Use Cases: Consumer CMS


  • The Person (this can be a Patient, Proxy or a Shared Access User) must have valid OAuth 2.0 token sourced from a trusted identity (IdP) provider to login into the application being utilized

(Please click here to see the definition of acronyms used)

S.No User Stories Scenarios FHIRcast Event/Transaction
1.0 Initialize consumer CMS. 1.The patient identity system calls the operation createHubTopic. Transaction: createHubTopic
1.1A As a Person, I open and access patient record in the consumer app. 1. The consumer application will extract identifying information about the Person from the OAuth token - HCN, first, last names, DOB
2. Person record is opened within app
3. Patient context is created:
     a. Patient Identifier such as HCN
     b. Patient first and last names
     c. Patient DOB
     d. Patient Gender
     e. Patient address [optional]

Note: In this variation of the use case, Person is the same as the patient. This means both the Person and Patient contexts will essentially hold the same information.
1.1B As a person, I access the record for the patient for whom I have been granted proxy access to. This results in opening that patient’s record. 1. The consumer application will extract identifying information about the Person from the OAuth token - HCN, first, last names, DOB
2. Patient record is opened within app (note: consumer user has proxy access to this record)
3. Patient context is created:
     a. Patient Identifier such as HCN
     b. Patient first and last names
     c. Patient DOB
     d. Patient Gender
     e. Patient address [optional]

4. User context is created;
      a. User identifier such as HCN
     b. User first and last name
     c. User DOB
     d. User Gender
     e. User address [optional]
     f. User type=proxy

Note: In this variation of the use case, the Person is not the same as the patient, but rather the Person is the proxy for the patient.
1.1C As a Person, I access the record for the patient for whom I have been granted Shared Access User’s access to. This results in opening that patient’s record. 1. The consumer application will extract identifying information about the Person from the OAuth token - HCN, first, last names, DOB
2. Patient record is opened within app (note: consumer user has proxy access to this record)
3. Patient context is created:
     a. Patient Identifier such as HCN
     b. Patient first and last names
     c. Patient DOB
     d. Patient Gender
     e. Patient address [optional]

4. User context is created;
      a. User identifier such as HCN
     b. User first and last name
     c. User DOB
     d. User Gender
     e. User address [optional]
     f. User type=Shared Access User

Note: In this variation of the use case, the Person is not the same as the patient, but rather the Person is the Shared Access User for the patient.
1.2A As a Person, working in the consumer app, I close the current patient record. 1. Patient record closed.
2. Current patient context is closed.

Note: In this variation of the use case, the Person is the same as the patient.
1.2B As a Person, working in consumer app, I close the current patient record for whom I have been granted proxy access to. This results in closing that patient’s record. 1. Patient record closed.
2. Current patient context is closed.

Note: In this variation of the use case, the Person is not the same as the patient, but rather the person is the proxy for the patient.
1.2C As a Person, working in consumer app, I close the current patient record for whom I have been granted Shared Access User’s access to. This results in closing that patient’s record. 1. Patient record closed.
2. Current patient context is closed.

Note: In this variation of the use case, the Person is not the same as the patient, but rather the person is the Shared Access User for the patient.
1.3 As a Person (Patient, Proxy or Shared Access user), I logout of consumer app. Close event should be executed if it has not already been in 1.2 (A,B,C) UserLogout
1.4 As a Person, I to change the language in consumer app. 1. Person (Patient, Proxy or Shared Access User) is active in their app
2. Person makes a change to their language settings in app
3. Language setting context a. Is updated to reflect the new selection

The following diagram illustrates the interactions between various system components involving the use of context management service in the end-to-end flow of EMR integration with provincial consent override single page application.
