        "code": "Cel"
Variabel Deskripsi
ENCOUNTER_DISPLAY_TEXT Teks Keterangan untuk Encounter
OBSERVATION_BODY_TEMPERATURE Hasil Observation suhu badan

Riwayat Demam

Riwayat Demam - Ya
    "resourceType": "Condition",
    "clinicalStatus": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "inactive",
                "display": "Inactive"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "problem-list-item",
                    "display": "Problem List Item"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "386661006",
                "display": "Fever"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/447222f4-32bc-4ec0-9a53-3be1506a8e8a"
    "onsetDateTime": "2022-12-21T07:00:00+00:00",
    "recordedDate": "2022-12-23T07:00:00+00:00"
Variabel Deskripsi
ENCOUNTER_DISPLAY_TEXT Teks Keterangan untuk Encounter

Gejala & Tanggal Mulai Gejala SARI

Gejala batuk
    "resourceType": "Condition",
    "clinicalStatus": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "inactive",
                "display": "Inactive"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "problem-list-item",
                    "display": "Problem List Item"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "386661006",
                "display": "Fever"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/447222f4-32bc-4ec0-9a53-3be1506a8e8a"
    "onsetDateTime": "2022-12-21T07:00:00+00:00",
    "recordedDate": "2022-12-23T07:00:00+00:00"

Frekuensi Napas

    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "vital-signs",
                    "display": "Vital Signs"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "9279-1",
                "display": "Respiratory rate"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/447222f4-32bc-4ec0-9a53-3be1506a8e8a"
    "issued": "2022-12-23T07:00:00+00:00",
    "valueQuantity": {
        "value": 20,
        "unit": "/min",
        "system": "",
        "code": "/min"

Kondisi Medis

    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "social-history",
                    "display": "Social History"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "80943009",
                "display": "Risk factor"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-14T07:00:00+00:00",
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "77176002",
                "display": "Smoker"

Faktor Penularan

Selain melakukan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik, wawancara faktor penularan adalah kegiatan yang penting dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi epidemiologis. Data dari proses pemeriksaan dapat dikirimkan resource QuestionnaireResponse
    "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse",
    "questionnaire": "",
    "status": "completed",
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/45e436ea-d6c7-4059-8cbe-e00fb2c665d8"
    "authored": "2022-06-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "author": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
        "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "source": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "item":  [
            "linkId": "1",
            "text": "Apakah dalam Dua Minggu Terakhir, anda bepergian keluar negeri?",
            "answer":  [
                    "valueBoolean": true
            "linkId": "1.1",
            "text": "Sebutkan Negaranya",
            "answer":  [
                    "valueString": "Malaysia"
            "linkId": "2",
            "text": "Ada orang serumah yang menderita sakit sepulang dari bepergian ke luar negeri?",
            "answer":  [
                    "valueBoolean": true
            "linkId": "2.1",
            "text": "Sebutkan Negaranya",
            "answer":  [
                    "valueString": "Thailand"
            "linkId": "3",
            "text": "Dalam 2 minggu terakhir, apakah pernah kontak dg ayam/unggas sakit atau mati mendadak?",
            "answer":  [
                    "valueBoolean": true
            "linkId": "4",
            "text": "Apakah rumah pasien dekat dengan peternakan unggas (< 100m)?",
            "answer":  [
                    "valueBoolean": true

Tanggal Wawancara

    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "survey",
                    "display": "Survey"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "91714-6",
                "display": "Date of interview"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/447222f4-32bc-4ec0-9a53-3be1506a8e8a"
    "issued": "2022-12-23T07:00:00+00:00",
    "valueDateTime": "2022-12-23"
Variabel Deskripsi
ENCOUNTER_DISPLAY_TEXT Teks Keterangan untuk Encounter

Step 3. Permintaan Pemeriksaan (Laboratorium Pemeriksa/Dituju)

Data mengenai permintaan pemeriksaan swab nasal ataupun tenggorokan dapat dikirimkan dengan resource ServiceRequest.

