FHIR Data Standards Wales for PSOM v1.0.0-rc1
Important: This is the release candidate of the FHIR Data Standards Wales for PSOM version 1.0 Implementation Guide. It is intended for trial use, and is published for early comment and feedback. Click here to give feedback.

Naming Conventions

These naming conventions are applicable to FHIR conformance resources (i.e. StructureDefinition, CodeSystem, ConceptMap, ValueSet, etc.) published within Data Standards Wales FHIR profiles and as part of this implementation guide.

Naming Segments

The naming conventions defined here use the following naming segments:

[base URL]: the base URL is 'https://fhir.nhs.wales/'

[ResourceType]: The FHIR resource type e.g. 'StructureDefinition', 'CodeSystem', 'ConceptMap', 'Patient' or 'MedicationStatement'.

[BusinessName]: The business name of the resource. For CodeSystem and ValueSet, the business name shall reflect the name given in the data set as published in the relevant Data Standards Change Notice (DSCN). For ConceptMap resources, the business name shall reflect the name given to the value set that is being mapped from.

[Organisation]: NamingSystem resources may be 'owned' by a particular organisation. In this case use initials e.g. ABUHB (Aneurin Bevan University Health Board), VUNHST (Velindre Univerisity NHS Trust) etc. to identify the organisation.

Naming Conventions for Profiles

The following naming conventions apply to the FHIR profiles defined in this guide.

The logical id of profile shall be in the form DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ResourceType] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient,
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Organization

In case a ResourceType is used multiple times within a project, the logical id of profile shall be in the form DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ResourceType]-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Organization-Vendor

The url of the profile shall be in the form [base URL]/StructureDefinition/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ResourceType] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/StructureDefinition/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/StructureDefinition/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Organization

The name of the profile - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form DataStandardsWalesPSOM[ResourceType] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMPatient
  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMOrganization

The file name of the profile shall be in the form Profile-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[ResourceType] e.g.

  • Profile-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient
  • Profile-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Organization

Naming Conventions for Extensions

The following naming conventions apply to the FHIR extensions defined in this guide.

The logical id of the extension shall be in the form Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-HospitalClassification,
  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EffectivePeriod

The url of the extension shall be in the form [base URL]/StructureDefinition/Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/StructureDefinition/Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-HospitalClassification
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/StructureDefinition/Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EffectivePeriod

The name of the extension - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form ExtensionDataStandardsWalesPSOM[BusinessName] e.g.

  • ExtensionDataStandardsWalesPSOMHospitalClassification
  • ExtensionDataStandardsWalesPSOMEffectivePeriod

The file name of the extension shall be in the form Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-HospitalClassification
  • Extension-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EffectivePeriod

Naming Conventions for Terminology Resources

The following naming conventions apply to FHIR CodeSystem, ConceptMap and ValueSet resources defined in this guide.

The logical id of the terminology resource shall be in the form DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Ethnicity,
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-MaritalStatus

The url of the resource shall be in the form [base URL]/[ResourceType]/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/CodeSystem/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Ethnicity
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/ValueSet/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-GenderIdentity
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/ConceptMap/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AdministrativeGender

The name of the resource - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form DataStandardsWalesPSOM[BusinessName] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMEthnicity
  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMMaritalStatus

This is necessary to create unique names of FHIR shorthand instances, which are referenced in Questionnaires.

The file name of the resource shall be in the form [ResourceType]-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • CodeSystem-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Ethnicity
  • ConceptMap-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AdministrativeGender

Naming Conventions for NamingSystem Resources

The following naming conventions apply to FHIR NamingSystem resources defined in this guide.

The logical id of the NamingSystem shall be in the form DataStandardsWales-PSOM-{[Organisation]}-[BusinessName1]-[BusinessName2] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-ABUHB-PAS-PatientIdentifier,
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-LIMS-identifier

The file name of the NamingSystem shall be in the form NamingSystem-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • NamingSystem-ABUHB-pas-identifier
  • NamingSystem-LIMS-identifier

Naming Conventions for Questionnaires

The following naming conventions apply to the FHIR Questionnaires defined in this guide.

The logical id of the Questionnaire is defined by NHS Wales. It is commonly in the abbreviated tool name form or PascalCased names joining words together. DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[QuestionnaireName]. Capitalized, with hypens removed. e.g.

  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EQ5D5L
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-IBDControl
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AboutYou
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EORTCQLQC13

The url of the Questionnaire shall be in the form [base URL]/Questionnaire/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[QuestionnaireName] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/Questionnaire/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EQ5D5L
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/Questionnaire/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AboutYou

The name of the Questionnaire - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form DataStandardsWalesPSOM[QuestionnaireName]. Capitalized, with hyphens removed. e.g.

  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMEQ5D5L
  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMAboutYou

The file name of the Questionnaire shall be in the form Questionnaire-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[QuestionnaireName] e.g.

  • Questionnaire-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EQ5D5L
  • Questionnaire-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-AboutYou

File names are automatically generated with FHIR Shorthand.

Naming Conventions for LPDS Questionnaires

The following naming conventions apply to the LPDS FHIR Questionnaires defined in this guide.

