Page Status: updated 2023-11-22

NLLMedicationListInfo (Basic)

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The profile NLLMedicationListInfo is based on the Basic resource. NLLMedicationListInfo provides aggregated information about a patient's medication list e.g. medication list version and a flag telling if a the patient´s medication list contains controlled drugs (sv: särskilda läkemedel).

Regarding information about how the "must support"-property is used in the Swedish National MedicationList, please refer to the page Resources


idS Σ0..1string
lastUpdatedS Σ0..1instant
systemS Σ0..1uri
versionS Σ0..1string
codeS Σ0..1code
implicitRulesΣ ?!0..1uri
nllControlledDrugsS I0..1Extension(boolean)
nllMedicationlistVersionS I0..1Extension(integer)
nllPrivacyLockS I0..1Extension(boolean)
modifierExtension?! I0..*Extension
systemS Σ0..1uriFixed Value
versionS Σ0..1string
codeS Σ1..1codeFixed Value
subjectS Σ I1..1Reference(NLLPatient)
authorΣ I0..1Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Patient | RelatedPerson | Organization)


Description of all elements can be found here, Element descriptions.

Mapping of FHIR element names to the National Medication List names can be found here, Element language mappings.

Element Description
nllControlledDrugs This parameter is set to true if the patient has any medication requests or dispenses for paper prescriptions that contain controlled drugs, which have been prescribed or dispensed within the last 24 months. Note that this information is only available for healthcare personnel authorized to prescribe medicines.
nllPrivacyLock This attribute is set to true if the patient has any MedicationRequests (including all related MedicationDispenses) or dispenses for paper prescriptions that are affected by an NLLDataLock of the type Privacy Lock. This information is only available for healthcare personnel. Note that it doesn't indicate if the locked information is accessible for the user or not, as this depends on the access type used when accessing the patient's medication requests and dispenses. The information provided in the parameter may not be relevant if the selected or presented range of information is not affected by the data lock. The parameter is not available when the access type 'UTAN_KRAV_SAMTYCKE' is used.
nllMedicationlistVersion This attribute provides the version of the patient's medication list. The version is updated when a subset of events (NLLProvenance) affects the patient's medication list. This subset of provenances that impact the list can be found here: Information läkemedelslista – NLLMedicationListInfo.

Supported operations

HTTP methods

Operation Supported Comment
Search (GET, POST) yes See below for supported search options.
Insert (POST) no
Update (PUT) no
Delete (DEL) no
Operation (GET, POST) no

When interacting with this resource a set of HTTP-headers must be included in the request, see HTTP Header and Authorization.

Query operations

Supported Queries

The following query alternatives are available for this resource.

  1. ../Basic/[id]
  2. ../Basic?[parameters]
    Parameter chain:

Compartment searches

Supported searches on a compartment. This kind of search returns a bundle with the related resources.

  1. ../Patient/[id]/MedicationListInfo returns all related MedicationListInfo's for the specified patient (in practice, there should only be one).

Include & reverse includes

Supported usage of include and revinclude. This kind of search returns a bundle of both the base resource and the related resources specified in the parameter.

  1. ../Basic?[parameters]&_revinclude=Provenance:target:Basic returns one or more Basic resources together with their Provenances. The Provenance returned is the one pointing at the returned version of the Basic resource. See above for a list of valid parameters.

Example: ../Basic?patient._id=<uuid>&code=medlistinfo&_revinclude=Provenance:target:Basic returns the patient's medication listo info including one provenance.

For generic information about how to search in FHIR look here.

Search parameters

The table below shows all supported search parameters.

Parameter Description Comment
Basic/[id] A read based on the logical ID (UUID) of a data lock
code Type of resource, mandatory
patient._id Logical id of the patient