Resource Profile: (Profile Name)

Example page header

"Resource Profile: Bundle_SRxDataResponse"

Example Intro Text:

"This profile sets the expections for the Bundle resource. It identifies the mandatory core elements, extensions, vocabularies and value sets which SHALL be present in the Bundle as well as optional elements when using this profile.

A Bundle_SRxDataResponse always includes these components (FHIR resources):

  1. MessageHeader_SRxDataResponse (must be the first entry in the FHIR Bundle)
  2. MedicationRequest_PrescribedMedication (the specialty prescription for which the patient is being enrolled)
  3. Practitioner_Prescriber (the prescriber of the specialty medication)
  4. Patient (the patient for whom the medication is being prescribed)

In addition, if available the SRxDataResponse includes clinical and administrative information contained in these components:

  1. AllergyIntolerance (active patient allergies/intolerances)
  2. Condition (the reason for the specialty prescription, and/or patient problems)
  3. Consent (e.g., consent to send patient data)
  4. Coverage (patient medical insurance and/or pharmacy benefits)
  5. DocumentReference (e.g., a PDF version of an enrollment form, which may include a summary of the clinical/administrative information encapsulated in other resources also included in the message)
  6. MedicationStatement (patient medications)
  7. Observation (patient vital signs, laboratory results, and other observations)
  8. Provenance

Also, certain resources related to the above may also be present in the message. For example (but not limited to):

  1. Medication
  2. Organization (e.g., insurance, pharmacy)
  3. PractitionerRole
  4. RelatedPerson"

Header for link(s) to related message example pages


This is a link to the message example pages

  • [Message Name](Page URL)

This is the header for the profile requirements table section

Formal View of Profile Content

Intro text, we should try and keep this consistent throughout our guides

"This profile builds on Bundle. For additional information on the table definitions shown below, see the Logical Table section on the Resource Formats page."

The notes below explain the different profile views. This should be common content in our simplifier guides. Notes: Click the tabs below to see the different views for the profile:

  • The Full View shows all the base resource element information for the profile plus the Surescripts requirements.
  • The Hybrid View shows all the element information, but the unchanged information from the base resource is greyed out.
  • The Differential View only shows the changes made to the base resource (i.e., the Surescripts requirements).

The div below contains the code for the tab names and styling for the different profile views. this should also be considered common content for our simplifier guides. Full View should also be listed first with the button class set to "active".

The code below also pulls in the different profiles created for the product. You must use the cannonical link for these profiles, see examples below. You can copy the cannonical links from the profile page in the simplifier project. See examples below. Using the cannonical URLS ensures that when you update the scope for the guides that the links will not break as the profiles are updated in future releases.

Full View

Command 'tree' could not render: File was not found for ''

Hybrid View

Command 'tree' could not render: File was not found for ''

Differential View

Command 'tree' could not render: File was not found for ''

The Note below should be common content.

Note: Description of Profiles, Differentials, and Snapshots