Terminology > Terminology Updates

Terminology Updates

[Use the below table to provide with any terminology related updates. The table below (highlighted in yellow) has been left for reference purposes only]

Generic 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Immunization profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canadian Vaccine Catalogue value set.
Tradename 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Immunization profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canadian Vaccine Catalogue value set.
Disease 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Immunization profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canadian Vaccine Catalogue value set.
RouteOfAdmin 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Immunization profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canadian Vaccine Catalogue value set.
AnatomicalSite 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Immunization profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canadian Vaccine Catalogue value set.
HealthcareProviderRoleType 0.9.1 03/03/2022 The PractitionerRole profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set.
AllergyIntoleranceStatusCode 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The AllergyIntolerance profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set
AnatomicalOrAcquiredBodyStructureCode 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Condition and Procedure profiles have been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set
ClinicalFindingCode 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The AllergyIntolerance and Condition profiles have been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set
DrugOrMedicamentSubstanceCode 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Medication profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set
PharmaceuticalDoseForm 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Medication profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set
PrescriptionMedicinalProduct 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Medication and MedicationRequest profiles have been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set
ProcedureCode 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Procedure profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set
SeverityCode 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The Condition profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set
SubstanceAndPharmaceuticalBiologicProductCode 0.0.4 03/03/2022 The AllergyIntolerance profile has been updated to use an informative 'stub' version of this Canada Health Infoway value set