Releases of the PS-CA Implementation Guide may be found on a table on the Home Page of this Project.


The profiles in this specification make use of the extensions that are maintained by external specifications, notably extensions published by IPS-UV, HL7, and the CA Baseline.

These extensions are socialized to ensure that, if the data is available (and appropriate) to include in a patient summary, modeling of that data will be consistent.

Data Absent Reason

This extension is published by HL7 and is used by the following elements in PS-CA:

See Why value is missing (data absent reason extension).

Identifier Version

This extension is published by the CA Baseline and is used by the following elements in PS-CA:

  • Patient.identifier

See package/structuredefinition-ext-identifierversion.json.

Recorded Sex or Gender

This extension is published by HL7 and is used by the following elements in PS-CA

  • Patient

See Person Recorded Sex Or Gender extension.


This extension is published by HL7 and is used by the following elements in PS-CA:

  • Coding.display

See Translation extension.

Medication Strength Description

This extension is published by PrescribeIT but may not be fully resolvable until an R4 package is made available. It is socialized on the following resources in PS-CA but may not be present in R4 instances (see note below):

  • Medication

Note: The extension is published by the Prescribe IT specification. Implementers should note that at the time of this release, the PrescribeIT extensions are published in an earlier version of FHIR and may not be present in R4 instances used to populate the patient summary. Socialization of these extensions will continue to undergo evaluation in future releases.

Rendered Dosage Instruction

This extension is published by PrescribeIT but may not be fully resolvable until an R4 package is made available. It is socialized on the following resources in PS-CA but may not be present in R4 instances (see note below):

  • MedicationRequest
  • MedicationStatement

Note: The extension is published by the Prescribe IT specification. Implementers should note that at the time of this release, the PrescribeIT extensions are published in an earlier version of FHIR and may not be present in R4 instances used to populate the patient summary. Socialization of these extensions will continue to undergo evaluation in future releases.