Change Log

This provides a list of changes to the CA:FeX implementation guide specification since its last release.

CA:FeX 2.1.0-DFT-Ballot

  • Document Exchange: Updated Notes section to contain content better placed here for context
  • Document Exchange: added line at beginning of page to indicate awareness of Data Exchange page
  • Data Exchange: added line at beginning of page to indicate awareness of Data Exchange page
  • Security: UDAP/OAuth clarification, included IUA as potential grouping
  • Response Handling: trimmed down details to encourage visiting FHIR R4 page for details

CA:FeX 2.1.0-DFT-preBallot

  • Updated Project Background with additional context
  • Added more links to relevant FHIR specifications on FHIR Exchange Paradigm page
  • Removed FHIR descriptions to emphasize reference to FHIR specification pages and removed interactions not the focus of CA:FeX
  • Revised Document Exchange page by adding Actors, Transactions and Actor Options to help reflect expectations for implementers
  • Revised Data Exchange page by adding Actors and Transactions to help reflect expectations for implementers
  • Removed $document from Operations page as it is not referenced by CA:FeX transactions (may be considered for the future)

CA:FeX 2.0.0 DFT - Ballot Reconciliation

  • Added $generate-metadata as an optional operation while keeping Bundle as mandatory. Servers SHOULD create a DocumentReference when a Bundle is created.
  • Emphasized that $summary is the preferred mechanism for creating patient summaries due to its efficiency, while $docref is more generic and $document is more specialized and less commonly used. Systems SHOULD support $summary and MAY support $docref.
  • Removed language indicating _include could be used with $docRef to return referenced documents in the response (_include can only be applied on operations with type _query).
  • Provided best practice guidance for DocumentReference to store 'data' as a separate resource instance (e.g., Binary, Bundle) and link it from the DocumentReference.
  • Added new security sections "Exchange Security" and "CA:FeX Cross Profile Considerations".
  • Changed SHALL conformance expectation to SHOULD for all resources in Capability Statement (CS).
  • Marked content summarizing core specification rules as informative summaries, clarifying that the base specification prevails in case of conflicts.
  • Updated/created chained SearchParameters by adding the 'chain' element and updated their use in CapabilityStatement to reflect type (reference) and chain hierarchy (e.g., cafex-bundle-composition-status added to Bundle, Composition-status added to Composition).
  • Added composition.category as a supported SearchParameter under the Composition (for use in Bundle.Composition chain)
  • Created CA:FeX SearchParameters that extend base definition (and US Core) to add :exact modifier requirement to string parameters (e.g., patient name, name.given, etc.) in alignment with written requirements on Data Exchange page.
  • Updated the narrative on Search Parameters and Capability Statements pages to reflect technical corrections applied against SearchParameters & Server CapabilityStatement (e.g., reflecting Include/revInclude statements).
  • Technical corrections including updating the Server CapabilityStatement to reflect requirements in the narrative on Capability Statements (e.g., inclusion of MedicationStatement interactions)

CA:FeX 2.0.0 DFT-Ballot

  • Ported information from CA:FeX 1.0.0 Trial Implementation into new Simplifier Guide Structure.
  • Defined CA:FeX 2.0.0. DFT Scope and provided clarity on the Relationship to Other Specifications.
  • Provided guidance on FHIR Exchange Paradigms and defined CA:FeX Exchange Patterns, for example - single/multiple resource(s) exchange framework.
  • In Document Exchange, Added transactions CA:FeX 2B and CA:FeX 3B to define interactions with Hybrid Repositories (e.g., repositories that support both native FHIR Documents and legacy Binary documents).
  • Added Data Exchange page to cover guidance on how CA:FeX Transactions requirements for exchanging individual resources are enforced through the CA:FeX CapabilityStatement.
  • Highlighted best practices in privacy, security, and authentication on the Security.
  • Added Declaring Conformance pages to provide and guidance on how implementers can demonstrate and declare conformance.
  • Defined CA:FeX Server CapabilityStatement and Search Parameters.
  • Identified key functional Operations.
  • Developed supportive human readable descriptions of server requirements on the Capability Statements page.
  • Separated Response Handling information from RESTful API Interactions to form a new Response Handling page.
  • Updated Profiles and Extensions page to include pointers to CA Core project.
  • Updated Search Parameters page to include new custom search parameters to support retrieval of documents using chaining on Bundle