
If you only have one full message example that includes profiles, you could include a table on this page with descriptions of each message examples and links to those sub pages.

"Example Table:


This page holds links to message examples for the SRxDataResponse profiles.

Message Examples

Example Name Description
[Bundle_SRxDataResponse](URL link) An example of Bundle used in an SRxDataResponse.
[MessageHeader_SRxDataResponse](URL link) An example of a MessageHeader used in an SRxDataResponse sent in the provider-initiated workflow.
[MedicationRequest_MedicationPrescribed](URL link) An example of a MedicationRequest used in an SRxDataResponse.
[Patient](URL link) An example of a Patient used in an SRxDataResponse.
[Practitioner_Prescriber](URL link) An example of a Practitioner used in an SRxDataResponse. "

If there is more than one message example then the table above would go on the message example's main page and from this main page you would just include links to those child pages.


This page contains links to examples for the following messages: