
Enable consumers to track their health by facilitating the self-service entry and retrieval of health observation data.

Get Careplan

This flow finds a patient by reference ID and uses the patient's reference ID to get the flowsheet details of the patient.

Sample Flow



The API(s) used in this use case are as follows:

1. /Patient/$find

POST [baseURL]/Patient/$find Try API

2. /CarePlan/$flowsheet-get-all

POST [baseURL]/CarePlan/$flowsheet-get-all Try API

Add an observation

This flow finds a patient by reference ID and creates a new Observation for the patient.

Sample Flow



The API(s) used in this use case are as follows:

1. /Patient/$find

POST [baseURL]/Patient/$find Try API

2. /Observation

POST [baseURL]/Observation Try API

Search for observations

This flow finds a patient by reference ID and uses the patient's reference ID to search for all of his/her observation data.

Sample Flow



The API(s) used in this use case are as follows:

1. /Patient/$find

POST [baseURL]/Patient/$find Try API

2. /Observation

POST [baseURL]/Observation/_search Try API