Profiles & Operations Index > Operation: Search Imaging Study

Operation: Search Imaging Study

Search Imaging Study

The Search Imaging Study operation issues a parameterized query that results in a searchset Bundle that contains ImagingStudy resources related to a patient.

The mandatory parameter for this query:

  • Patient identifier

The optional parameters for this query:

  • patient gender
  • patient date of birth
  • ImagingStudy started (date)
  • local procedure code of the MI order associated with the imaging study
  • category values of the MI order associated with the imaging study (e.g. procedure code, modality, specialty, body part, laterality)
  • Business identifier such as accessino number, study instance id
  • maxinum number of records to return
  • other resources to be included in the result set (_include)
Search Parameter Type Documentation Usage Notes
patient.identifier (ImagingStudy.patient.identifier) Identifier Mandatory parameter This parameter specifies an identifier associated with the patient who is the subject of this imaging study. This use of patient.identifier follows the FHIR Chaining Parameters search methodology. HCN or MRN. MRN is preferred. System and value must be provided.
patient.gender (ImagingStudy.patient.gender) token Optional parameter This parameter specifies the gender of the patient associated to the imaging study. Value may be "male", "female", "other", "unknown"
patient.birthDate (imagingstudy.patient.birthDate) date Optional parameter This parameter specifies the date of birth of the patient associated to the document.
started date Optional paramater The date range relates to the dates when studies were started may contain a prefix such as gt, ge, lt, le
basedOn:ServiceRequest.code token Optional paramater This is the date range when studies were started mprocedure code of the MI order associated with the imaging study
basedOn:ServiceRequest.category Coding Optional paramater These are the category values of the MI order associated with the imaging study (e.g. procedure code, modality, specialty, body part, laterality)
basedOn:ServiceRquest.code-category composite Optional paramater This parameter supports query by procedure code and category of the same MI order associated with the imaging study
identifier Identifier Optional paramater This is the business identifier of the imaging study, such as accession number, study instance id Must include system and value
_count integer Optional paramater This is the maximum number of records to return.
_include string Optional paramater This specifies the type of referenced resources to be included in the bundle. To include all referenced resources, use wildcard such as _include=*

If the search is successful, it will return a bundle of type 'searchset' containing ImagingStudy resources which conform to the miCDR ImagingStudy profile.


This interaction involves a request by an miCDR ImagingStudy Consumer for a set of ImagingStudy resources matching the specified search criteria. The request is received by the miCDR FHIR server which returns a Bundle containing the matching ImagingStudy.

For example, a physician who has access to miCDR is seeing a new patient and wants to see a list of imaging studies available for that patient. A physician uses the patient information held in the system to query miCDR FHIR server for any ImagingStudy resources that exist for that patient. A physician can also request searching for imaging studies with specific procedure codes, categories, e.g.modalities, specialties, body parts, etc. (ImagingStudy.category). The server returns a Bundle with matching imaging studies. The PoS system is responsibile for listing the available imaging studies for the user to review.

Interaction Diagram


Actor: miCDR ImagingStudy Consumer

Role: Requests a set of miCDR ImagingStudy resources from the miCDR FHIR server based on specified search criteria.

Actor: miCDR FHIR server

Role: Returns a Bundle containing ImagingStudy instances (as well as reference resources if requested by use of _include and _revinclude parameters) that match the search criteria specified by the miCDR ImagingStudy Consumer.


The miCDR FHIR server supports both GET and POST; we prefer the use of POST to avoid putting PHI in request URLs.

GET [base]/ImagingStudy?{parameters}

POST [base]/ImagingStudy

For POST request, the parameters SHALL be provided in the form of FHIR Parameters resource in the HTTP body of the request.

Search Response

If the query is valid and at least one ImagingStudy is found, miCDR FHIR server will return a searchset bundle containing matching ImagingStudy resource(s).

ERD Diagram


For details of a ImagingStudy profile, please refer to the ImagingStudy profile page.


The following search parameters and search parameter combinations are supported:

  1. Search for all ImagingStudy resources for a patient using the patient search parameter

GET [base]/ImagingStudy?patient.identifier={Type/}[id]

1.1 Example of search by patient's Ontario HCN

GET [base]/ImagingStudy?patient.identifier=|1234567890

1.2 Example of search by multiple patient MRNs (four in this example)

GET [base]/ImagingStudy?patient.identifier=|23456789,"|23456781,|23456784,|23456786

1.3 Example of search by patient identifier, start date, local procedure code

GET [base]/ImagingStudy?patient.identifier=|1234567890&started=gt2024-01-01&basedOn:ServiceRequest.code=|12345

1.4 Example of search by patient identifier, start date, local procedure code (SNOMED code: 12345) and category (DICOM Mammography)

GET [base]/ImagingStudy?patient.identifier=|1234567890&started=gt2024-01-01&basedOn:ServiceRequest.code-category=|12345$|MG


HTTP Response Code FHIR Response Payload
200 link
  1. (TBD) Search for ImagingStudy resources using the combination of the patient, start and end date, and ImagingStudy code:

GET [base]/ImagingStudy?patient.identifier=[system]|1234567890&started=ge2023-01-01T00:00:00-04:00&started=le2023-05-01T00:00:00-04:00&category=

  1. Search that yields consent block (TBD)

  2. Search that failed to provide a response (TBD)

Expected Behavior

See Response Handling page for additional response handling behaviour.

code = OperationOutcome.issue.code
severity = OperationOutcome.issue.severity
details.text = OperationOutcome.issue.details.coding.text
HTTP Status Scenario Description severity code details.coding.code details.coding.display details.text
200 OK At least one imaging study matching the specified search criteria is found
200 OK At least one imaging study matching the specified search criteria is found, but there is a consent block that prevents disclosure of patient data. Returns an OperationOutcome resource indicating that there is a consent block on the patient's record that prevents disclosure of patient data. warning suppressed
200 OK No imaging study matching the specified search criteria are found. warning not-found
400 Bad Request Missing security token error required Missing required security token: PIN
400 Bad Request Request is malformed (e.g. incorrect header value, patient identifier is missing system or value, etc) error -- -- -- --
500 Internal Server Error API validates the request but cannot return a valid response due to internal issues. fatal exception Internal Error
503 Service Unavailable Indicates that the services has been temporarily taken down (on purpose)
504 Gateway Timeout Downstream system(s) did not return timely response error timeout