
Orthelligent Knee is a Digital Health App using a custom motion sensor to digitally monitor and measure test procedures concerning capabilities regarding rang of motion, co-ordination, and strength and speed. The app is designed for patients having suffered from a knee injury, with the intent to support the patient invidually in their rehabilitation process.

The data model and data export format described here is to justify the requirements for data interoperability for digital health applications, in accordance with the requirements of the German Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM).

The data model description is targeted for suppliers, manufacturers, or developers of digital health systems in related areas, for importing measurement data from Orthelligent Knee as well as aggregated data on this basis, first and foremost the specific Orthelligent Fit Index, which allows an induitively understandable interpretation of the rehabilitation progress.
