Terminology > Terminology


This section lists the coded value sets that are referenced by the FHIR profiles in this implementation guide. These coded values are used to describe and standardize clinical concepts and other data content within health records.

* Please note that these value sets are created by Ontario Health

** Please note that use of terminology subsets hosted on Canada Health Infoway Terminology Gateway is required in order to comply with this interoperability specification. Access to and use of SNOMED CT and other subsets on Canada Health Infoway Terminology Gateway requires an Infoway account with acceptance of the SNOMED CT license agreements

Value Sets referenced by this implementation guide:

Profile - Element Binding Strength Value Set (Code System) Description
Patient  - Patient.address.type Required AddressType (HL7 FHIR) The type of an address (physical / postal).
Patient  - Patient.address.use Required AddressUse (HL7 FHIR) The use of an address.
Patient  - Patient.gender Required AdministrativeGender (HL7 FHIR) The gender of a person used for administrative purposes.
Encounter  - Encounter.hospitalization.admitSource Required AdmitSource* (CIHI) This field indicates the last point of entry prior to being admitted as an inpatient to the reporting facility.
DocumentReference  - DocumentReference.docStatus Required CompositionStatus (HL7 FHIR) Status of the document reference.
Patient  - Patient.telecom.system Required ContactPointSystem (HL7 FHIR) Telecommunications form for contact point.
Patient  - Patient.telecom.use Required ContactPointUse (HL7 FHIR) Use of contact point
Patient  - Patient.address.country Required CountryCode (urn:iso:std:iso:3166-3) 3-character ISO country codes supported by Ontario Health interfaces for use in addresses.
Practitioner  - Practitioner.address.country Required CountryCode (urn:iso:std:iso:3166-3) 3-character ISO country codes supported by Ontario Health interfaces for use in addresses.
DiagnosticReport  - DiagnosticReport.status Required DiagnosticReportStatus (HL7 FHIR) The status of the diagnostic report
DocumentReference  - DocumentReference.status Required DocumentReferenceStatus (HL7 FHIR) Status of the underlying document
DocumentReference  - DocumentReference.relatesTo.code Required DocumentRelationshipType (HL7 FHIR) The type of relationship between documents.
DocumentReference - DocumentReference.type Required DocumentType* (OntarioHealth) Indicates the MI Document Types.
Encounter  - Encounter.class Required EncounterClass* (HL7 v3 + HL7 v2 + OntarioHealth) Characterisation of the setting in which the encounter takes place
Encounter  - Encounter.length.unit Extensible EncounterDurationUnits (HL7 FHIR) Appropriate unit for Duration of encounter
Encounter  - Encounter.participant.type Required EncounterParticipantType  (HL7 v3) Role of participant in the encounter
Encounter  - Encounter.priority Required EncounterPriority (CTAS) Codes supported by eHealth Ontario for encounter priority - uses CTAS coding system
Encounter  - Encounter.status Required EncounterReasonCodes (HL7 FHIR) Set of codes that can be used to indicate reasons for an encounter.
Encounter  - Encounter.reasonCode Preferred EncounterStatus (HL7 FHIR) Status of the encounter
Encounter  - Encounter.type (virtual-visit-modality Slice) Required EncounterType** (SNOMED CT) A description of the type of contact between the Provider and the Client for a registered Encounter or visit.
Encounter  - Encounter.serviceType Required HospitalService* (CIHI) This field indicates description of the Hospital Service
Patient  - Patient.identifier.type Extensible Identifier Type Codes (HL7 FHIR) A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.
ImagingStudy  - ImagingStudy.status Required ImagingStudyStatus (HL7 FHIR) The status of the ImagingStudy.
OperationOutcome  - OperationOutcome.issue.severity Required IssueSeverity (HL7 FHIR) How the issue affects the success of the action.
OperationOutcome  - OperationOutcome.issue.code Required IssueType (HL7 FHIR) A code that describes the type of issue.
Patient  - Patient.communication.language Extensible Language (urn:ietf:bcp:47) Languages understood or supported by Ontario clients, practitioners and organizations. This value set represents the subset of all ISO living languages as of April 22, 2020.
Patient  - Patient.maritalStatus Extensible Marital Status Codes (HL7 FHIR) This value set defines the set of codes that can be used to indicate the marital status of a person.
Patient  - Patient.name.use Required NameUse (HL7 FHIR) The use of a human name.
Observation  - Observation.interpretation.coding Extensible ObservationInterpretationCodes (HL7 FHIR) A categorical assessment, providing a rough qualitative interpretation of the observation value, such as “normal”/ “abnormal”,”low” / “high”, “better” / “worse”, “susceptible” / “resistant”, “expected”/ “not expected”. The value set is intended to be for ANY use where coded representation of an interpretation is needed.
Patient  - Patient.contact.relationship Extensible PatientContactRelationship (HL7 FHIR) The nature of the relationship between the patient and the contact person.
Patient  - Patient.identifier.system Required PatientIdentifierSystem (HL7 v2) Patient Identifier System URI.
Patient  - Patient.identifier.type Required PatientIdentifierType (HL7 FHIR) Patient Identifier Type.
DocumentReference  - DocumentReference.context.event(event-bodypart).coding(sct) Required ProcedureBodyPartSct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a body part of an MI procedure using SNOMED CT codes. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.category(bodypart).coding(sct) Required ProcedureBodyPartSct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a body part of an MI procedure using SNOMED CT codes. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ImagingStudy  - ImagingStudy.extension(ext-mi-imagingstudy-category/bodypart).extension(category-value).valueCodeableConcept.coding(sct) Required ProcedureBodyPartSct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a body part of an MI procedure using SNOMED CT codes. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
DocumentReference  - DocumentReference.context.event(event-contrast) Required ProcedureContrastUsedSct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a use of Contrast for an MI procedure. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.category(contrast) Required ProcedureContrastUsedSct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a use of Contrast for an MI procedure. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ImagingStudy  - ImagingStudy.extension(ext-mi-imagingstudy-category/contrast).extension(category-value).valueCodeableConcept Required ProcedureContrastUsedSct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a use of Contrast for an MI procedure. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
DocumentReference  - DocumentReference.context.event(event-laterality).coding(dicom) Required ProcedureLateralitySct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a laterality of an MI procedure using SNOMED CT codes. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.category(laterality).coding(dicom) Required ProcedureLateralitySct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a laterality of an MI procedure using SNOMED CT codes. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ImagingStudy  - ImagingStudy.extension(ext-mi-imagingstudy-category/laterality).extension(category-value).valueCodeableConcept.coding(dicom) Required ProcedureLateralitySct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a laterality of an MI procedure using SNOMED CT codes. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
DocumentReference  - DocumentReference.context.event(event-modality) Required ModalityDicom (DICOM) A code that classifies a modality of an MI procedure. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.category(modality) Required ModalityDicom (DICOM) A code that classifies a modality of an MI procedure. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ImagingStudy  - ImagingStudy.extension(ext-mi-imagingstudy-category/modality).extension(category-value).valueCodeableConcept Required ModalityDicom (DICOM) A code that classifies a modality of an MI procedure. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
DocumentReference  - DocumentReference.context.event(event-specialty) Required ProcedureSpecialtySct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a specialty of an MI procedure. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.category(specialty) Required ProcedureSpecialtySct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a specialty of an MI procedure. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ImagingStudy  - ImagingStudy.extension(ext-mi-imagingstudy-category/specialty).extension(category-value).valueCodeableConcept Required ProcedureSpecialtySct (SNOMED CT) A code that classifies a specialty of an MI procedure. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.code.coding:coding-provincial Required ProcedureTypeProvincial * (OntarioHealth) This value set contains all Provincial procedure type Codes.
DocumentReference  - DocumentReference.context.event(event-procedure).coding(sct) Required ProcedureTypeSct (SNOMED CT) A SNOMED CT MI procedure code that describes an MI report or order.
DiagnosticReport  - DiagnosticReport.code.coding(sct) Required ProcedureTypeSct (SNOMED CT) A SNOMED CT MI procedure code that describes an MI report or order.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.code.coding(sct) Required ProcedureTypeSct (SNOMED CT) A SNOMED CT MI procedure code that describes an MI report or order.
ImagingStudy  - ImagingStudy.extension(ext-mi-imagingstudy-category/procedure).extension(category-value).valueCodeableConcept.coding(sct) Required ProcedureTypeSct (SNOMED CT) A SNOMED CT MI procedure code that describes an MI report or order.
Patient  - Patient.address.state Required ProvinceStateCode* (OntarioHealth) Codes for provinces, states and territories supported by Ontario Health interfaces.
Practitioner  - Practitioner.address.state Required ProvinceStateCode* (OntarioHealth) Codes for provinces, states and territories supported by Ontario Health interfaces.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.intent Required RequestIntent (HL7 FHIR) Codes indicating the degree of authority/intentionality associated with a request.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.priority Required RequestPriority (HL7 FHIR) The clinical priority of a diagnostic order.
ServiceRequest  - ServiceRequest.status Required RequestStatus (HL7 FHIR) The status of the order.