Home > Identifier Policy
Identifier Policy
[Include the identifier policy. Refer the below text in yellow as a SAMPLE ONLY]
The [INSERT ASSET NAME] uses URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) to uniquely define the namespace for identifiers, or to convey canonical identifiers of FHIR artifacts such as value sets, code systems, profiles, etc.
For more information, or to obtain the proper URLs for use in the implementation of this specification, contact Ontario Health at DigitalHealthStandards@OntarioHealth.ca
The base namespace for global identifier such as the system identifier for Ontario Health Card Number will be referred to as "[id-system-global-base]" throughout the specification.
The base namespace for a local identifier such as a Patient Medical Record Number (MRN) Assigning Authority will be referred to as "[id-system-local-base]" throughout the specification.
The base namespace for local code systems will be referred to as "[code-system-local-base]" throughout the specification.
Due to the evolving FHIR standard and its developing framework and governance, implementers should recognize that these identifiers may change if identifier registration becomes governed nationally or internationally. Implementers are recommended to implement URIs using configurable variables.
Table - Identifier Variables
Variable | Description | Value |
[base] | Used to represent the endpoint of FHIR APIs. Actual endpoint will be provided through engagement with Ontario Health at time of implementation. | https://sample-ontariohealth-endpoint/api/fhir/ |
[base-structure] | The base namespace for Profiles/StructureDefinitions. | http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition |
[id-system-global-base] | The base namespace for global identifier such as the system identifier for Ontario Health Card Number | https://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/NamingSystem |
[id-system-local-base] | The base namespace for a local identifier such as a Patient Medical Record Number (MRN) Assigning Authority | http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/NamingSystem |
[code-system-local-base] | The base namespace for local code systems | http://ontariohealth.ca/fhir/CodeSystem |