A. Rujukan dari Faskes Sentinel ke Lab Terpilih

Permintaan Pemeriksaan COVID-19 PCR
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "3457005",
                    "display": "Patient referral"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "94500-6",
                "display": "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Organization/10000004",
        "display": "Puskesmas Bagelen"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"

Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza A
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
        "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"

Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza B
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92141-1",
                "display": "Influenza virus B RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
        "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"

B. Permintaan Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Dalam Faskes

Permintaan Pemeriksaan COVID-19 PCR
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "94500-6",
                "display": "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
        "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"

Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza A
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
        "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"

Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza B
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "108252007",
                    "display": "Laboratory procedure"
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92141-1",
                "display": "Influenza virus B RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-07-14T10:00:00+07:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
        "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "locationCode":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "HLAB",
                    "display": "hospital laboratory"
    "locationReference":  [
            "reference": "Location/612fcf96-843a-45c7-a6f7-ff3a08eb7c88",
            "display": "Laboratorium"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Suspect ILI"

Step 4. Spesimen

A. Spesimen Swab Tenggorok & Swab Hidung

Specimen Keadaan Baik
    "resourceType": "Specimen",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001",
            "assigner": {
                "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "status": "available",
    "type": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "258500001",
                "display": "Nasopharyngeal swab"
    "collection": {
        "collectedDateTime": "2022-06-14T08:15:00+00:00",
        "extension":  [
                "url": "",
                "valueReference": {
                    "reference": "Organization/10083042"
    "processing":  [
            "timeDateTime": "2022-06-15T08:23:00+00:00"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "request":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/6c37226f-cac3-4731-93ed-60fc9c74e399"
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueDateTime": "2022-06-14T09:23:00+00:00"
    "receivedTime": "2022-11-14T15:25:00+00:00",
    "note":  [
            "authorReference": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
            "time": "2022-06-14T09:30:00+00:00",
            "text": "Waktu Entry Spesimen"

Specimen Keadaan Tidak Baik
    "resourceType": "Specimen",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001",
            "assigner": {
                "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "status": "unsatisfactory",
    "type": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "258500001",
                "display": "Nasopharyngeal swab"
    "collection": {
        "collectedDateTime": "2022-06-14T08:15:00+00:00",
        "extension":  [
                "url": "",
                "valueReference": {
                    "reference": "Organization/10083042"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "request":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/6c37226f-cac3-4731-93ed-60fc9c74e399"
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueDateTime": "2022-06-14T09:23:00+00:00"
    "receivedTime": "2022-11-14T15:25:00+00:00",
    "note":  [
            "authorReference": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
            "time": "2022-06-14T09:30:00+00:00",
            "text": "Waktu Entry Spesimen"

B. Specimen Lainnya

    "resourceType": "Specimen",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001",
            "assigner": {
                "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "status": "available",
    "type": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "258604001",
                "display": "Upper respiratory specimen"
        "text": "Aspirat Trakea"
    "collection": {
        "collectedDateTime": "2022-06-14T08:15:00+00:00",
        "extension":  [
                "url": "",
                "valueReference": {
                    "reference": "Organization/10083042"
    "processing":  [
            "timeDateTime": "2022-06-15T08:23:00+00:00"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "request":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/6c37226f-cac3-4731-93ed-60fc9c74e399"
    "extension":  [
            "url": "",
            "valueDateTime": "2022-06-14T09:23:00+00:00"
    "receivedTime": "2022-11-14T15:25:00+00:00",
    "note":  [
            "authorReference": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
            "time": "2022-06-14T09:30:00+00:00",
            "text": "Waktu Entry Spesimen"

Step 5. Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium


COVID-19 PCR - Positif
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "94500-6",
                "display": "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA [Presence] in Respiratory specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/5dd79cf6-b799-44b0-ae13-db0a95d63f77"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "LA6576-8",
                "display": "Positive"

B. Influenza A

Influenza A - Positif
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "LA6576-8",
                "display": "Positive"

Influenza A - Subtype
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "22827-0",
                "display": "Influenza virus A subtype [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "449024000",
                "display": "Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009"

Influenza A - Invalid
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "92142-9",
                "display": "Influenza virus A RNA [Presence] in Respiratory system specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "dataAbsentReason": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "LA15841-2",
                "display": "Invalid"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"

Step 6. Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium (Waktu Verifikasi Hasil)

A. Covid 19

Covid 19 - Positif
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "22827-0",
                "display": "Influenza virus A subtype [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "449024000",
                "display": "Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009"

B. Influenza A

Influenza A - Positif
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "22827-0",
                "display": "Influenza virus A subtype [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "449024000",
                "display": "Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009"

