FHIR Data Standards Wales for PSOM v1.0.0-rc1
Important: This is the release candidate of the FHIR Data Standards Wales for PSOM version 1.0 Implementation Guide. It is intended for trial use, and is published for early comment and feedback. Click here to give feedback.

Data Standards Wales PSOM Implementation Guide

Project Description and Scope

This implementation guide specifies a PROMS Standard Operating Model (PSOM) for Wales. It supports both local and national PROMs and PREMs collection (i.e. aligned to DSCNs and LPDSs). The implementation guides uses HL7 FHIR R4 and builds on FHIR Standards Wales and UK Core.

The involved actors are:

  • PROMs providers
  • Health Boards (and Trusts)
  • National Data Resource

Other Relevant Documentation

This guide contains the technical FHIR specifications including mappings and examples. It is part of a wider set of relevant documents that provide more functional use case information.

  • DOCE08-02 PSOM Implementation Technical Guide
  • DOCE08-01 PSOM DSCN Implementation User Guide
  • Pathway Guide

The PSOM implementation guide and supporting information can be found on the Welsh Value in Health Centre Sharepoint site. Please contact the team for any issues accessing the site.

Table of Content


Health Boards/Trusts should not share any of the national PSOM work with other parties/suppliers without the written consent of the Welsh Value in Health Centre. All work should remain restricted until agreed otherwise.