Transaction: Request Context Change

Transaction Request Context Change
Description The application will publish the initial context (or context changes) by POSTing to the hub.topic url.
Application (EMR , ClinicalConnect) uses HTTP POST to send context information to the CMS server based on context topic and context key (e.g. patient)
In phase 2 once a requested context change is accepted, the Hub will broadcast the context notification to all subscribers, including the original requestor.
HTTP Response Codes 200: OK
400: Bad Request
404: Not Found
500: Internal Server Error


Field Optionality Type Description
timestamp Required string ISO 8601-2 timestamp in UTC describing the time at which the event occurred with subsecond accuracy.
id Required string Event identifier, which MAY be used to recognize retried notifications. This id SHALL be uniquely generated by the subscriber and could be a GUID. Following an accepted context change request, the Hub MAY re-use this value in the broadcasted event notifications.
event Required object A json object describing the event. See the table below:

Field Optionality Type Description
hub.topic Required String The session topic given in the subscription request.
The hub.topic is created by CMS via createHubTopic call.
hub.event Required string The event that triggered this notification, taken from the list of events from the subscription request.
context Required array An array of named FHIR objects corresponding to the user's context after the given event has occurred.
The hub SHALL only return FHIR resources that are authorized to be accessed with the existing OAuth 2.0 access_token.


Sample POST Request (JSON)

POST [base] HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer i8hweunweunweofiwweoijewiwe
Host: hub
Content-Type: application/json
X-Request-Id - 3640dd516011da0243e26ce2

	"timestamp": "2019-01-08T01:37:05.14",
	"id": "q9v3jubddqt63n3",
	"event": {
		"hub.topic": "7jaa86kgdudewiaq0wtu",
		"hub.event": "Patient-open",
		"context": [{
			"key": "patient",
			"resource": {
			"resourceType": "Patient",
	"id": "cms-patient-example",
	"meta": {
		"profile": ["|1.0.0"]
	"identifier": [
			"system": "",
			"value": "1234567890"
	"name": [
			"use": "official",
			"text": "Onjohn Onsmith"
	"telecom": [
			"system": "phone",
			"value": "416-123-3456"
	"gender": "male",
	"birthDate": "1926-02-24"

Sample POST Response (JSON):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Content-Length: 700
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
X-SourceFiles: =?UTF-8?B?WjpcdGVjaG5pY2FsU2VydmljZXNcU291cmNlQ29kZVxDb250ZXh0TUdNVFxDb250ZXh0TUdNVFxDb250ZXh0TUdNVC5zdmNceG1sXENvbnRleHRJbmZv?=
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET

		"hub.topic": "7jaa86kgdudewiaq0wtu",
		"timestamp": "2018-04-23T10:50:56.2309425-04:00"