Profiles & Operations > Operation: Submit New Client Data

Operation: Submit Client Data

The Submit Client Data operation is used to transfer client records to the Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Data Set Repository. This covers the Create interaction.


This transaction involves a request by a Point of Service system to transfer a Health Information Custodian's (HIC) client bundle containing a single client record along with linked resources, to the Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Data Set Repository (MHA PDS Repository). The MHA PDS Repository will store the received bundle and returns an HTTP response code and an OperationOutcome resource if applicable.

For example, a user at a HIC site records client data in a Point of Service (PoS) System. The PoS system will extract and assemble client data as per the Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Data Set HL7 FHIR Implemenation Guide specifications and submit it to the MHA PDS Repository.

Interaction Diagram

MHA Interaction Diagram - Submit Record

Actor: MHA PDS Data Source

Role: Submits a client record bundle containing one client record and, at a minimum, patient, organization, and location resources, along with other additional resources that may be populated with data to the MHA PDS Data Recipient.

Actor: MHA PDS Data Recipient

Role: Receives and stores client record bundles from the MHA PDS Data Sources.


This specification is based on the FHIR R4.0.1 Create operation.

Create Client Record Request

The Create Client Record Request will create a client record bundle based upon data stored in the MHA PDS Data Source.

POST [base]/Bundle/

Create Client Record Request Create Response

  • Operation Outcome
  • Example Create Message

    HTTP Method:



    Content-Type: application/fhir+json



    Message body:

    Link to submit MHA PDS Bundle

      "resourceType" : "Bundle",
      "id": "MHAPDS-example-Bundle-01",
      "meta" : {
        "lastUpdated" : "2022-02-01T14:30:00+01:00",
        "profile" : [
      "identifier" : {
        "system" : "",
        "value" : "urn:uuid:f0065a28-9990-11ec-b909-0242ac120002"
      "type" : "collection",
      "timestamp" : "2022-02-01T14:30:00+01:00",
      "entry" : [
    	  "fullUrl": "c3f1e2a6-f792-4502-85eb-ee79fb09da49",
          "resource" : {
    			"resourceType": "Patient",
    			"id": "a0df9da6-3157-4b72-95f1-729853718c09",
    			"meta": {
    				"profile": [
    			"extension": [
    						"url": "",
    							"coding": [
    									"system": "",
    									"display":"New Age"
    						"url": "",
    							"coding": [
    									"system": "",

    Expected Behaviour

    Case Scenario Description HTTP Status Code Response Payload
    1 A valid MHA PDS Client record Bundle is submitted, accepted, and published to the repository HTTP 201 Created. Operation Outcome
    2 The submitted MHA PDS Bundle cannot be validated as it does not conform to the specification HTTP 400 Bad Request. Returns an OperationOutcome resource indicating an issue. The client must fix the request and try again.
    2 POST operation contains incorrect header value for "Content-Type" - should be "application/fhir+json" HTTP 400 Bad Request. Returns an OperationOutcome resource indicating an issue.
    4 MHA FHIR REST API validates the request but cannot return a valid response due to internal issues. HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. Returns an OperationOutcome resource indicating an issue.