Influenza A Subtype
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "O111111"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "laboratory",
                    "display": "Laboratory"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "22827-0",
                "display": "Influenza virus A subtype [Identifier] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
            "reference": "Organization/10000004"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/66533eb2-723d-4e7c-b7aa-500cd67dd4c8",
        "display": "Pemeriksaan Budi Santoso di hari Selasa, 14 Juni 2022"
    "effectiveDateTime": "2022-10-15T08:23:00+00:00",
    "specimen": {
        "reference": "Specimen/bf55c11b-f42a-4098-ad56-723e25526060"
    "basedOn":  [
            "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
    "valueCodeableConcept": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "449024000",
                "display": "Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009"

Step 7. Update Kunjungan Rawat Inap (Status Keluar)

7.1. Diagnosis Akhir

Diagnosa Primer
    "resourceType": "Condition",
    "clinicalStatus": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "active",
                "display": "Active"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "encounter-diagnosis",
                    "display": "Encounter Diagnosis"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "A01.0",
                "display": "Typhoid fever"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/447222f4-32bc-4ec0-9a53-3be1506a8e8a"
    "onsetDateTime": "2022-12-21T07:00:00+00:00",
    "recordedDate": "2022-12-26T07:00:00+00:00"

Diagnosa Sekunder
    "resourceType": "Condition",
    "clinicalStatus": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "active",
                "display": "Active"
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "encounter-diagnosis",
                    "display": "Encounter Diagnosis"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "J45.9",
                "display": "Asthma, unspecified"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/447222f4-32bc-4ec0-9a53-3be1506a8e8a"
    "onsetDateTime": "2022-12-21T07:00:00+00:00",
    "recordedDate": "2022-12-26T07:00:00+00:00"

7.2. Status Keluar

7.1.1. Apabila Pasien dipulangkan
    "resourceType": "Encounter",
    "id": "34f8006c-5d3a-4140-96ea-f4a009a8e4d4",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "10085103"
    "status": "finished",
    "class": {
        "system": "",
        "code": "IMP",
        "display": "inpatient encounter"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "participant":  [
            "type":  [
                    "coding":  [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "ATND",
                            "display": "attender"
            "individual": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "period": {
        "start": "2022-12-25T23:00:00+00:00",
        "end": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+07:00"
    "location":  [
            "location": {
                "reference": "Location/fbd65f98-4864-48bd-a6f3-7b477a23e763",
                "display": "Bed 2, Ruang 210, Bangsal Rawat Inap Kelas 1, Layanan Penyakit Dalam, Lantai 2, Gedung Utama"
    "diagnosis":  [
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/35fa402e-76fc-4d34-9cfe-b24eb8b428d6",
                "display": "Fever, unspecified"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "AD",
                        "display": "Admission diagnosis"
            "rank": 1
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/85a22cfb-550d-483d-80c7-19016b37385f",
                "display": "Typhoid fever"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "DD",
                        "display": "Discharge diagnosis"
            "rank": 1
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/42ad7faa-e9a2-4e7e-a603-c4384fddc433",
                "display": "Asthma, unspecified"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "DD",
                        "display": "Discharge diagnosis"
            "rank": 2
    "statusHistory":  [
            "status": "in-progress",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-12-24T23:00:00+00:00",
                "end": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+00:00"
            "status": "finished",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+00:00",
                "end": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+00:00"
    "hospitalization": {
        "dischargeDisposition": {
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "home",
                    "display": "Home"
            "text": "Anjuran dokter untuk pulang dan kontrol kembali 1 bulan setelah minum obat"
    "serviceProvider": {
        "reference": "Organization/3c8f6d64-7eec-4747-a980-3e2a0e54b026"

7.1.2. Apabila Pasien dirujuk
Update Status Kunjungan
    "resourceType": "Encounter",
    "id": "34f8006c-5d3a-4140-96ea-f4a009a8e4d4",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "10085103"
    "status": "finished",
    "class": {
        "system": "",
        "code": "IMP",
        "display": "inpatient encounter"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "participant":  [
            "type":  [
                    "coding":  [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "ATND",
                            "display": "attender"
            "individual": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "period": {
        "start": "2022-12-25T23:00:00+00:00",
        "end": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+07:00"
    "location":  [
            "location": {
                "reference": "Location/fbd65f98-4864-48bd-a6f3-7b477a23e763",
                "display": "Bed 2, Ruang 210, Bangsal Rawat Inap Kelas 1, Layanan Penyakit Dalam, Lantai 2, Gedung Utama"
    "diagnosis":  [
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/35fa402e-76fc-4d34-9cfe-b24eb8b428d6",
                "display": "Fever, unspecified"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "AD",
                        "display": "Admission diagnosis"
            "rank": 1
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/85a22cfb-550d-483d-80c7-19016b37385f",
                "display": "Typhoid fever"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "DD",
                        "display": "Discharge diagnosis"
            "rank": 1
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/42ad7faa-e9a2-4e7e-a603-c4384fddc433",
                "display": "Asthma, unspecified"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "DD",
                        "display": "Discharge diagnosis"
            "rank": 2
    "statusHistory":  [
            "status": "in-progress",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-12-24T23:00:00+00:00",
                "end": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+00:00"
            "status": "finished",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+00:00",
                "end": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+00:00"
    "hospitalization": {
        "dischargeDisposition": {
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "other-hcf",
                    "display": "Other healthcare facility"
            "text": "Dirujuk ke RSUP"
    "serviceProvider": {
        "reference": "Organization/3c8f6d64-7eec-4747-a980-3e2a0e54b026"

