Project Background

This implementation guide is based on the early content development of the pan-Canadian Health Data Content Framework (pCHDCF). Profiles under the CA Core+ Project are direct interpretations of the constraints outlined within the contents of the pCHDCF. A diagram showing the various inputs that shape the pCHDCF (and the profiles under CA Core+) is shared below.


Engagement Approach

While there are efficiencies gained by waiting to develop FHIR profiles after a national information model is stabilized, consultations with the Canadian Implementation community revealed a need for a more iterative approach that would provide opportunities for earlier engagement and harmonization (given that many FHIR implementations are already underway in Canada).

Because the pCHDCF is still undergoing collaborative development and is shaped by the inputs from various Canadian Communities, reviewers should anticipate that the content in this early draft is expected to evolve.

For this reason, this content is being put forward as 1) an early preview into the proposed approach for interpreting the pCHDCF, 2) an opportunity to provide feedback on the content in FHIR.

Reviewers should also be aware that this early release is also intended to assess the feasibility of a bi-directional synchronization process under which feedback is collected on both the master artefacts (pCHDCF content) and their byproducts (e.g., FHIR profiles).