Business Context > Business Model
Business Model
This implementation guide is to support acCDR as part of an undertaking of CDF (Clinical Data Foundation). CDF aims to serve these purposes:
- FHIR based platform (R4 and higher)
- Exposes a patient’s longitudinal record though a set of FHIR APIs (both provider and patient access)
- Abstracts the underlying clinical repositories
- Uses a hybrid model of local and distributed clinical repositories
- Long term goal is to collect once, reuse many times
This diagram shows the data flow between entities in CDR. Note that the first release of this IG only supports data retrieval from CDR Repository to the viewer and other PoS systems
Point of Service (PoS) Systems are software applications used by healthcare practitioners or service providers for viewing or managing personal health information (PHI). Common PoS systems include, but are not limited to, HIS and primary care EMRs. Where integration with other systems exist, a PoS system is potentially a gateway to third-party-managed health records for the same patient.
The CDR Repository is a conceptual Ontario Health digital health asset that supports sharing of patient data among health care providers. The repository provides APIs to be used by authorized systems to submit, retrieve, and display CDR data to/from the repository.
The viewer provides users access to CDR data through CDR FHIR interface.