Finding Coded Entry

The Finding CMET covers 1240581000000104 | SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) RNA (ribonucleic acid) detection result positive.

The Finding CMET covers Observations for Blood Pressure, Weight, Height, Temerature, FindingOrganizer as well a general Finding class. As the COVID entry will only appear under the general Finding class, its is just this that class that is documented here.

The Finding class has an option to apply a ReferenceValue (a reference range). As the COVID entry is a statement, the reference range is not relevant, so is not documented here.

Finding is mapped to the FHIR Observation resource


Item @classCode
HL7v3 UKCT_MT144043UK02.Finding@classCode
FHIR no mapping
Notes HL7v3: Fixed to "OBS"
FHIR: no mapping
Item @moodCode
HL7v3 UKCT_MT144043UK02.Finding@moodCode
FHIR no mapping
Notes Hl7v3: Fixed to "EVN"
FHIR: no mapping
Item id@root
FHIR Observation\identifier\value@value
Notes HL7v3: a UUID
Item code@code
HL7v3 UKCT_MT144043UK01.Finding\code@code
FHIR Observation\code\coding\code@value
Notes The only use case documented to to carry 1240581000000104 | SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) RNA (ribonucleic acid) detection result positive
Item code@codeSystem
HL7v3 UKCT_MT144043UK02.Finding\code@codeSystem
FHIR Observation\code\coding\system@value
Notes HL7v3: fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."
FHIR: fixed to ""
Item code@displayName
HL7v3 UKCT_MT144043UK02.Finding\code\displayName
FHIR Observation\code\coding\display@value
Notes see item code@code above
Item statusCode.code@value
HL7v3 UKCT_MT144043UK02.Finding.statusCode.code@value
FHIR Observation\status\code@value
Notes FHIR
Note that this cannot be round-tripped & may be clinically unsafe
Item effectiveTime@value
HL7v3 UKCT_MT144043UK02.Finding.effectiveTime@value
FHIR Observation\effective[x] - see Notes
Notes Hl7v3: A date range shall be carried as follows:
If both a start date and an end date are present the Date or Time Interval Complete datatype shall be used:
The low attribute shall contain the start date
The high attribute shall contain the end date.
If only a start date is present the Date or Time Interval After datatype shall be used:
The low attribute shall contain the start date.
If only an end date is present the Date or Time Interval Before datatype shall be used:
The high attribute shall contain the end date.
The center attribute may be used if the exact start / end time is not known
The center attribute shall contain a time stamp.
FHIR:When mapping low or high, use effectivePeriod (low=start; high=end), when mapping centre then map to effectiveDateTime@value
Item value
HL7v3 UKCT_MT144043UK02.Finding.value
FHIR Observation\status\value[x]
Notes FHIR:this is information in support of the coded value, using an appropriate data type from value[x]

HL7v3 example

<UKCT_MT144043UK02.Finding classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
	<id root="0F582D92-8F89-11EA-8B2D-B741F13EFC47"/>
	<code code="1240581000000104" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883." displayName="SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) RNA (ribonucleic acid) detection result positive">
	<statusCode code="completed"/>
		<low value="20200506104819"/>

FHIR example

        <profile value="" />
		<value value="0F582D92-8F89-11EA-8B2D-B741F13EFC47"/>
	<status value="final"/>
			<code value="1240581000000104"/>
			<display value="SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) RNA (ribonucleic acid) detection result positive"/>
			<system value=""/>
		<start value="2020-05-06T10:48:19+00:00"/>

For an <effectiveTime><centre> mapping use Observation.effectiveDateTime

        <profile value="" />
		<value value="0F582D92-8F89-11EA-8B2D-B741F13EFC47"/>
	<status value="final"/>
			<code value="1240581000000104"/>
			<display value="SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) RNA (ribonucleic acid) detection result positive"/>
			<system value=""/>
	<effectiveDateTime value="2020-05-06T10:48:19+00:00"/>

**The relevant paticipants for Finding are author, informant and performer. For details on how to populate participants link classes see the ParticipantCodedEntry page. For the Role details see