The logical id of the Questionnaire shall be in the abbreviated tool name form [HealthBoard-Abbreviation]-PSOM-[LPDS-PROM-Name]. Capitalized, with hypens removed. e.g.


The url of the Questionnaire shall be in the form [base URL]/Questionnaire/[HealthBoard-Abbreviation]-PSOM-[LPDS-PROM-Name] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/Questionnaire/CAV-PSOM-GSRS

The name of the Questionnaire - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form [HealthBoard-Abbreviation]PSOM[LPDS-PROM-Name]. Capitalized, with hyphens removed. e.g.


The file name of the Questionnaire shall be in the form Questionnaire-[HealthBoard-Abbreviation]-PSOM-[LPDS-PROM-Name] e.g.

  • Questionnaire-CAV-PSOM-GSRS

File names are automatically generated with FHIR Shorthand.

In the above, [LPDS-PROM-Name] is generally PascalCased names joining words together, with the first letter of every word capitalized.

Naming Conventions for Questionnaire Terminology

The following naming conventions apply to FHIR CodeSystem, ConceptMap and ValueSet resources used within PSOM Questionnaires.

When possible, the naming conventions for terminology can be followed, but additional guidance is specified here.

If all questions in a Questionnaire use exactly the same ValueSet, with identical ordering and scoring values (e.g. PROMIS Physical Function – Short Form 4a):

  • A CodeSystem and a ValueSet for the complete Questionnaire is created. The name of the Questionnaire can be used as the [BusinessName] capitalized, with hyphens removed.

If a clearly defined subset of questions within a questionnaire uses exactly the same ValueSet, with identical ordering and scoring values (e.g. myPOS question MYPPX002A - MYPPX002S):

  • A CodeSystem and a ValueSet for the complete subset is created. The identical part of the Question Reference can be used as the [BusinessName].

In all other cases, even if multiple questions in a Questionnaire use the same ValueSet:

  • A CodeSystem and a ValueSet for the question is created. The name of the Questionnaire, followed by the Data Item Name can be used as the [BusinessName] capitalized, with hyphens removed.

The logical id of the terminology resource shall be in the form DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-PROMISPFSF4A
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-myPOS-MYPPX002
  • DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EQ5D5L-PainOrDiscomfort

The url of the resource shall be in the form [base URL]/[ResourceType]/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/CodeSystem/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-PROMISPFSF4A
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/CodeSystem/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-myPOS-MYPPX002
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/ValueSet/DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EQ5D5L-PainOrDiscomfort

The name of the resource - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form DataStandardsWalesPSOM[BusinessName] e.g.

  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMPROMISPFSF4A
  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMmyPOSMYPPX002
  • DataStandardsWalesPSOMEQ5D5LPainOrDiscomfort

The file name of the resource shall be in the form [ResourceType]-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • CodeSystem-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-PROMISPFSF4A
  • ValueSet-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-EQ5D5L-PainOrDiscomfort

Using FHIR Shorthand, the .id, .name, .title and .description are generated based on RuleSets using the PROM and Question name. Based on the .id, the .url of a resource is automatically generated as well. File names are automatically generated with FHIR Shorthand.

Naming Conventions for LPDS Questionnaire Terminology

The following naming conventions apply to LPDS FHIR CodeSystem, ConceptMap and ValueSet resources used within the Questionnaires.

When possible, the naming conventions for terminology and questionnaire terminology can be followed, but additional guidance is specified here.

The logical id of the terminology resource shall be in the form [HealthBoard-Abbreviation]-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.


The url of the resource shall be in the form [base URL]/[ResourceType]/[HealthBoard-Abbreviation]-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/CodeSystem/CAV-PSOM-GINET21
  • https://fhir.nhs.wales/ValueSet/CAV-PSOM-ZZGSRS004

The name of the resource - specifically the .name element - shall be in the form [HealthBoard-Abbreviation]PSOM[BusinessName] e.g.


The file name of the resource shall be in the form [ResourceType]-[HealthBoard-Abbreviation]-PSOM-[BusinessName] e.g.

  • CodeSystem-CAV-PSOM-GINET21
  • ValueSet-CAV-PSOM-ZZGSRS004

Using FHIR Shorthand, the .id, .name, .title and .description are generated based on RuleSets using the Healthboard, PROM, and Question name. Based on the .id, the .url of a resource is automatically generated as well. File names are automatically generated with FHIR Shorthand.

Naming Conventions for Examples

The following naming conventions apply to the FHIR examples defined in this guide.

Examples of profiles are not conformance resources and lack the .url, .name and .title elements. However, to ensure consistency, the .id is standardized in the form Example-[ProfileId]-[unique string], capped to 64 characters where the unique string is a short description of the example. The string starts with the most generic information and ends with the most specific information.

  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient-AliceJones
  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-QuestionnaireResponse-EQ5D5L-Baseline

The filename of the resource shall be in the form Example-[ProfileId]-[unique string] e.g.

  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-Patient-AliceJones
  • Example-DataStandardsWales-PSOM-QuestionnaireResponse-EQ5D5L-Baseline