HTTP verbs supported
Route that fetch requested patient. It returns one entity.
- The logical identifier
of the FHIR patient must be added as a path parameter.
Here are different get examples here
- Responses
- OK (200)
- The patient entity is in the response body.
- BadRequest (400)
- The parameter
is null, empty or consists of white-space characters.
- The parameter
- Forbidden (403)
- Insufficient rights to the ressource.
- NotFound (404)
- The patient wasn't found.
- Gone (410)
- The patient is inactive.
- Unprocessable Entity (422)
- The patient entity does not fit our FHIR business rules.
- InternalServerError (500)
- An unexpected error has occured.
- OK (200)
Route that searches for Patients. It will return a Bundle containing a list of Patient.
- Search any Patient using his business identifier (PCI - Patient Composed Identifier or JHN - Jurisdictional health number).
Here are different search examples here
- Reponses
- OK (200)
- The Bundle is in the response body.
- BadRequest (400)
- There was an error binding the search parameters.
- Forbidden (403)
- Insufficient rights to the ressource.
- InternalServerError (500)
- An unexpected error has occured.
- OK (200)
Route that allows the patient entity to be created.
- The JSON of the FHIR patient must be in the request body.
Here are different post examples here
- Reponses
- Created (201)
- The patient was created and returned as a FHIR patient in the response body with the id assigned and the meta updated.
- The logical identifier from the creation will be situated in the response headers under the location property.
- For example
location: patient/bb1682da-b744-4fa6-b8a5-d00f0eaa88a9
- For example
- BadRequest (400)
- The JSON that was passed in the request body is not FHIR valid, it will return a BadRequest with the operation outcome. See here for operation outcome information.
- JSON format is invalid.
- Forbidden (403)
- Insufficient rights to the ressource.
- Unprocessable Entity (422)
- The FHIR patient entity does not fit our business rules.
- InternalServerError (500)
- An unexpected error has occured.
- Created (201)
Route that allows the patient entity to be update.
- The JSON representing the FHIR Patient must be in the request body.
- The logical identifier
of the FHIR Patient must be added as a path parameter.
Here are different put examples here
- Reponses
- OK (200)
- The patient was updated and returned as a FHIR patient in the response body with the meta updated.
- BadRequest (400)
- The logical identifier
in the query string doesn't match the logical identifier in the JSON located in the request body. - The JSON that was passed in the request body is not FHIR valid, it will return a BadRequest with the operation outcome. See here for operation outcome information.
- The logical identifier
- Forbidden (403)
- Insufficient rights to the ressource.
- MethodNotAllowed (405)
- The FHIR patient entity wasn't found in our database.
- Gone (410)
- The FHIR patient entity is inactive.
- Unprocessable Entity (422)
- The FHIR patient entity does not fit our business rules.
- InternalServerError (500)
- An unexpected error has occured.
- OK (200)
Route that allows the patient entity to be deleted.
- The logical identifier
of the FHIR patient must be added as a path parameter.
Here are different put examples here
- Responses
- NoContent (204)
- The patient entity was deleted.
- The patient wasn't found.
- BadRequest (400)
- The parameter
is null, empty or consists of white-space characters.
- The parameter
- Forbidden (403)
- Insufficient rights to the ressource.
- InternalServerError (500)
- An unexpected error has occured.
- NoContent (204)