
GET patient summary

Requesting a patient summary

Note: For this example, it is implied that the patient summary conforms to the HL7 IPS specification where the summary is defined in a Composition resource. The type element of the Composition resource has been set to a loinc code of 60591-5.

Endpoint URL: GET 'https://api.service.nhs.uk/summary/FHIR/R4/Composition?type=60591-5'



HTTP Status Code: 200 OK


GET Medicines

Request a list of the patients active medication

Endpoint URL GET 'https://api.service.nhs.uk/medications/FHIR/R4/MedicationStatement?patient=Patient/[Patient ID]'



HTTP Status Code: 200 OK


GET Allergies

Request a list of patients current allergies

Endpoint URL GET 'https://api.service.nhs.uk/strategicapi/allergies/FHIR/R4/AllergyIntolerance?patient=Patient/[NHS Number]'

Response Success

HTTP Status Code: 200 OK


POST endpoint (Create data on a receiving system)

This endpoint is for the purpose of sending post-event data to a healthcare professional that has implemented the API.

Examples of when it would be used are as follows:

  • Notification of a consultation with a General Practitioner outside of a patient's regular practice
  • Notification of a consultation with a Community Pharmacist
  • Emergency supply of medicines services
  • Oral contraception service

FHIR profile

The preferred FHIR resource to be used is the UK Core Bundle profile.

Endpoint URL_ POST 'https://api.service.nhs.uk/strategicapi/discharge/FHIR/R4/Bundle'

Response Success

HTTP Status Code: 201 Created