VA PGHD observation sleep profile in xml:
<StructureDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> <id value="va-pghd-observation-sleep-v1.0" /> <url value="https://veteran.apps.va.gov/smart-pgd-fhir/v2/StructureDefinition/va-pghd-observation-sleep-v1.0" /> <version value="1.0" /> <name value="VAPghdObservationProfileSleep" /> <title value="VA PGHD Observation Profile for Patient Sleep Data" /> <status value="active" /> <date value="2022-08-01" /> <description value="VA PGHD Observation profile for multiple data during sleep. It binds to the sleep-code and mobile-observation-category valuesets. The category is fixed as sleep. The code is fixed as sleep-summary-code. The component.code can be slected from the sleep-code valueset." /> <purpose value="This profile is required by SMHD app to validate the use of the recommended valuesets in creating sleep observation resource." /> <fhirVersion value="4.0.1" /> <kind value="resource" /> <abstract value="false" /> <type value="Observation" /> <baseDefinition value="https://veteran.apps.va.gov/smart-pgd-fhir/v2/StructureDefinition/va-pghd-observation-base-v1.0" /> <derivation value="constraint" /> <differential> <element id="Observation"> <path value="Observation" /> <short value="PGHD Governance Rules for Sleep Summary Observations" /> <constraint> <key value="pghd-observation-category-1" /> <severity value="warning" /> <human value="A sleep summary observation must have category sleep" /> <expression value="code.coding.exists(system = 'https://connectedcare.va.gov/pghd/code-system-v1.1' and code = 'sleep-summary-code') implies category.coding.exists(system = 'https://connectedcare.va.gov/pghd/code-system-v1.1' and code = 'sleep')" /> </constraint> </element> <element id="Observation.component.code.coding"> <path value="Observation.component.code.coding" /> <binding> <strength value="required" /> <description value="daily activity codes." /> <valueSet value="https://veteran.apps.va.gov/smart-pgd-fhir/v2/ValueSet/sleep-code-v1.3" /> </binding> </element> </differential> </StructureDefinition>
VA PGHD observation sleep profile in json:
{ "resourceType": "StructureDefinition", "id": "va-pghd-observation-sleep-v1.0", "url": "https://veteran.apps.va.gov/smart-pgd-fhir/v2/StructureDefinition/va-pghd-observation-sleep-v1.0", "version": "1.0", "name": "VAPghdObservationProfileSleep", "title": "VA PGHD Observation Profile for Patient Sleep Data", "status": "active", "date": "2022-08-01", "description": "VA PGHD Observation profile for multiple data during sleep. It binds to the sleep-code and mobile-observation-category valuesets. The category is fixed as sleep. The code is fixed as sleep-summary-code. The component.code can be slected from the sleep-code valueset.", "purpose": "This profile is required by SMHD app to validate the use of the recommended valuesets in creating sleep observation resource.", "fhirVersion": "4.0.1", "kind": "resource", "abstract": false, "type": "Observation", "baseDefinition": "https://veteran.apps.va.gov/smart-pgd-fhir/v2/StructureDefinition/va-pghd-observation-base-v1.0", "derivation": "constraint", "differential": { "element": [ { "id": "Observation", "path": "Observation", "short": "PGHD Governance Rules for Sleep Summary Observations", "constraint": [ { "key": "pghd-observation-category-1", "severity": "warning", "human": "A sleep summary observation must have category sleep", "expression": "code.coding.exists(system = 'https://connectedcare.va.gov/pghd/code-system-v1.1' and code = 'sleep-summary-code') implies category.coding.exists(system = 'https://connectedcare.va.gov/pghd/code-system-v1.1' and code = 'sleep')" } ] }, { "id": "Observation.component.code.coding", "path": "Observation.component.code.coding", "binding": { "strength": "required", "description": "daily activity codes.", "valueSet": "https://veteran.apps.va.gov/smart-pgd-fhir/v2/ValueSet/sleep-code-v1.3" } } ] } }