Create Permintaan Rujukan
    "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "00001"
    "status": "active",
    "intent": "original-order",
    "priority": "routine",
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "3457005",
                "display": "Patient referral"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/447222f4-32bc-4ec0-9a53-3be1506a8e8a"
    "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-12-23T07:00:00+00:00",
    "requester": {
        "reference": "Organization/10000004",
        "display": "Puskesmas Bagelen"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Organization/10083042",
            "display": "IHS Hospital"
    "reasonCode":  [
            "text": "Perburukan"

7.1.3. Apabila Pasien Meninggal
Update Status Kunjungan
    "resourceType": "Encounter",
    "id": "34f8006c-5d3a-4140-96ea-f4a009a8e4d4",
    "identifier":  [
            "system": "",
            "value": "10085103"
    "status": "finished",
    "class": {
        "system": "",
        "code": "IMP",
        "display": "inpatient encounter"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "participant":  [
            "type":  [
                    "coding":  [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "ATND",
                            "display": "attender"
            "individual": {
                "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
                "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "period": {
        "start": "2022-12-25T23:00:00+00:00",
        "end": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+07:00"
    "location":  [
            "location": {
                "reference": "Location/fbd65f98-4864-48bd-a6f3-7b477a23e763",
                "display": "Bed 2, Ruang 210, Bangsal Rawat Inap Kelas 1, Layanan Penyakit Dalam, Lantai 2, Gedung Utama"
    "diagnosis":  [
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/35fa402e-76fc-4d34-9cfe-b24eb8b428d6",
                "display": "Fever, unspecified"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "AD",
                        "display": "Admission diagnosis"
            "rank": 1
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/85a22cfb-550d-483d-80c7-19016b37385f",
                "display": "Typhoid fever"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "DD",
                        "display": "Discharge diagnosis"
            "rank": 1
            "condition": {
                "reference": "Condition/42ad7faa-e9a2-4e7e-a603-c4384fddc433",
                "display": "Asthma, unspecified"
            "use": {
                "coding":  [
                        "system": "",
                        "code": "DD",
                        "display": "Discharge diagnosis"
            "rank": 2
    "statusHistory":  [
            "status": "in-progress",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-12-24T23:00:00+00:00",
                "end": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+00:00"
            "status": "finished",
            "period": {
                "start": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+00:00",
                "end": "2022-12-26T09:30:27+00:00"
    "hospitalization": {
        "dischargeDisposition": {
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "exp",
                    "display": "Expired"
            "text": "Meninggal"
    "serviceProvider": {
        "reference": "Organization/3c8f6d64-7eec-4747-a980-3e2a0e54b026"

Tanggal Meninggal
    "resourceType": "Observation",
    "status": "final",
    "category":  [
            "coding":  [
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "survey",
                    "display": "Survey"
    "code": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "81956-5",
                "display": "Date and time of death [TimeStamp]"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009"
    "performer":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/447222f4-32bc-4ec0-9a53-3be1506a8e8a"
    "issued": "2022-12-23T07:00:00+00:00",
    "valueDateTime": "2022-12-26"

Step 8. Kuesioner Kasus SARI

    "resourceType": "Composition",
    "identifier": {
        "system": "",
        "value": "2361720002"
    "status": "final",
    "type": {
        "coding":  [
                "system": "",
                "code": "COM000002",
                "display": "Form Lahir Mati"
    "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
        "display": "Budi Santoso"
    "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/8571fcf0-a699-4c73-81c5-bae97b6e68ad"
    "date": "2022-06-14T08:15:00+00:00",
    "author":  [
            "reference": "Practitioner/N10000001",
            "display": "Dokter Bronsig"
    "title": "Kuesioner Kasus SARI",
    "attester":  [
            "mode": "legal",
            "party": {
                "reference": "Organization/10000004",
                "display": "Puskesmas Sangat Waras"
    "section":  [
            "title": "Keadaan Saat Masuk",
            "focus": {
                "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
                "display": "Budi Santoso"
            "entry":  [
                    "display": "Suhu",
                    "reference": "Observation/d8aad3cd-188a-439d-ac20-e055ad386c26"
                    "display": "Riwayat Demam",
                    "reference": "Condition/5cb67341-9636-41c4-a871-f4d46b06fd64"
                    "display": "Frekuensi Nafas",
                    "reference": "Observation/91f7cf4a-470a-49cb-ba24-ed055fa116f1"
                    "display": "Gejala dan Tanda Mulai Gejala",
                    "reference": "Condition/6d4bf02b-1913-4af5-bbb7-b351c7399132"
            "title": "Kondisi Medis/Faktor Risiko",
            "focus": {
                "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
                "display": "Budi Santoso"
            "entry":  [
                    "display": "Kondisi Medis",
                    "reference": "Observation/02c40c71-8912-4f6e-b821-eec578b8cfb7"
                    "display": "Faktor Penularan",
                    "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/791224e2-9145-47c3-a0f8-4ce323bc7399"
                    "display": "Tanggal Wawancara",
                    "reference": "Observation/56000b4b-9024-40c4-8701-d7ef0a99c1c5"
            "title": "Pengambilan Spesimen",
            "focus": {
                "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
                "display": "Budi Santoso"
            "entry":  [
                    "display": "Alasan Tidak Mau Diambil Spesimen",
                    "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/791224e2-9145-47c3-a0f8-4ce323bc7399"
                    "display": "Permintaan Pemeriksaan COVID-19 PCR",
                    "reference": "ServiceRequest/5dd79cf6-b799-44b0-ae13-db0a95d63f77"
                    "display": "Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza A",
                    "reference": "ServiceRequest/0391a2e5-ca06-4a73-b3c9-bf1770d90275"
                    "display": "Permintaan Pemeriksaan Influenza B",
                    "reference": "ServiceRequest/db1ea185-8836-4e2c-9468-4e4b43475a4a"
                    "display": "Spesimen",
                    "reference": "Specimen/2ae3a5e8-416d-4dab-b5c9-cfcef5fd0471"
            "title": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium",
            "focus": {
                "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
                "display": "Budi Santoso"
            "entry":  [
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium COVID-19 PCR",
                    "reference": "Observation/56c3135e-8659-4b02-a73e-3aaa10f48e7f"
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza A",
                    "reference": "Observation/0a074e30-0816-4f13-8e77-55f20704e4f7"
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza A subtype",
                    "reference": "Observation/89db8afb-c09d-4184-a512-f3f7a61e72a5"
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza B",
                    "reference": "Observation/7ddc5fe6-64a6-4cb7-877e-1f9fd37d4814"
                    "display": "Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza B subtype",
                    "reference": "Observation/5e574975-3ae0-4bfe-96c1-cb5b4d30c18f"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium COVID-19 PCR",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/a60b9fb4-cfc0-4568-9524-31a7921b67e8"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza A",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/c0543144-2fff-4365-81c6-053d6323b057"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza A Subtype",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/cd98a04a-99ae-41d8-a844-3a55bb19dac6"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza B",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/df498577-e61b-458d-8001-146af6be610d"
                    "display": "Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Influenza B Subtype",
                    "reference": "DiagnosticReport/7d6a9f6c-158c-4c51-8195-cb7be87a6721"
            "title": "Form Keluar",
            "focus": {
                "reference": "Patient/100000030009",
                "display": "Budi Santoso"
            "entry":  [
                    "display": "Diagnosis Primer",
                    "reference": "Condition/85a22cfb-550d-483d-80c7-19016b37385f"
                    "display": "Diagnosis Sekunder",
                    "reference": "Condition/42ad7faa-e9a2-4e7e-a603-c4384fddc433"
                    "display": "Permintaan Rujukan",
                    "reference": "ServiceRequest/d3b0d43a-c1ff-4e17-8372-49e2bae6d1af"
                    "display": "Tanggal Meninggal",
                    "reference": "Observation/ea7ef5b1-0cef-4ecf-835f-e61a9141f977"